Publicity can announce, entice, bolster and even repair the direction of a product's perception, and never doubt for one moment, you the author, may be selling yourself and your book...but at first all you are selling is the PERCEPTION of you and your book.
Like the positions of the Kama Sutra, you'll need to follow the steps for good publicity to accomplish this goal to your advantage. Trust me, if you don't, someone else will and it won't always be in your favor. For example...
Dateline, January 12, 2011. New York City: Today, first time novelist Mary Smith announced the launch of Calling on an Angel, a psychological thriller published by XYZ publishing. The book can be found on Amazon and in selected bookstores across the country. A launch event is scheduled for Friday evening at the CrossRoads Independent Book Store in New York City at seven PM.
Dateline, January 12, 2011. New York City: Author and psychologist, Dr. Mary Smith, announces the release of her psychological thriller sure to take the bookshelves by storm. Calling on an Angel is a spectacular novel developed around the twisted dreams and actions of twin autistic youths who, while living in a parallel world all of their mutual making, save victims and become heroes. This emotionally charged tale explores the hope and possibilities surrounding the great strides being made to prevent and treat autism by a powerful internationally funded consortium. To attend the book launch event scheduled for Friday, January 16 from 7-9 PM at Manhattan's beautiful CrossRoads Independent Book Store on 54th St. please call for reservations (123) 456-7890.
Which one appealed to you? Publicity is all about the details, the flash, the sizzle. The first press release is as correct as the second. It covers the basics, the who, what, why, where and when of making an announcement but does it tickle your desire to learn more? Too-flowery publicity can be easily discounted as not believable, but bland publicity is more likely discounted as unimportant. Finding the balance is what the true sexy savvy of publicity is all about.
Join me for the Tantric Publicity for Authors workshop, 2/14 - 2/29/11.

That is one provacative librarian you found to go with this post!
LOL. Thanks, Fireblossom! I love your profile pic. :)
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