How To Spot Bad Advice and What To Do About It

Saturday, August 31, 2019
by Guudmorning on I run the Twitter account for WOW! and my day job, and I'm also on there for my personal account. Some of you may use it to market yourselves or follow your favorite authors or join in on discussions, using hashtags such as #writetip, #writerslife, or #writingcommunity. Twitter can be full of funny tweets, lead you to intersting and informative articles, and allow...
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Technical Difficulties: What to Do When Things Don’t Work Out

Thursday, August 29, 2019
My apologies that this didn’t go live this morning. The problem? I failed to read the date correctly. I thought today was the 28th and not the 29th. The good news? This segues very nicely into my topic. What to do when something doesn’t work out as planned. Recently, Angela, Ann and I attended a webinar. Or we attempted to attend the webinar. We each paid for it and logged in. The lucky...
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Write Your Dreams into Existence

Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Morning time with my journal and my dog. After a rough winter last year and a string of rejections (for both writing contests and to agents) that seemed to be going nowhere, I thought long and hard about the best way to shift my mindset. A few months ago, I heard a podcast episode about how to narrow the focus on your goals in order to best achieve them. I was intrigued. Now, to be perfectly...
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The Power of No

Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Getting a rejection from an agent or a publisher is disheartening, for sure. A writer spends months or years on a project, gives birth to it, submits it... and it's rejected. And rejected. And rejected. Definitely a bummer. However, sometimes "no" is a good thing. A powerful thing... in a good way. Running into a wall might make a writer fall down and give up. But, facing an obstacle might...
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Note to a Younger Me...

Monday, August 26, 2019
8/26/2015 Dear Younger Self, I'm not sure how I've arrived here - it's 2019 and after the bus comes next Tuesday, there will be only ONE baby at home. There are ZERO babies in diapers. Yes, you heard that correctly - no diapers to change (or wash) and most days there's only ONE baby in my arms. You're in the thick of motherhood if this letter reached you as planned. I remember those days fondly,...
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Interview with Ellie Golder, Runner Up in the WOW! Q3 Creative Nonfiction Contest

Sunday, August 25, 2019
Ellie Golder likes to consider herself a philosopher and linguaphile, and works as a Communications Manager and Yoga instructor in Basel, Switzerland, where she moved from her hometown London. Writing has been her reflex for dissecting internal and external worlds since acquiring the skill. Years ago she considered a career as a writer and her work was published online and in print, for example...
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Avoid Clichés Like the Plague

Saturday, August 24, 2019
 By Bobbie Christmas As soon as we take writing seriously, we learn to avoid clichés. In my decades of editing book-length manuscripts for publishers and individuals, though, I see a vast difference. While the manuscripts that traditional publishers have purchased have few clichés, the books that unpublished but hopeful writers send me often are loaded with clichés. Maybe unpublished folks...
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Friday Speak Out!: Integrating Native Americans in Historical Fiction

Friday, August 23, 2019
by Pam Webber Victoria Last Walker Ferguson Stories involving Native Americans are compelling to read. After all, they are the original Americans. The rest of us are simply descendants of diverse settlers. Native American tribes are also diverse. Not only in where they live but how they live and what they believe. Writing about their unique cultures is often dependent on historical interpretations....
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Children's Author Shannon Stocker: A fighter. A survivor. A PUBLISHED Picture Book Author.

Thursday, August 22, 2019
We are so happy to welcome children's author Shannon Stocker to the Muffin today. This is an interview you will not want to miss. Not only did Shannon receive a traditional publishing contract for her picture book, Can U Save the Day?, but she also has secured an agent, survived a life-threatening illness, and is working on a memoir. So, let's just get right to it... WOW: Hi, Shannon,...
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3 Ways to Refresh Your Creativity

Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Break out the pumpkin everything, fall is almost upon us. When September rolls around, I feel like I'm hitting the refresh button and starting new again. In fact, September feels like the start of the year to me (way more than January does). So as we stare down the barrel of a new fall season, it's time to hit refresh. But how can we hit refresh on our creativity? Here's how a few ideas: 1)...
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Interview with Lynn Powers: Winter 2019 Flash Fiction Contest Runner Up

Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Lynn works in New York City as a Location Manager for Film & Television production, most recently on The Good Fight (CBS), The Good Wife (CBS), Paterno (HBO) and Fringe (Fox). She holds a Creative Writing degree from Ohio Wesleyan University, where she wrote for the school newspaper and was a DJ at the radio station. Her first job was as a reporter for the Gaithersburg Gazette. It was there...
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Writing in the Beginning (The First Born Child)

Monday, August 19, 2019
Youngest Junior Hall was hanging about for a few days recently and as is often the case with this third child, I was reminded of how different I was as a mother, between my firstborn and the lastborn. And then my mind wandered to writing—because technically, I was supposed to be working—and bam! I could see obvious parallels between writing and parenting. Writing in the Beginning (The First Born...
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Interview with Jessica Pace: Q3 2019 Creative Nonfiction Third Place Winner

Sunday, August 18, 2019
Jessica’s Bio Although Jessica was born in Japan, she was raised all over the United States. Adopted into a military family, she saw different places and experienced life in California, Texas, Alaska, and Montana. When she was in grade school, Jessica thought she would become a neurologist, because she was fascinated by the human brain. Many years later, she graduated from Western Washington University...
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Three Types of Character Arcs: Positive, Flat and Negative

Saturday, August 17, 2019
“Be sure you have a well-developed character arc.” This is one of those pieces of advice that I’ve heard so often that I no longer really thought about it. Yeah, character arc. Ordinary world, inciting incident, and so forth. But then I saw a post by K.M. Weiland in which she discussed flat and negative arcs. When I saw this, I realized that normally I only think about a positive character...
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Creating Flawed Characters: Learning from Rebecca Roanhorse

Thursday, August 15, 2019
One of the best things about being an author is that I can call reading study. "Honey, can you finish dinner. I’m learning all about creating flawed characters.”  This was definitely the case when I was reading Trail of Lightning and Storm of Locusts by Rebecca Roanhorse. In part, Roanhorse accomplished this by giving some of her characters supernatural abilities, called clan powers, that...
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