As I freelance writer, I devour the newspaper when it lands in my mailbox. Yes, I read the entire newspaper, but I pay special attention to the regional and business sections. Why? Because the local stories sometimes make great articles for national - and even international -publications.
What type of story works best? Unfortunately there's not a magic formula. It's a matter of hard work and thinking outside the box. For example, a business page story featured a short piece about a woman who makes fishing lures. I pitched the idea to a fishing magazine. Another regional story highlighted technology use at a local school. I took that idea and expanded it into a feature article. A book by an area author turned into a $400 paycheck from a Canadian publication.
Consider it an additional way to re-slant a story.
When approaching an editor, be sure you've done your homework. Plus, offer to supply photographs, illustrations or infographics, sidebars, and need-to-knows (recommended reading, expert websites, etc.).
Freelance writers need to always be on the lookout for great - and profitable - story ideas. Using regional or local newspapers adds another tool to a freelancer's toolbox.
by LuAnn Schindler. Visit LuAnn's website for more of her articles, columns, and ideas.
As I plan some goals for next year, LuAnn,
this article is a great inspiration to watch for stories everywhere.
Thanks so much!
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