Creative Writing: Essential Guide - Review and Giveaway

Saturday, April 21, 2012
If 90 percent of writers earn just 10 percent of the income generated by all writing, and breaking into that top 10 percent who earn the majority of royalties and fees isn't easy work, why bother putting pen to paper?

Why not?

Because for many of us, seeing our work published - whether it's poetry, creative non-fiction, plays, or fiction - is a life-long goal.

The problem? Getting our work published.

As a creative writing and English instructor, I've utilized ideas from multiple writing sources for years because I've never found a textbook that met the needs of my students.

Until now.

Tim Atkinson generates encouragement and writing prompts, offering tips on the path to publication in Creative Writing: The Essential Guide, which was released by Need2Know Books in March 2012. Need2Know is giving away a copy of Creative Writing: The Essential Guide. If you're interested in winning the book, in either print or digital form, then leave a comment on this post by Friday, April 27.

Granted, I was skeptical at first glance. The book weighs in with 110 pages, including help pages and bibliography. But once I began reading, I realized I found a goldmine of writing prompts and ideas that will guide writers through the beginning stages of the writing process and lead to the possibility of publication.

In the initial three chapters, Atkinson kick-starts the writing habit by making it just that, a habit. He suggests making lists, doodling, and brainstorming as the starting point. He discusses the connection between reading and writing and shows readers how to analyze the meat of the sandwich; the story, setting, characterization, and dialogue.

Atkinson divides the remainder of the book into sections, such as poetry, novels, short story, play, genre fiction, and non-fiction. Within each chapter, he breaks down the subject matter and presents helpful, thought-provoking prompts.

Finally, Atkinson shares publication options and promotional techniques.

While veteran writers may not glean new ideas, novice novelists and primary poets will find adequate information that should transfer ideas from brain to pen onto paper. A useful list of writing websites and organizations is included in the book.

Are you ready to break into the top 10 percent of creative writers? Then give Creative Writing: The Essential Guide a chance.

Need2Know is giving away a copy of Creative Writing: The Essential Guide. If you're interested in winning the book, in either print or digital form, then leave a comment on this post by Friday, April 27.

Review by LuAnn Schindler. Read more of her work at her website.


D Goska said...

I'm a sometime writing teacher and I'd love to enter the contest to win a copy of the book that generated the very positive review, above!

jennydecki said...

Oh my gosh! I would LOVE to win this! I hope excessive use of exclamation points doesn't disqualify my entry. I'm always nervous about commenting on writing blogs because my grammar is solid but I'm never sure if it's 100% solid. LOL

Mavicity said...

Hello! I'm writing my creative writing thesis now and this book would really be of help.


Susan Stopinski said...

I am a collage artist/writer. In other words, I write "Art Stories for Women" In the process of writing my own art book and would LOVE a copy of the book! Yeah!!! :)

Helen H. David said...

I would love a copy of the book!

Trish said...

I definitely could use this book, as I am in some serious need of being fired up. I write intermittently, and I want to create the habit of writing every day. I want to be a writer who writes! Thanks for the opportunity!

Tiffany said...

Working on my first poetry collection and would clutch this book to my heart with super glue.

Betsy said...

Hi, I'm a terrible writer with huge motivational issues. But for some reason, I really love writing. I suppose I need help to get over my own mental hurdles and start doing what I love. Maybe this book can get the cogs turning...

Virginia said...

I have so many books on creative writing. It's nice to read different ideas and perspectives on the subject.

Yahaira C. said...

To me, one of the most vital ways to gain strength as a writer is to research using the tools of the trade. Besides being signed up with very helpful writer's forums, I am slowly amassing a small but concise reference library. This book would be a great addition and an invaluable resource for my freelance writing business.

April said...

Sounds like a great resource for writers. Count me in, I'd love to win a copy!

Amy Mullis said...

Sounds like someone has finally come up with the book that can serve as the basic "go-to" handbook for creative writing. Count me in!

Kirstie said...

With such a positive review, how can an aspiring author resist entering in a chance to win this book. Fingers crossed!

dollsstory said...

I've been twice lucky after commenting on book blogs. This one would definitely be a useful addition to my writing library. Maybe I'll be three times lucky, I'd be happy!

Jarlie said...

So many writing books, so little time. What makes it worse, it is so hard to know which one to choose out of the bunch, but with a review like that, I'll comment for the chance to give this book a try. I'd love to be in that top ten percent.

MaDonna Maurer said...

Please enter me in this contest. The review convinced me to enter. Thanks!

Patricia Wojnar Crowley said...

I would LOVE to win! Thanks so much for the chance!

Joy Keeney said...

This would be a great read and I need all the help I can get at

Holly said...

This sounds like a terrific book that I would love to have. Thanks for the review.

Buta said...

Sounds like a great book to add to my writing collective... especially now I'm trying to get back into writing!

Thank you for this opportunity. :) Great article!

Unknown said...

A book I need and digital is the way I'd go. Thanks!

ethomas said...

This sounds like a book that any writer could use, but especially someone like me, who is just starting out.

Anonymous said...

I'm way overdue for a good creative writing book. Time for a creative kick in the pants (if I win, that is!).

Margay Leah Justice said...

I'm always intrested in learning new techniques, whether writing itself or promotional, etc. I'd love to win a copy of this book.

Muddy said...

I would love a copy of the book. It sounds great!

Kathryn said...

I went to Amazon to see about ordering this book and it is out of stock, I'm never lucky at winning things so I thought I would just go ahead a purchase. Since I can't do that I guess I will take a chance and see what happens.

Anonymous said...

Oh me, me ME!!! Please pick me!!

WOW! said...

Kathryn ~ You can purchase it directly from the publisher, Need2Know. They are based in the UK, but I checked and they do have international shipping. They also have a package where you buy the print book and get the e-book for free (and for immediate download) or you can just purchase the e-book by itself for 3.99 pounds, which is roughly $6.43.

Here's the print copy:

And here's the e-book copy for immediate download:

They also have a selection of writing books--everything from Writing for Magazines and Blogging to Creating Fictional Characters:

All their books are how-tos or self-help on various topics. Check the menu on the left-hand side of the page. :)

Unknown said...

I'm working on getting my writing groove back, and I can use all the help I can get. Thanks for the opportunity!

Sarah Ball said...

I have just published my first book. It is more of a memoir about my breast cancer experience. I love writing and have a few ideas for creative writing, but I am unsure how to get the best start. Going back to school to take creative writing is not in the cards for a few more years, I would LOVE to win a copy of this.

slb3334 said...

This looks like a great book.

Shar Denise said...

This book sounds awesome! I hope I win one.

Tamar said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
tamarsweeps at

T.K. Marnell said...

I've been trained in everything under the sun in everything /except/ creative writing, which I hope to do for a living. This book seems interesting.

Anonymous said...


injaynesworld said...

I'd love to win this book.

Anonymous said...

I always get stuck in the middle of my story. Hoping this book will help.

williams_blds at

Anonymous said...

This would be a great source book!

koddabear said...

This sounds like it would be so helpful. I love writing and maybe this would help me to do more.

Unknown said...

I would love to win this book! I have been trying to get a traditional book deal and could use any help I can get!


mverno said...

i would love to read this book i need more help with my creativity.

Karen said...

I would definitely love to win a copy of this book. Thanks for the giveaway.


Karen said...


cman said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Ravyn Jazper-Hawke said...

I would love to win this. I would expand in a very impressive way, but I need to read this book before I am able to do that successfully.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this book. Thanks.

/\Heather/\ said...

Oooo, one of my favorite subjects. Thanks!
heatherpooh (hotmail)

Donna said...

It sounds good. I would like it.

WOW! said...

Happy weekend! Thank you for all your comments! It's great to see all the interest in creative writing.

We held a random drawing via and it picked comment number 8 ~ Betsy! Congratulations, Betsy, you won a copy of Creative Writing: the Essential Guide. I didn't see any info on your profile, so please email us at with your name and mailing address. You mentioned having some mental blocks. Hopefully this book will get those cogs turning!

For everyone else: you can find the book in both print and ebook for at:

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