I Am A Writer...Hear
Me Roar!
by Robyn Corum
by Robyn Corum
Writing is a difficult journey. Choosing to be a writer means making the decision to walk a very rocky path. (Though sometimes, it's true, you don't actually make the decision--it kind of makes you.) Writing means lots of lonely days and sleepless nights. It means spending hours upon hours searching on-line for publishers and magazines and e-zines that might want your work. It means mounds of rejection letters for each glistening note of acceptance. It means friends who give you awkward smiles and timid nods when you attempt to explain what you experience. It means a life of constant self-doubt and recrimination and editing.
There is a saying that gardeners believe in tomorrow, but I think writers have to be some of the most hopeful, optimistic people I know. They are willing, regularly, to put the deepest thoughts of their hearts into black and white for the public to read. It takes courage to do that day in and day out.
It takes courage to tear out your soul and paste it on a blog for millions--or Aunt Ethel--to read. There are easier ways to make a living. Or actually, to go into debt.
Writers buy books by other writers on writing better. They take classes. They attend conferences. They listen to webinars. They join writing groups. Whatever it takes to hone and improve their craft--count them in. Each day is about making progress. There is an ideal and that's what they strive for.
Almost all writers can picture their name in a byline...and it looks good! Almost as good as it looks on the cover of a book jacket. The one with their photo on the back. (The good photo, the one where they've lost that irritating 30 pounds and have the $100 haircut.) They can picture themselves at a book signing, and on Oprah. "Don't worry, audience--we have one of these awesome books for each of you under your seats!"
Yes, it's true that most writers are limited to moderate fame, if any, during their lifetime. Perhaps a few people in their hometown will know that they 'piddle around' with writing. Or perhaps they'll have a few pieces published, which is a grand sort of success. Or at the very least, perhaps their own family will honor them, which is rare indeed.
But most of us write for ourselves. And that's okay. We have to let the demons loose. Anything else is icing. And, we all know...too much icing is bad for you...right?

Robyn Corum is a rather nice person. She lives in a small town in North Alabama and thinks big thoughts. They scream at her until she writes them down. Robyn has three children, one son-in-law and a perfect husband. Look for her book, Pieces of Her Mind, coming out in October, 2012, with other authors. In the meantime, you can visit her at: robynsrules.blogspot.com
Would you like to participate in Friday "Speak Out!"? Email your short posts (under 500 words) about women and writing to: marcia[at]wow-womenonwriting[dot]com for consideration. We look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you, Robyn. Recently I've heard a couple remarks about blog writing not being "real" writing. I find this offensive. It is difficult enough to put myself out there without hearing such remarks. Thank you for the validation that it is courageous to write blogs and that even if people don't understand writers, we will keep moving forward.
Great post, Robyn! Thank you for reminding us that it's okay to just write for ourselves. Icing is sweet, but feeling good about yourself is sweeter. :)
I think some of the non-writers in our lives need to read this post and see why we are the way we are. . . :) Good description, Robyn, of what writers go through!
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