Dear Younger Self,
I'm not sure how I've arrived here - it's 2019 and after the bus comes next Tuesday, there will be only ONE baby at home. There are ZERO babies in diapers. Yes, you heard that correctly - no diapers to change (or wash) and most days there's only ONE baby in my arms. You're in the thick of motherhood if this letter reached you as planned. I remember those days fondly, but I know your arms are tired from carrying 2 (and sometimes 3) babies at once. You are sleep deprived and touched-out most days and yet you're painting on a smile and being graceful and wonderful. You are juggling being a wife, daughter, and mommy while working, volunteering, and making sure everyone is cared for and loved. I have a few things to tell you from "the other side" of the fence:
You are (and always have been) Enough!
You didn't become a mother of 6 to be broken. This opportunity isn't meant to break you - it's an honor bestowed on you because you are strong enough to raise your tribe with grace. There are days you'll cry in the shower and think you've failed - it's okay to be sad, just don't live in that sorrow. Put your big girl panties on and forge on - you are MORE than enough for this journey!
You NEED to Rest!
Throw away all the lists. No one actually cares if there is dog hair on the rug or on someone's pants. I'll say it again - no one actually cares! Put your feet up and enjoy a cup of tea every now and again. The voice in your head telling you that you need a clean house, perfect hair, and a washed vehicle needs to be told off every once in awhile. None of those things matter in the end.
Saying NO doesn't make you weak!
If it doesn't bring you joy, don't do it. Life is too short for weak coffee and joyless "stuff" that only serves to pull you away from friends and family.
Ask for HELP and accept it!
Stop trying to be everything to everyone. If you ask for help, you'll be giving joy to your helpers while lessening your own workload. If someone doesn't want to help you, they'll say no. When someone offers to help, just say thank you instead of overthinking it. You aren't superwoman and there's no way you can volunteer at school while working and delivering meals to shut-ins....pick the one you want to do and let someone else enjoy the joy of the other tasks!
Your Body is Gorgeous...PERIOD!
Stop worrying about looking 20-something. Embrace the changes that come with age and being a mother. There is no award for fitting into your college jeans, so stop trying. You are absolutely perfect just as you are and even cover models are airbrushed!
I love you. Your kids love you (even when they say otherwise or act like they don't)! You've totally got this girl - not only that, you are rocking it!
Love Always,
The older you who will be a blubbering mess when that school bus comes next week....I'm hoping for a letter from an even older "US" to give me some guidance and love!

You can find Crystal riding unicorns, taking the ordinary and giving it a little extra (making it extraordinary), blogging and reviewing books here, and at her personal blog - Crystal is dedicated to turning life's lemons into lemonade!
This is so touching and I think we need to send these letters to ourselves often. :)
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