Are you an author interested in promoting your book? We offer virtual marketing options for authors, such as blog tours, opportunities for your book to be reviewed, and fun events that step outside of the box. Whether you are a self-published author, indie author, or traditionally published, we’d love to work with you on promoting your book.
Contact us at:
Our most popular services:
WOW! Blog Tour Package
Our most popular blog tour package lasts three to four weeks long. It includes a launch day author interview, giveaway with social media tasks, social media promotion, ten or more blog stops, custom tour banner, and a dedicated email sent to over 50k subscribers:
- 10+ Blog Stops customized to your book's target audience, including book reviews, guest posts, book giveaways, spotlights, and interviews.
- Dedicated Email sent to WOW! Women on Writing's Author Book Marketing, Virtual Book Tours and Giveaways list (subscribe for free here) announcing your blog tour launch (50,000+ subscribers).
- Launch Day Interview on WOW's blog, The Muffin
- 2-week Book Giveaway with Social Media Tasks to help the author garner followers.
- Custom Book Tour Banner promoted to WOW's Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter followers.
- Social Media Promotion on Twitter for each stop of your blog tour.
Cost: $350
WOW! Book Blast
- Includes everything we offer for the WOW! Blog Tour Package (above).
- A Custom Book Banner Ad linking to Amazon or the author's website that will run for one month on the WOW! Women on Writing e-zine website and The Muffin. (Between the two websites, WOW receives roughly 90,000 visitors per month.)
- Banner in our monthly email newsletter (top section) that goes to 50k+ email subscribers.
Cost: $475
Add Premium Services to Your Blog Tour
- You will choose which bloggers you want receiving your guest posts.
- Includes a month-long group giveaway option.
Cost: $125 (Price includes a $25 Gift Card to contribute to group giveaway; however, we encourage authors to provide additional prizes).
Also, we have customization options for our blog tours, and can make tours suitable to whatever you are most comfortable doing, such as review-only tours, and more. Although our blog tours are ideal for authors, we are open to working with companies that offer products they want to promote, or for websites interested in creative promotions.
WOW! Review Event
The purpose of this promotion is to add reviews of the author's book on Amazon, Goodreads, and/or additional sites. The author interview and giveaway on The Muffin blog will drive awareness to the author's book.
- Up to 5 or more reviewers will be leaving reviews of the author's book on Amazon and/or Goodreads. If the reviewer is unable to leave a review on Amazon for any specific reason, the author can request readers leave reviews on other sites where readers can purchase the author's book.
- An incentive prize will be given away to participants of up to $25 value.
- Author will be interviewed on The Muffin blog and a copy of their book (and other prizes, if the author can provide them) will be given away to WOW readers.
- The interview & giveaway will be posted once all 5 or more reviews have been left.
- Readers will have a month to read the book and post their review.
- On the day of the interview/giveaway, an email will be sent to WOW's Book Events subscriber email list (roughly 50k) and posted on WOW's social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).
Price: $275 (to include the $25 gift card) as a standalone. Or $225 ($50 discount) when combined with a WOW! Blog Tour.
Markets Plus Review (or Interview) and Giveaway Package
- Ad at the top of the Markets Newsletter (publishing on the 28th of each month), and sent to 51,000+ subscribers via email.
- Same banner ad posted on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
- Review (or interview, author's choice) and giveaway on The Muffin - Giveaway with social media tasks, lasts two weeks.
- Eblast about the giveaway to WOW's Blog Tour & Giveaways list
- Social media promotion about the giveaway on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Price: $225
WOW! Authors on Air Tour (Radio/Podcast)
- Written pitch highlighting your book with interview topics sent to radio show hosts.
- 4 or 5 podcast/radio spots.
- Promotion of events on WOW's Twitter for each spot.
Price: $275 as an add-on to a blog tour, or $400 as a stand-alone.
WOW! Media Mix Tour
This combines our popular blog tour with our podcast tour.
- 8 Blog Stops customized to your book's target audience, including book reviews, guest posts, book giveaways, spotlights, and interviews.
- 2 radio/podcast appearances.
- Dedicated Email sent to WOW! Women on Writing's Author Book Marketing, Virtual Book Tours and Giveaways list announcing your blog tour launch (50,000+ subscribers).
- Launch Day Interview on WOW's blog, The Muffin
- 2-week Book Giveaway with Social Media Tasks to help the author garner followers.
- Custom Book Tour Banner promoted to WOW's Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter followers.
- Social Media Promotion on Twitter for each stop of your blog tour.
Price: $425
Be a Guest on Podcasts! Premium Podcast Booking Services
Do you want to be a guest on podcasts but don’t know where to begin or don’t have the bandwidth to land these opportunities? WOW team member Nicole Pyles offers premium podcast booking services in wide range of niches.
- 3-5 minimum podcast appearances.
- All shows in the top 10% on ListenNotes
- Carefully matched shows within your expertise.
- Quality-vetted podcasts
- Pitch pre-approval
- Complete pitch tracking
Price: $400-600. Visit Nicole's Podcast Booking Services page and fill out the questionnaire to get started. Mention WOW25 for $25 off!
Artwork for Authors! Graphic Design Services
Do you need graphics to promote your book? WOW team member and graphic designer Angela Mackintosh can help! She'd love to work with you on your visuals, whether it's social media post graphics, advertising banners, merch graphics, website graphics, logos, tour banners, and more. Email Angela with "Graphic Design" in the email subject line and tell her about your project.
Contact: angela[at]wow-womenonwriting[dot]com
Blogger/Reviewer Pitch Package
Try out our services with this low cost pitch package, and learn some tricks to keep pitching your book to bloggers who review books. Turn around time: 1 week.
- Custom pitch for your book to send to book bloggers
- List of 10 book bloggers geared towards your book's genre or niche topic
- Search tips on finding appropriate book blogs and websites open to working with authors
Price: $35
(Pitch Package purchase: We will email you as soon as we see the payment come through and get started on the process.)
Radio/Podcast Pitch Package
Receive a custom pitch you can send to radio hosts/podcasters, and learn some tricks to keep pitching to podcasts. Upon purchase, you will be redirected to a questionnaire to help us craft your pitch (we'll also follow up via email). Turn around time: 1 week.
- Custom pitch based on your book's topics to send to podcasts
- List of 10 podcasters geared towards your book's genre or niche topic
- Search tips and resources for finding podcasters open to working with authors
Price: $125
(Podcast Pitch Package purchase: Upon purchase, you will be redirected to an online form with questions that will help us tailor your pitch. We will also follow up via email.)
And More!
We have several other packages, including a Scavenger Hunt Giveaway, Banner Ad Special, Guest Writer, and custom promotional packages to fit your needs.
Please contact us ( and tell us about your book. With the exception of the Blogger/Reviewer Pitch Package and Radio/Podcast Pitch Package, all books must be approved as a fit for WOW and our partners.
We'd love to work with you!
Contact us at
"I’ve participated in three successful WOW Blog Tours! I know that my hosts will use my books over and over and recruit more Ideal readers to join the Journaling Power Revolution. Thank you WOW!"
~ Mari L. McCarthy, author of Journaling Power, Heal Your Self With Journaling Power, and Mindset Medicine
"The blog tour for my book, from Promising to Published,
was a fantastic experience. Nicole's organization of the tour and
camaraderie during the entire tour were top-notch. To market previous
books, I'd spend countless hours researching blogs and interview
opportunities, most times never hearing back from bloggers, which is
very frustrating. Nicole saved me many hours and ushered me through the
blog tour process in a way that was exciting as it introduced me to
wonderful fellow writers, bloggers, and readers in her network and also
gave me time to focus on sharing about my book, instead of trying to put
together a tour by myself. At every step of the way, Nicole was
friendly and attentive to me and to my book. I would highly recommend a
book-blog tour for authors interested in publicizing their books with a
professional, connected, and kind service. I knew my book tour would be
great, but it's exceeded my expectations. Many thanks!"
~ Melanie Faith, author of From Promising to Published: A Multi-Genre, Insider's Guide to the Publication Process
"I’d never even heard of a book blog tour until my publisher suggested I use one to promote my recently published book. Nicole Pyles patiently answered my many initial questions giving me a good idea of what to expect. During the tour, as other questions arose, she promptly answered my emails so that at every juncture, I always knew how to proceed. When I worried, for example about not receiving a lot of comments, she assuaged my concerns. Throughout the tour, Nicole remained kind and professional, even on one occasion when I snapped at her. In addition to Nicole’s professionalism and constant support, she did a superb job organizing my tour. To launch it, she designed an extremely appealing graphic. She chose a generous group of fourteen talented bloggers many of whom are authors themselves, which certainly showed in their well-crafted reviews and interviews. I received a number of blow-me-out of the water blogs and reviews. Nicole did an excellent job. I highly recommend her."
~ Carolyn Dipasquale, author of Reckless Grace: A Mother’s crash course in Mental Illness
"Taking part in the Women on Writing Blog Tour was a wonderful experience. It introduced me to other writers and their blogs, while also giving me an opportunity to draw the attention of new readers to my books. What I enjoyed most, however, were the interviews and guest blog posts. These made me reflect upon my book and my writing. The WOW blog tour is certainly something I'd like to do again when I release my next book."
~ Helena P. Schrader, author of Moral Fibre
"I wasn't sure which package was best for me. When I asked for help I received it right away. I took the suggestion given and we began. I was first shown the tour before my tour and I was able to see what the tour was like. Nicole kept in touch with me and through her help I was comfortable with the process. Unlike other promotional services, with WOW everything I was promised, I received. I highly recommend and have recommended WOW for blog tours and promotions."
~ Judy Kelly, author of The Attractiveness of Wisdom
"THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR THE WONDERFUL BLOG TOUR! We really appreciate everything you, the bloggers, and your amazing staff did for us. It was so professional and well organized. Thanks again!"
~ M.T. Becker, author of Zinger in the Woods
"I strongly recommend WOW’s blog tours for any woman who wants to promote her book."
~ B. Lynn Goodwin, author of Disrupted
"WOW has got to be the best deal in town for promotion to writers. We are thrilled and plan to pass WOW on as a valued Promotion Resource for our students. Again, we want to express our gratitude for the care and precision you gave to our promotion."
~ Claudine Wolk, author of Get Your Book Seen and Sold