Eighteen-year-old Leigh arrives at a Tel Aviv hospital, seeking information about her probable father, Dr. Sloan, who had a cardiac arrest right after they met for the first time. As she stands next to her father's bed and watches him, her past, present and future collide. Despite the advice of those around her, Leigh decides to face the challenges of the legal system in Israel. She obtains a court order for a paternity test and confronts Sloan. During her quest to find the truth about her biological father, Leigh is exposed to violent religious intolerance, faces life in a country where church and state are not separate, and meets the man who may be her first true love. Will she change her view of the world she thought she knew? Will she forgive her mother? Will a gunshot change her attitude towards her probable father? And, what will she say to Steve, the only father she ever really had?
Paperback: 332 pages
Publisher: Mountain Abor Press; 1st edition (April 22, 2019)
ISBN-10: 163183522X
ISBN-13: 978-1631835223
Bloody Coffee by Michelle Dim-St. Pierre is available in print and as an ebook at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Kobo, and the publisher's website.
Book Giveaway!
Scroll to the bottom of this post and enter the Rafflecopter form to be entered in a random drawing. We will choose a winner May 20th!
“Michelle Dim-St.-Pierre is proving to be a major talent in epic romantic drama!”
~Grady Harp, Amazon Top 50 Hall of Fame Reviewer
“A thrilling and emotional psychological mystery-thriller.”
~Detroit Free Press
“This book grabbed me at page one and wouldn’t let me go!”
~Pamela Gossiaux, award-winning author and journalist.
About the Author:

She lived through four wars and served in the Israel Defense Forces for two years. Unlike her first year of service in an armored division in the Golan Heights, she served her second year serving in the medical corps where she interacted directly with the injured soldiers of the Peace of Galilee war and their families. This interaction, along with the exposure to the hospital atmosphere, fascinated Michelle and further touched her heart. She went on to get a BS degree in Nursing in Tel-Aviv, and practiced internationally for 32 years in various positions in the surgical field and quickly advanced into health care administration. During her career she worked in the Operating Room, Recovery Room, and CCU—along with many other duties.
Writing was Michelle’s outlet at first, but it soon became her passion. Now, she is a full-time writer. Her international background, along with her military and nursing experience is always at the tip of her pen. Her first novel, Pinnacle Lust, started the Pinnacle trilogy and won the Beach Book Festival in the Romance category, as well as received several honorable mentions in other book contests. It was published to rave reviews.
Michelle is a world traveler who enjoys cooking epicurean food and creating original recipes. She currently splits her time between Florida and Georgia, where she is at work on her next two books.
Find Michelle Online:
Website: www.MichelleDimStPierre.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MichelleDimStPierre/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pinnaclelust
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/Michelle_DimStPierre
--------- Interview by Crystal Otto
WOW: Thank you so much for choosing WOW to help promote Bloody Coffee. I can honestly say that each interaction has been an absolutely pleasure and I'm happy our paths have crossed. Thank you especially for being here today to share with our readers. Let's get down to business!
You reference writing as your outlet—when did you decide writing would be your outlet and how did that morph into publishing?
Michelle: This is true. For me writing began as an outlet, though that wasn’t a conscious decision. I think it all started when I was a young girl. I buried all my secrets, anger and dreams in a diary—like most girls. However, I never outgrew the habit. I kept writing in my diary. I often wondered, was it that I never grew up or did I simply have more secrets to hide away?
Later, when I became a nurse, and throughout my successful career, my diary served me well. It was a vehicle to unload all of the emotional baggage created from my work. You can imagine the things I saw and heard—many of which were confidential of course. I dealt with sexual abuse victims, child abuse, homicides, affairs, corruption, mistakes, and disagreements. These crimes happened regularly and affected the lives of everyone—ordinary people, politicians, celebrities, officers, rich people, poor people, the educated, the uneducated, and you get the idea. The list is endless.
Then came my colorful life, as a successful, young, single woman. There was always something that I couldn’t and shouldn't talk about, so I wrote about it. I unloaded everything into my diary, and I still do to this day.
WOW: It's great when you put it that way; I guess we can choose to fill our journal pages with stories instead of our friends ears with gossip, right? There's always most definitely a story to tell—and speaking of which, what have you learned during the writing, editing, and publishing process that you'd like to share with other budding authors?
Michelle: You should write for your soul and not for the fame. Write what you love to read. Create characters you want to know, and maybe some you want to hate. Draw from your life but don’t be limited by your experiences.
Spend the time to polish your craft. No one expects someone’s first violin lesson to sound like Johann Strauss. You can’t expect the first thing you write to be Shakespeare. Give yourself time and patience.
On editing side: don’t be your own editor. Hire a reputable editor that suits your writing genre. Remember, a good editor is not someone that teaches English in college. While an editor looks into the grammar, he or she also looks at many other things like: transitions, sequence of events, consistency etc.
Then use a different editor for proofreading. The more eyes that review your work before it gets published the less chances for errors. However, keep in mind that editors are human, and can and will make mistakes or will miss something. With that being said, always be the last person to approve your work. Read your manuscript as many times as you can…it’s never enough.
Last but not least, the publishing process: All I can say is be patient. It’s a long process that involves many steps, and it takes time. Don’t rush it or cut corners for the sake of a deadline. Do it right.
WOW: Your writing is a direct reflection of the great tips you give above. I was impressed with how polished Bloody Coffee was—even the early reader copy I had first!
You are certainly busy and I know there's a work in progress. So, tell us, what's next for you?
Michelle: I am currently working on the last book in the Pinnacle trilogy. This novel will bring the story of my two, leading characters to a close, and will reveal the truth behind Leigh’s mother’s journal. I also hope to get back to my blog and to bring the Pinnacle companion cookbook back to the front burner. I started this project as a collaborative effort with a chef. However, along with his busy schedule, my personal life placed more demands on me and I no longer had the flexibility to work my schedule around someone else. Unfortunately, that pushed the cookbook project to the back burner. However, my inspiration still has a spark for this project. And right now, I’m deciding whether to continue and complete this project solo or to search for a local chef.
WOW: That certainly sounds like something I'd love to get my eyes and taste buds on! How exciting!
On the flip side, I know you've been very successful in all areas of life, but what advice do you give others about dealing with rejection and/or negative reviews—there have likely been one or two along the way?
Michelle: Here is where I really grew up. I don’t let rejection or negative reviews get to me. Everyone has their own opinions and views, including me. I try to stay positive and learn from some of the constructive comments. If you dwell on the negative, it will only bring you down. You just have to let it go. I finally understand that it’s not about the rejection and failures, it’s all about the fulfillment and success. Chasing my dreams is what its all about for me.
WOW: Great advice again, Michelle. Thank you! Speaking of growing up: What would your current self say to your younger self?
Michelle: There is so much to say, I hardly know where to start.
About love: It doesn’t always conquer all. But some loves burn bright and long and are hard to extinguish.
About writing: patience is the key. Give yourself time to learn. Try not to get frustrated with yourself. Believe in yourself.
About editing and publishing. Patience is even more key here. Be realistic in your expectations. The publishing process is not quick.
Of course I could ramble on for days but these are the things that first come to mind.
WOW: Such excellent advice all around—especially for those of us who aren't so patient when it comes to writing. Now, last but not least, let's talk about the future of Bloody Coffee. I loved the trailer, but if Bloody Coffee were made into a movie, what would be the theme song and why?
Michelle: This is a great question. It is the first time I’ve been asked this question—and I love it.
There are so many great songs out there that it’s hard to choose. I’m not sure I can easily point out one song. Maybe a “mash up”… here is what comes to mind: Defying Gravity from Wicked, Fight Song by Rachel Platten, and Butterfly Kisses. For me, the first two songs paint a picture of a strong character. The songs reflect Leigh’s determination to find the truth behind her mother’s journal and her ambivalence towards her mother’s past and present decisions. Now, when I think about Leigh’s relationship with her stepfather, the only father she knew, all that I can think of is the song Butterfly Kisses. But let’s say this, if Bloody Coffee is ever made into a movie, I’ll agree to any theme song that the screenwriter or producer would come up with. It would be such an honor.
WOW: Thank you again for choosing WOW, and thank you for sharing so much with us today, Michelle. It has been a pleasure and I just know we will be reading more books from you in the future. I can't wait until your next tour!
----------Blog Tour Dates
Launch Day – May 13th
Michelle Dim-St. Pierre launches her tour of Bloody Coffee with an interview and giveaway at the Muffin!
May 14th @ Jill Sheets
Jill Sheets hosts Michelle Dim-St. Pierre with a guest post about Michelle’s writing process. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn more about Bloody Coffee and this successful author!
May 16th @ BreakEven Books
Today’s author spotlight at BreakEven books is Michelle Dim-St. Pierre with her latest bestselling novel Bloody Coffee – a psychological thriller!
May 17th @ Reviews by Deb
Deb Blanchard reviews Bloody Coffee by Michelle Dim-St. Pierre and shares her thoughts with friends on Facebook and Goodreads!
May 20th @ Coffee with Lacey
Lacey delights her readers with her review of Bloody Coffee – this is thrilling novel readers can’t get enough of – find out more about Lacey’s thoughts and Michelle Dim-St. Pierre’s book by stopping at Coffee with Lacey today!
May 21st @ Amanda Diaries
Amanda L. Sanders offers her review of Bloody Coffee. Readers will delight in learning more about this fast-paced mystery!
May 22nd @ Review @ The Muffin
Crystal Otto from WOW! Women on Writing couldn’t put down Bloody Coffee by Michelle Dim-St. Pierre and she can’t wait to tell readers of the Muffin about this absolute must read thriller! Today is Michelle’s birthday – will Crystal give her a 5 Star Present? Stop by to find out!
May 24th @ Author Anthony Avina
Fellow author Anthony Avina gives a raving review after reading Michelle Dim-St. Pierre’s thrilling mystery Bloody Coffee – readers won’t want to miss the opportunity to hear Anthony’s insight into this must read novel!
May 27th @ Beverley A. Baird
Michelle Dim-St. Pierre has done it again with another best seller – this time it’s a mystery/thriller called Bloody Coffee and Beverley A. Baird can’t wait to tell readers all about it in her review! This is a complex and suspenseful mystery readers will be excited to get their hands on!
May 28th @ Deal Sharing Aunt
Vicki, the Deal Sharing Aunt, shares her thoughts after reading the latest novel by Michelle Dim-St. Pierre. Readers won’t want to miss the opportunity to learn more about Bloody Coffee!
May 29th @ Margo Dill
Editor and Author Margo Dill couldn’t wait to read Bloody Coffee by Michelle Dim-St. Pierre. Stop by her blog today and read her review about this thrilling new release!
May 30th @ Sreevarsha Sreejith
Bloody Coffee by Michelle Dim-St. Pierre travels all the way to France today as Sreevarsha Sreejith reviews this mystery and shares her thoughts with readers at her book blog!
June 3rd @ World of My Imagination
Nicole Pyles couldn’t put down this 5 star read – let’s hear her review of Bloody Coffee by Michelle Dim-St. Pierre. Readers will delight as they put this mystery/thriller on their TBRPile!
June 5th @ Bring on Lemons with Tara Forst
Wisconsin business woman and mother, Tara Forst is a friend of WOW! and is excited to talk about her thoughts after reading Bloody Coffee by Michelle Dim-St. Pierre. Don’t miss this review and giveaway!
June 6th @ Cassandra’s Writing World
Stop by Cassandra’s Writing World to hear more about Michelle Dim-St. Pierre and her latest best seller Bloody Coffee as Cassandra shares her review with readers!
June 7th @ Choices with Madeline Sharples
The author spotlight at Choices today is Michelle Dim-St. Pierre with her latest bestselling thriller Bloody Coffee – readers won’t want to miss an opportunity to learn more about this fabulous novel!
***** BOOK GIVEAWAY *****
To win a print copy of Bloody Coffee by Michelle Dim-St. Pierre, please enter the Rafflecopter form below. Giveaway ends on May 20th at 12 AM EST. We will announce the winner the same day on the Rafflecopter widget. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Fantastic interview, ladies!
Michelle ~ I love how you say you started out with your diary and recorded/unloaded everything you saw and heard while nursing. I was listening to a podcast interview with author Chuck Palahniuk the other day, and he talked about how the ideas for his novels came from field study--when he's at a party, he'll listen to the person telling a story, and when others try to one up each other, with stories getting crazier and crazier, he knew he was on to a novel theme. I thought that was so interesting. I kept a diary for many years, and then sometime in my mid twenties, stopped because I had a boyfriend who read them. I recently started journaling again, but I wish I kept it up all those years. You have so much material to mine from! :)
I loved your advice on working on your craft and using an editor (or two). I also love workshopping with fellow writers in the same genre. Your outlook on negative reviews is healthy. We can't please everyone and don't think we should try to.
Good luck on your tour! It looks like a great one. Love your song choices as well! Cheers! :)
To Crystal Otto, thank you for your vibrant opening for my blog tour. You support and feedback mean the world to me. I couldn't wish for a better tour manager.
Angela, thank you for your time and attention. I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my interview with Crystal. I thoroughly enjoyed her questions, along with the challenge they presented. I'm flattered by your comments.
Thomas, thank you for stopping by...just to pique your curiosity, you can find the first two chapters on my website… you may also find the book interesting. www.bloodycoffeebook.com
Thomas - anyone who reads this book is sure to delight in every page - I can't wait for you to read my review...this book was one of those I could hardly put down to refill my coffee mug!
Angela - thank you for your great comments and never ending support!
Michelle - you've been such a pleasure to work with. I can't thank you enough for choosing WOW! (and me) to help promote "Bloody Coffee"!
It sounds like a very interesting book. Thanks.
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