Blink and Glow by Raven Howell: Blog Tour & Giveaway

Monday, July 22, 2024
Blink and Glow by Raven Howell

I'm excited to announce that Raven Howell is returning with another blog tour. This time, it's with her newest book, Blink and Glow. This beautiful picture book is perfect for young readers to appreciate wildlife and our natural environment. Join us as we celebrate the launch of her blog tour! We'll be interviewing Raven as well as giving away a copy of her book.

Before we get to that, here's more about her book:

Lilly and Leo think it's super to catch fireflies and salamanders—and even more exciting, as they plan to bring their glowing nature finds to show-and-tell the next day. They have a change of heart when Grandma's wisdom guides the children to respect the freedom and light of the natural life in all living things.

Publisher: Tielmour Press
ISBN-10: 173821933X
ISBN-13: 978-1738219339
Print Length: 32 pages

You can purchase a copy of Blink and Glow on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Make sure you also add it to your GoodReads reading list.

About the Author, Raven Howell

Raven Howell writes stories and poetry for children. Having published several award-winning picture books, she enjoys sharing her joy of reading and literature by visiting classrooms and libraries. Raven serves as Creative & Publishing Advisor for Red Clover Reader, writes The Book Bug column for Story Monsters Ink magazine, and is a Collaborating Author for Reading is Fundamental and I am a Promise Books.

She writes for children’s magazines including Ladybug, The School Magazine, Highlights for Children, and Humpty Dumpty. She’s a storybook writer for educational publisher, Reading Gate, and aims for every child’s opportunity to blossom.

You can find her online at:

--- Interview by Nicole Pyles

WOW: I'm so excited to have you back with us for another blog tour! I love your newest picture book Blink and GlowWhat inspired this idea?

Raven: Climate change and in general, care for our environment, has been on most everyone’s radar in recent years. It made me wonder if, and how, children are tuned in to nature and its beauty and wonderment these days. BLINK AND GLOW explores the magic of our natural world, and the storyline demonstrates how a child has the power to respect it and treat it with tender loving care. My wish is that kids will see this caretaking of all living things in a kind, considerate and fun way.

WOW: I think that's so awesome you wrote the book with that intention. It's important for our future generations to care about our environment! I love the names of your characters. How did you come up with them?

Raven: I originally named the main characters, Maurice and Mimsy. I wanted names that were a little unique in addition to wanting to play with alliteration. In the book, they’re portrayed as brother and sister. 

Ann Pilicer, the book’s illustrator, and I have worked together for years. We respect each other’s thoughts and opinions. Ann worked with “Maurice and Mimsy” for a while as I recall, but then suggested a rename. It may have been that she knew someone named Maurice and it had less than happy implications in some way. Ha! I don’t recall specifically, but I was flexible in renaming the characters, so subsequently and happily, the names Leo and Lilly were adopted.

WOW: Ha, I imagine that may have been the case! Are your characters based on anyone you know?

Raven: The child characters in BLINK AND GLOW were developed from how I interacted with nature in childhood. Some of the scenes are based on those summer nights, catching fireflies, and searching for salamanders in streams and deep woods. Only in hindsight did I realize that Grandma is based on my own mother. My mother instilled in us love of nature and gentleness with all living things, and I passed that on to my own sons. Now I see my grandnephews and grandniece experiencing that same kindness and respect for nature. It’s such a valuable thing to learn and adhere to. I’m grateful for my mother’s teachings.

WOW: Oh, I love that. I'm so glad your mother passed along the love of all living things, and you are seeing the same in your own grandnewphews and grandnieces. Is there a scene in the book in particular that resonates with you?

Raven: I love the scene where Grandma points out the incredible Luna Moth in the garden to the children. The Luna Moth is a sight to behold with its bold patterns and Ann’s illustrative rendering of it is incredible. It symbolizes spiritual enlightenment and connection to nature. The Luna only lives for one week. It’s fascinating - it never eats. In fact, it has no mouth or digestive system. 

The Luna Moth ends up being the perfect example of beauty, joy, and freedom as the children consider their own decisions on how to handle the firefly and salamander they have jarred for show-and-tell.

WOW: I love it! I don't think I have asked you yet, but who or what ultimately inspired you to become a writer?

Raven: In one sense, I suppose writing may be in my genes. My father was a poet and storyteller. My maternal grandmother, a schoolteacher, also wrote verse, some of which I have tucked away in my memory box. 

As far back as I can remember, I enjoyed words, songs, stories, and composing. My writing career morphed from song writing and music publishing (in my teens and early twenties), to composing greeting card verse, to publishing children’s poems in magazines, to writing picture books. In addition, I work as a freelance children’s writer. I’m a contributing writer for several kids’ magazines, literary organizations, and educational publishers. It’s been an adventurous journey over the past few decades.

I continue to be inspired by the things that captured my heart as a child: nature, kindness, humor, and love are keys to my creativity. I hope I pass on that spark and wellspring to the younger generations through my written word.

WOW: I think you have! What other books have you released lately?

Raven: I’ve had such a blast taking my spring release, KEEP TRUCKING (AMInk Publishing), out to schools to share with students. The picture book is about our truck community – learning about various trucks and how transportation works across the globe. 

Inevitably, in each class, the little truck lovers will somehow gravitate toward me as I’m reading and by the end of the story, they practically have their noses in the book! What I love to see is that boys who are normally bored with “story time”, are wide-eyed and full of comments and questions. After reading, I share a children’s activity using different types of toy truck tire wheels dipped in paint to create interesting patterns on poster board. 

WOW: That must be such an adorable site to see! You have so many publications under your belt, I imagine that you have many experiences. Any you can share? And what is next for you?

Raven: As a freelance children’s writer, I’ve had many wonderful opportunities this past year. I had the pleasure of meeting actor and author Matthew McConaughey to discuss his new picture book. 
Another memorable interview and feature I wrote this year was with the multi-talented Jamie Lee Curtis. Both are passionate about their literary contributions for children.

For me, up next is THE FISHERMAN AND THE FRENCH FLOUNDER, published by Wild Cape Press. It’s an offbeat, humorous tale of a fisherman who has the misfortune of having a greedy wife. The fisherman’s luck turns when he hooks a funny-looking fish with a French accent. I cracked up when one book reviewer said, “This is not a story children will soon forget!” It’s based on Grimm’s "The Fisherman and His Wife." 

I’m looking forward to connecting and meeting with readers in my upcoming book events. My schedule has book stops in various Barnes & Noble stores and I’m participating in several fall children’s book fairs. And my favorite visits are to schools! So, here’s to celebrating books!

WOW: I can't wait to see what you publish next! Thank you so much for your time today. Best of luck on the blog tour! 

Blink and Glow by Raven Howell Blog Tour and Giveaway

--- Blog Tour Calendar

July 22nd @ The Muffin
Our tour begins at the WOW blog, The Muffin. Join us as we celebrate Raven Howell's newest book, Blink and Glow. We'll interview the author and give you a chance to win a copy.

July 23rd @ Pages and Paws
Join Kristine who shares a guest post by Raven Howell about how her tomboy childhood inspires her writing today at 60.

July 24th @ Pages and Paws
Visit Kristine's blog for a review of Blink and Glow.

July 24th @ Lisa Haselton's Book Reviews & Interviews
Join Lisa for an interview with author Raven Howell and her book Blink and Glow.

July 25th @ Words by Webb
Visit Jodi's blog for her review of Blink and Glow.

July 28th @ Boys' Mom Reads!
Visit Karen's blog for her review of Blink and Glow.

July 31st @ Carole Writes
Visit Carole's blog for her review of Blink and Glow as well as an interview with author Raven Howell.

August 1st @ AJ Kormon's blog
Visit AJ's blog for a review of Blink and Glow.

August 2nd @ Little Squirrel's Bookshelf
Visit Veronica's blog for her review of Blink and Glow.

August 3rd @ Boots, Shoes, and Fashion
Join Linda's blog for a special recipe by Raven Howell. You'll learn how to make easy firefly brownie bites and butterfly cupcakes.

August 3rd @ The Faerie Review
Lily will be spotlighting Blink and Glow on her blog.

August 6th @ Musings of a Literary Wanderer
Join Angela's blog for her review of Blink and Glow.

August 7th @ Chapter Break
Visit Julie's blog for a review of Blink and Glow. You can also read a guest post by Raven Howell about whether audiobooks really promote literacy skills.

August 10th@ Michelle Cornish' blog
Stop by Michelle's blog for a guest post about the highest-paid authors and how they make it happen.

August 14th @ BookBunnies
Join Caramel for a review of Blink and Glow.

August 15th @ Choices
Visit Madeline's blog for a guest post by Raven Howell about today's most popular children's book themes.

August 16th @ A Storybook World
Visit Deirdra's blog for a guest post by Raven Howell, who has a chat with her publisher about the impact of books on young minds

August 17th @ A Wonderful World of Books
Visit Joy's blog for a review of Blink and Glow.

August 18th @ What is That Book About?
Join Michelle to read an excerpt of Blink and Glow.

August 20th @ Rosh's Reviews
Visit Rosh's blog for a review of Blink and Glow.

August 22nd @ World of My Imagination
Visit Nicole's blog for her review of Blink and Glow. You can also win a copy of the book!

August 24th @ Wildwood Reads
Visit Megan's blog for her review of Blink and Glow

August 25th @ Jill Sheets' Blog
Visit Jill's blog for her review of Blink and Glow. You'll also have the chance to read an interview with the author herself.
***** BOOK GIVEAWAY *****
Enter to win a print copy of Blink and Glow by Raven Howell! Fill out the Rafflecopter form for a chance to win. The giveaway ends August 4th at 11:59 pm CT. We will randomly draw a winner the next day via Rafflecopter and follow up via email. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Heather Swanson said...

Love to read this adorable story

Anonymous said...

Love the plot of this book - it's so important to teach children about the respect for nature!

kywave said...

Love the art work in this book!

AshleyS said...

This would be a great story for me to read to my niece. She loves when we read together.

Andrea Dorn said...

I absolutely love this topic! We do need to impart this love of nature in its natural setting to our kids. I hope it is read far and wide!

mnleona said...

Great for my great-grandson who likes to read.

Andrea said...

Looks like such a cute story. Love that Grandma gives them wisdom. Cute!

Nancy P said...

Congratulations on your book!

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