By Jill EarlIf you’re looking for a way to develop or sharpen your poetry or scriptwriting skills, check out a couple of writing challenges happening in April.

First up is the Poetic Asides PAD (Poem-A-Day) Challenge. Created by Writer’ editor Robert Lee Brewer, the goal is to write a poem each day; using the daily prompt provided by Brewer is optional. The submission deadline is May 5, 2011, and any received after this time will be disqualified. Poems should either be submitted either in the body of the e-mail or as a .txt or .doc file. Out of all the entries, Brewer will choose a ‘Top 50’ of the month. You don’t need to register and participation is free. Full guidelines can be found at the
Poetic Asides blog.

Then there’s Script Frenzy, sister to November’s National Novel Writing Month Challenge. Participants write a script (or multiple scripts) of at least 100 pages total, individually or with a partner. Just about anything can be written: screenplays, stage plays, TV shows, short films, comic book and graphic novel scripts, adaptations of novels. There are lots of resources for Frenzy participants to use, including how-to guides, inspiring interviews, forums and a neat Plot Machine if you need some help coming up with a script idea. You must register, but there’s no fee to participate. Everyone who reaches the 100-page goal receives a Script Frenzy Winner's Certificate and web icon. I’ll be joining the over 10,000 (so far) in this year’s Frenzy myself. Go to the
Script Frenzy site for more details.
Think you’re up for the challenges? Check one or both out, sign up--and get to writing!
I will be participating in a blog challenge - the A to Z Blog Challenge in April. There's more info on my site or if you search the term you'll find it. Good luck with your writing!
Thanks. I should join some of these. Or all of them. They encourage me to write.
Just checked the A to Z Blog Challenge, Sheila. Another good one, thanks for the heads-up!
Cher'ley, you're right about these being great motivations to write. I'm slightly biased, but highly recommend Script Frenzy. Hopefully I'll reach the goal this year.
Thanks for the link to the Poetic Asides PAD Challenge. I've heard of this before but never done it. This is the year!
Cheers, Kirsten
Best of luck with the PAD Challenge, Kirsten.
And Sheila, thank you and good luck with the A to Z Blog Challenge!
April is definitely going to be a hectic month! There is also the Ultimate Blog Challenge happening this month, where you write 30 blog posts in 30 days. Carpul tunnel, anyone? :) Good luck in April, ladies! I'm just going to go with the flow, and hope for the best. It's going to be a lot to keep up with, but I am very excited for the opportunity.
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