We're excited to announce the blog tour for the Save the Cat Writes the Novel by Jessica Brody and the Save the Cat Structure Software. Follow along the tour to read reviews of the book and the software, guest posts, interviews, and a chance to win a copy of the book and the software.
What is Save the Cat!®?
Save the Cat! provides writers the resources they need to develop their screenplays and novels based on a series of best-selling books, primarily written by Blake Snyder (1957- 2009). Blake’s method is based on 10 distinctive genres and his 15 story beats (the Blake Snyder Beat Sheet). Our books, workshops, story structure software, apps, and story coaching teach you everything you need to unlock the fundamentals and mechanics of plot and character transformation.
Find out more about Save the Cat! by visiting their webpage at www.savethecat.com.
About Save the Cat! Structure Software
Save the Cat! Story Structure Software is adapted from the Save the Cat! methodology to help screenwriters and novelists unlock the fundamentals of plot and character transformation. The Story Structure Software is a virtual writer board with digital index cards to help map out your story against the 15 beats or plot points to your story. The software enables writers to track emotional shifts of characters from scene to scene, develop profiles and edit and version your story with ease.
You can purchase a subscription to the Save the Cat! Structure Software at Save the Cat's website.
About the Book, Save the Cat Writes the Novel
An Amazon #1 best seller with over 500 reviews, it’s the first novel-writing guide from the best-selling Save the Cat! story-structure series, reveals the 15 essential plot points needed to make any novel a success.
In this revolutionary novel-writing guide from the best-selling Save the Cat! series, novelist Jessica Brody demystifies each beat, making it simple to learn the complexities of storytelling. The best-seller also reveals the ten universal story genres to help you drill down into what makes your type of story work. Featuring sample “beat sheets” for hits from the likes of J. K. Rowling, Khaled Hosseini, and Stephen King, this practical guide also includes real-world advice on pitching your novel, plus the quirky, original insights (like the eponymous tip to “Save the Cat”) that make this series unique. By the end of this book, your own imaginative beats will combine to create a story that thrills readers from start to finish.
Print Length: 320 Pages
Genre: Writing References
Publisher: Ten Speed Press/Random House
ISBN-10: 0399579745
Save the Cat! Writes the Novel is available as a print and e-book at Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, and IndieBound.
About the Author, Jessica Brody
Jessica Brody worked for MGM Studios as manager of acquisitions and business development before becoming an internationally best-selling author of more than fifteen novels for adults and teens including The Geography of Lost Things, The Chaos of Standing Still, A Week of Mondays, and Better You Than Me. She travels the country teaching Save the Cat! workshops to novelists.
Book & Software Giveaway
To win a copy of the book Save the Cat! Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody and a year subscription to Save the Cat Structure Software, please enter using Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post. Giveaway ends on May 3rd at 11:59 PM EST. We will announce the winner the next day on the Rafflecopter widget. Good luck!
--- Interview by Nicole Pyles with Jason Kolinsky Save the Cat's Chief Marketing Officer
WOW: First of all, I am so excited to be part of this tour for Save the Cat!. How did you first come to join the company?
Jason: Hi Nicole! It’s great that we are connecting like this – hope you and your team are keeping well and safe!
To be honest, I had no idea that a book about writing stories would change my entire life!
For those who don’t know much about Save the Cat! (and I didn’t when I was first introduced to it), Save the Cat! is the top selling book on screenwriting and novel writing. It’s become the go-to book for writers, writer’s rooms, class rooms and industry execs – when writing, discussing and developing stories – no matter if it’s for the page, stage or screen.
The book has become a language, it’s for writing but also for communicating with other writers and creative professionals – I like to say if English is the international business language then Save the Cat! is the language of storytelling.
My story with STC! is pretty amazing. A friend recommended the book and after a few months (I’m a procrastinator at heart), I finally sat down and opened the book and I haven’t stopped reading and referring to it ever since. It changed the way I looked at stories, how to understand how they are written and told…. storytelling would never be the same for me. I attended a Save the Cat! Weekend Intensive Workshop in New York City, and instead of working on an idea for a screenplay, I’ve started to help write the Save the Cat! brand story.
After the class, I shared with the instructor that I had a background in marketing and asked if they needed any help. I started working on business and marketing plans as a no cost consultant for about 2 years and then I finally earned the opportunity to become part of the STC! family, to lead the marketing with a goal to get the word out about all the great lines of products and services Save the Cat! has in lending a helping hand to writers.
WOW: That is so incredible how you were led to Save the Cat! Which brings me to my next question that I absolutely must ask...why "Save the Cat!"?
Jason: Great question! Save the Cat! has had a huge impact on creative culture, the brand pops up everywhere from the cover of the New Yorker to Netflix shows like “You” to newly published authors – it’s astounding how a book originally for screenwriters and film makers became a methodology and approach embraced by novelists and TV writers as well.
I have to say, I’m so happy to be part of something that helps writers bring their work to life.
WOW: That is so rewarding! What has changed for your writing since you started using the Save the Cat! methodology?
Jason: Well my writing had always focused on business, and I just limited it to facts and figures; however, Save the Cat! made me take a fresh look at what and how I write – it inspired me to deliver the story behind those facts. I now always ask myself how to make my thoughts more compelling and memorable with an eye out for moving the idea forward.
WOW: I think that's incredible! So, for this tour, you will be writing a guest post on how Save the Cat! has impacted creative culture. And it really has! From your observations, how has the writing community changed since Save the Cat! started appealing to both screenwriters and novelists?
Jason: What a time to be a writer! There has never been a better time to write – more stories are developed and released than ever before. The writing community is growing rapidly and what we have seen is that many successful writers are using the same plotting techniques for Novels, Screenplays and TV series. You see this with the adaption from one form to another – we’ve been blessed to help writers make those shifts and remain focused on the key story beats and plot points when developing their work.
WOW: Tell me a little bit about how you and Jessica met and how she came to write Save the Cat! Writes the Novel.

The story of Jessica and STC! is a fun one, that many of your readers can relate to. A struggling novelist (Jessica Brody) has rejection letters piling up - has a lunch with a screenwriter friend to tell her stories of woe, after listening patiently he said, “I think I can help you. There’s this book that I read. It’s a book called Save the Cat! by Blake Snyder. It’s written for screenwriters, but I think the concepts could work just as well for novelists. Because really it’s all about how to structure a good story.”
With some tweaking and adaptation, Jessica took the fifteen key story beats that Blake Snyder developed and laid them out to plot and structure a successful novel.
Jessica then rewrote her manuscript and sold her first novel to a major publisher! She sold 3 more and was so excited that she connected with us to become an instructor. By teaching novelists, she gained such insight into Blake Snyder's principles, that we decided to pitch Save the Cat! Writes a Novel. Five major publishers bid on the book, with Ten Speed, a division of Random House, winning the publication rights. (Now, in 2020, she's had over 20 sales, all to major publishers.)
WOW: What a journey! What type of writer is Save the Cat! for?
Jason: Most books on creative writing or storytelling are grounded in theory and written by academics for students. The Save the Cat! methodology was developed by Blake Snyder, a working screenwriter – he wanted a book written by a screenwriter for screenwriters. I can honestly say the same about Jessica and Save the Cat! Writes a Novel – our books are written by writers for writers.
So, I’d say the type of writer who wants to write a novel or screenplay with the goal of having their story made or published.
WOW: Sounds like a good majority of us! Can you describe a little bit about what Save the Cat! Structure Software is like? For a new user, what can they expect by using this software?
Jason: Of course! The Save the Cat! Story Structure Software is a writer’s virtual board with digital index cards to help you map out and organize your story.
The software guides screenwriters and novelists through the 15 beats of their story, helps direct the writer to choose emotional shifts in each scene and chapter, the software has key prompts to develop characters, relationships and so much more so that the writer’s story is structurally sound!
WOW: I love how much that software helps build the story. What is next for Save the Cat!? What is next for you?
Jason: Although times are a bit uncertain, we have some great projects launching in May:
- Our very first Storytelling Masterclass Webinar with Jessica Brody – 3 LIVE classes over 3 Saturdays starting on Saturday May 2nd.
- The launch of our first online screenwriting course
- A new iOS app for the Save the Cat! Story Structure Software
Thanks so much for this chat – can’t wait to see what’s next for WOW.
WOW: That sounds exciting! If you could give aspiring writers any advice right now, what would you say?
Jason: Yes – It’s a great quote by Blake Snyder, author of Save the Cat!:
“The worst thing that can happen in screenwriting is not to finish. Half-written screenplays never sell.”
This means so much on so many levels – finish what you start, so that you can move forward!
WOW: I completely agree! Thank you so much for joining us today and we look forward to seeing you on the tour!
--- Blog Tour Dates
April 27th @ The Muffin
What goes better in the morning than a muffin? Visit the Muffin today and you can read an interview with the Save the Cat team as well as enter to win a copy of the book Save the Cat! Writes the Novel and a one-year subscription to their software Save the Cat! Structure Software.
April 28th @ Pro Writing Aid
Make sure you visit Michelle's post over at Pro Writing Aid and read her review of the save the Cat Structure Sofware.
April 29th @ Karen Brown Tyson
Make sure you visit Karen Brown Tyson's blog today and read her review of Save the Cat! Writes the Novel.
April 30th @ Karen Brown Tyson
Visit Karen's blog again and you can read a guest post about the impact of Save the Cat! on creative culture.
May 1st @ Sunflowers & Bluebirds
Visit Jess' blog today and you can read her review of Save the Cat! Writes the Novel.
May 2nd @ Jessica Samuel's Blog
Make sure you visit Jessica's blog today and you can read her review of Save the Cat! Writes the Novel and her review of the Save the Cat! Structure Software.
May 3rd @ Help me Naomi
Visit Naomi's blog today and you can read her review of Save the Cat! Structure Software. Just in time for CampNaNoWriMo!
May 4th @ Her First Mile
Visit Alyshia's blog today and make sure you read her review of Save the Cat! Structure Software.
May 5th @ Halfway to It
Visit Jeanna's blog (and Instagram!) today and read her review of Save the Cat! Writes the Novel.
May 6th @ Editor 911
Make sure you visit Margo's blog today and read her review of the Save the Cat! Structure Software.
May 7th @ Brooke's Reviews and Sweeps
Visit Brooke's site today and make sure you read her review of Save the Cat! Writes the Novel.
May 7th @ Sandy Kirby Quandt
Stop by Sandy's blog today and you can read her review of the Save the Cat! Writes the Novel.
May 8th @ Quill and Books
Stop by Katheryn's blog and you can read her review of the Save the Cat! Structure Software.
May 9th @ Choices Blog
Visit Madeline's blog today and you can read a fantastic Save the Cat! guest post about how to choose the best idea to write.
May 10th @ Margay Leah Justice Blog
Visit Margay's blog and you can read her review of the Save the Cat! Structure Software and Save the Cat! Writes the Novel.
May 11th @ Beverley A. Baird's Blog
Make sure you stop by Beverley's blog and you can read her review of the Save the Cat! Structure Software.
May 12th @ Reading Whale
Visit Caitlin's blog and read her review of the Save the Cat! Writes the Novel and of the Save the Cat! Structure Software.
May 13th @ Mint Miller Writes
Visit Mint Miller's blog today and you can read a review of Save the Cat! Writes the Novel.
May 14th @ Author Anthony Avina's Blog
Visit Anthony Avina's blog today and you can read his review of Save the Cat! Writes the Novel.
May 15th @ Chapters Through Life
Visit Danielle's blog today and you can read her review of the Save the Cat Structure Software.
May 16th @ Coffee with Lacey
Grab some coffee and make sure you stop by Lacey's blog today and read her review of Save the Cat! Writes the Novel.
May 17th @ Leslie L. McKee's blog
Visit Leslie's blog today and you can read her review of the Save the Cat! Structure Software and the Save the Cat! Writes the Novel.
May 18th @ World of My Imagination
Visit Nicole's blog today and you can read her review of Save the Cat! Writes the Novel.
May 19th @ Beverley A. Baird's Blog
Visit Beverley's blog again and you can read a guest post about how software can help organize and plot your story.
May 20th @ Author Anthony Avina's Blog
Visit Anthony Avina's blog and you can read his review of the Save the Cat! Structure Software.
May 21st @ L. M. Harley's Blog
Visit Laura's blog today and you can read her review of the Save the Cat! Structure Software.
May 22nd @ Fiona Ingram's Blog
Visit Fiona's blog today and you can read her insights into the Save the Cat! Structure Software.
May 23rd @ Knotty Needle
Visit Judy's blog today and you can read her review of the Save the Cat! Structure Software.
May 24th @ Tyrean Martinson's Blog
Visit Tyrean's blog today and you can read her review of the Save the Cat! Structure Software.
May 25th @ Author Anthony Avina's Blog
Visit Anthony Avina's blog and you can read his interview with the Save the Cat! team.
May 27th @ Amanda Zieba's Blog
Visit Amanda's blog today and you can read her review of the Save the Cat! Structure Software.
May 28th @ It's Alanna Jean
Visit Alanna's blog today and you can read a guest post by the Save the Cat team about writing genres vs. audience genres. Don't miss it!
May 28th @ Shayla Raquel
Make sure you stop by Shayla's blog and read her review of the book Save the Cat! Writes the Novel.
May 29th @ Thoughts in Progress
Visit Mason's blog and read her review of the Save the Cat! Structure Software.
May 30th @ Make Me a Success
Make sure you stop by Kirsten's blog and read her review of the Save the Cat! Structure Software.
To win a copy of the book Save the Cat! Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody and a year subscription to Save the Cat Structure Software ($189 value), please enter using Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post. Giveaway ends on May 3rd at 11:59 PM EST. We will announce the winner the next day on the Rafflecopter widget and follow up via email. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Nicole & Jason--I can attest to the value of Save the Cat! Writes a Novel.
My name is Sioux, and I'm a recovering pantser. It's been more than a year since the last time I wrote by the seat of my pants. Seriously, I am not the type of writer who can outline. For me, it's the antithesis of creativity. However, after reading Brody's book, I discovered there is a way of planning a story that does not hinder creativity.
When I did not understand what a particular theorhetical "beat" was like, all I would have to do is look at the many examples, and it would become clear. There are so many novels from so many genres, that it would be impossible for anyone to say, "Well, I haven't read any of those books, so I can't figure out what they're talking about when it comes to the _____ beat." By looking at how well-known novels are laid out and how they flow, a writer can figure out how THEY can plot out their story.
I have spread the word about Save the Cat--how incredible it is--to teachers and writers I know. It is the #1 book I recommend to a struggling novelist, or to anyone who dreams of writing a novel. Do NOT just begin "at the beginning" and figure you'll find your way and the plot as you forge ahead. I did that, and I ended up with a 25,000-word ramble... that went nowhere. Instead of wasting time and effort and thinking you can write by the seat of your pants, buy a copy of Brody's book... and save your butt AND your novel.
I am mid-first novel (!) and have found this book an invaluable tool. The software sounds amazing!
I read this book and loved it. I'm actually using it to begin outlining a novel I'd like to begin drafting in May :)
Recommending this and the tour to several writing friends.
I'm really hoping to check this out soon!
I've always been "curious" about this book. Now I have to look into it.
This book has been on my to-read list for quite some time. I've struggled with finishing a novel over and over again, and I think this book could give me the boost I need to finish my work in progress.
I am writing a comedy about how people perceive God. Or more accurately, I started two years ago, and lost the plot.
Right now I write song lyrics and poetry .
This book and software sound very useful and interesting. Thanks for sharing!
I would love to start writing. I would like to write a 1940 crime thriller.
I am writing a book of Christian flash fiction, 100 word stories
I am writing a book of Christian flash fiction, 100 word stories
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