From the high desert of New Mexico comes a tale of mystery, murder and redemption. When journalist Kevin Pitcairn receives a disturbing letter from a serial killer, he is drawn into a compelling journey with profound psychological and spiritual implications, not just for the murderer, but for himself and society as a whole. As he tries to investigate and then tell the story, he finds himself battling his own inner demons and sordid history. Events conspire to propel an isolated matter to a national stage and audiences that are increasingly hostile. Forced to explore the roots of human psychology and sanity, Pitcairn must navigate moral and philosophical realms. What is the nature of evil? What powers of choice do humans actually possess? How may we be redeemed? And in the end, how do we reconcile with ourselves?
“…a work of fction, it was inspired by a real letter from a serial killer…important and compelling… will stay with you long after the last page.”
—Kam Aures, reviewer for Rebecca’s Reads
“A Killer’s Grace delves deep into the human psyche… Those who have experienced abuse or violence in their own lives will not only relate to the story, but may find their own self-discovery journey unfolding alongside Kevin’s.”
—Paula Renaye, author, Living the Life You Love: The No-Nonsense Guide to Total Transformation
Paperback: 240 Pages
Genre: Fiction/Spirituality
Publisher: Terra Nova Books; 2 edition (September 1, 2016)
ISBN-10: 1938288750
ISBN-13: 978-1938288753
A Killer’s Grace is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and IndieBound.
Book Giveaway Contest:
To win a copy of A Killer's Grace, please enter using the Rafflecopter form at the bottom of this post. The giveaway contest closes Sunday, September 4th at 11:59 PM EST. We will announce the winner the next day in the Rafflecopter widget. Good luck!
About the Author:
Ronald Chapman is owner of an international speaking and consulting company, Magnetic North LLC. In addition to international accreditation as a speaker and national awards for radio commentary, he is the author of two novels, My Name is Wonder (Terra Nova Publishing, 2016) and A Killer's Grace (Terra Nova Publishing, 2016 and 2012), two works of non-fiction, Seeing True: Ninety Contemplations in Ninety Days (Ozark Mountain Publishing, 2008) and What a Wonderful World: Seeing Through New Eyes (Page Free Publishing, 2004) and the producer of three audio sets, Seeing True: The Way of Spirit (Ozark Mountain Publishing, 2016, 2005), Breathing, Releasing and Breaking Through: Practices for Seeing True (Ozark Mountain Publishing, 2015), and Seeing True – The Way of Success in Leadership (Magnetic North Audio, 2005). Ron provides a wide array of social media content at www.SeeingTrue.com, content for people in substance abuse recovery at www.ProgressiveRecovery.org, and other content from his master site, www.RonaldChapman.com. He holds a Masters in Social Welfare from The University at Albany (New York.) Prior to his relocation to Atlanta, Georgia in 2008, he was a long-time resident of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Ronald can also be found online at:
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1338592.Ronald_Chapman
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/seeingtrue/
------interview by Crystal J. Casavant-Otto
WOW: Ron, thank you for choosing WOW for your book blog tour. It is such a pleasure working with you. You've received words of praise from a number of other authors. I know how much that means. Who was most influential in your writing career?
Ronald: I loved books as far back as I can recall. But it was when I read Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring that I found myself captivated by the power of a well told story. I recall reading the three volumes twice in rapid succession, then spring-boarding to The Hobbit and The Silmarillion. I was enthralled with the entire construction even though I was quite young. For many years thereafter, through writing for school, speech-writing, and commentary for public radio, I kept trying to master the craft of a well told story. While I’m happy with all the material I’ve created, I have to say I remain most pleased with stories well crafted.
WOW: You are spot on about a well told story being the key. You are a wonderful storyteller.
Obviously there is no time machine, but if it were possible, what advice would your current self offer to your previous, younger self?
Ronald: Be bolder, and strike out sooner. Experience is so very important, and the only way to gain experience is through as many efforts as possible.
WOW: That's fabulous advice for all of us. Thank you. What's next for you?
Ronald: Now that is quite a conundrum! Those who know my speaking style and radio voice really want me to next prepare My Name is Wonder and A Killer’s Grace as audio books. The sequel to A Killer’s Grace is almost half written, and the prequel to the sequel is written but in need of a re-working. Then there is a book on forgiveness and releasing practices. And I just completed a really cool leadership framework based on many years in leadership development, which just begs for a book.
The truth? A good vacation and regrouping.
WOW: A vacation sounds like a real treat. Speaking of treats, how do you deal with rejection or a negative review?
Ronald: Some years ago, I was coaching a manager on his development. He wanted as much feedback as possible, and in a later assessment he tested 90 percentile in all attributes. He was living proof of someone who had long solicited feedback, used it for his growth and development, and became exceptional as a result. That convinced me that all feedback is precious, and the life blood of success. While, like most, I have to take a deep breath to hear things that are uncomfortable, I am a willing learner because I can truly see the value.
WOW: You are wise to really accept that feedback. Now here's the opposite question: How do you celebrate your writing victories?
Ronald: I have a funny perspective on this. The real payoff is when I re-read something and realize I have captured it perfectly. There is a moment of intense pleasure and a realization it could not be better. I bask, which lasts a few moments, then the desire to do it again compels me forward.
WOW: A few moments? You totally deserve much more than that. Next time maybe a movie and some popcorn are in order. If your book were a movie, what song would be included? And why?
Ronald: For My Name is Wonder it would be the medley of Somewhere Over the Rainbow and What a Wonderful World by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole. Such a sweet and innocent song perfectly fits the ambiance of Wonder’s life.
WOW: Thank you for your honesty as well as sharing your books with us and our readers Ron - it has truly been a pleasure (and not to be a spoiler, but I can't wait for your next book blog tour in about a month)!
----------Blog Tour Dates
Monday, August 29 @ The Muffin
Stop by for an interview and book giveaway!
Tuesday, August 30 @ Linda Loves Chocolate
Linda reviews A Killer's Grace by Ronald Chapman; find out what she had to say after reading this highly acclaimed novel!
Wednesday, August 31 @ Selling Books with Cathy Stucker
Cathy Stucker interviews Ronald Chapman about his highly acclaimed novel A Killer's Grace
Thursday, September 1 @ Choices with Madeline Sharples
Find out what fellow author Madeline Sharples has to say about Ronald Chapman's latest novel A Killer's Grace.
Friday, September 2 @ Bring on Lemons with Tara Forst
Tara Forst shares her thoughts and ideas after reading the highly acclaimed novel A Killer's Grace by Ronald Chapman
Monday, September 5 @ Bring on Lemons with Penny Harrison
Wisconsin business woman and mompreneur Penny Harrison shares her thoughts and feelings after reading A Killer's Grace by Ronald Chapman - don't miss this exciting blog stop.
Tuesday, September 6 @ Writers Pay it Forward
The author spotlight today at Writers Pay it Forward is none other than Ronald Chapman and "A Killer's Grace"
Wednesday, September 7 @ Bring on Lemons with Alison Taylor
Educator and mom of four Alison Taylor reviews A Killer's Grace by Ronald Chapman. Alison offers her ideas and insight to readers at Bring on Lemons!
Thursday, September 8 @ Linda Appleman Shapiro
Renowned speaker, historian, memoirist, and psychotherapist Linda Appleman Shapiro reviews A Killer's Grace by Ronald Chapman. You won't want to miss this insightful review.
Friday, September 9 @ Mari McCarthy's Create Write Now
Mari McCarthy at Create Write Now hosts Ronald Chapman on the topic of "The Power of Mentors and Teachers in our Lives". You won't want to miss this guest post and an opportunity to learn more about Chapman's novel A Killer's Grace.
Monday, September 12 @ The Muffin
Crystal Otto of WOW! Women on Writing shares her review with readers of the Muffin. Find out how Crystal felt after reading Ronald Chapman's novel A Killer's Grace.
Tuesday, September 13 @ Beverley A Baird
Beverley A Baird reviews A Killer's Grace by Ronald Chapman. Find out more about this highly acclaimed novel.
Wednesday, September 14 @ Book Santa Fe
Elizabeth Seratt reviews Ronald Chapman's A Killer's Grace.
Thursday, September 15th @ Bring on Lemons with Cathy Kwilinski
Cathy Kwilinski reviews Ronald Chapman's A Killer's Grace.
Friday, September 23 @ Renee's Pages
Tange Dudt reviews A Killer's Grace by Ronald Chapman; find out what she had to say after reading this highly acclaimed novel!
Get Involved! If you have a website or blog and would like to host one of our touring authors or schedule a tour of your own, please email us at blogtour@wow-womenonwriting.com.
Enter to win a copy of A Killer's Grace by Ronald Chapman! Just fill out the Rafflecopter form below. We will announce the winner in the Rafflecopter widget next Monday, September 4th!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
HI Crystal, and other readers,
First, thank you so much for such extensive content! More than one could ever expect, and so encouraging given this is a story about a serial killer, albeit via redemption.
That said, one of my favorite parts of the story is Pitcairn's relationship with Maria Elena, or Emmy as he calls her. She is like his anchor. And I love her character very much. A reader asked me if Maria Elena was some kind of perfect woman, which gave me quite a pause for consideration. She is certainly flawed, and fighting her own inner battles, but in the end she is really admirable. And the way she engages with Pitcairn, and he with her, is really quite a love story.
I look forward to watching the comments. And very much appreciate the obvious care you used in pulling me together for your readers. Thank you again!
Ronald Chapman
I was immediately interested when I saw the setting was New Mexico.
Hi Maria, I share your love for New Mexico after nearly twenty years living there. Readers tell me that I really get the atmosphere right, which pleases me greatly. I'll be there Labor Day weekend for book events at Collected Works in Santa Fe on 8/31, and Bookworks in Albuquerque on 9/1, both at 6 pm. Thanks for your interest! Ron
I really appreciated your comments on feedback. Yes, sometimes it takes a deep breath, but we can learn and grow. Thanks very much!
Right with you on that, Judith! I often wonder where came my willingness to learn and grow. It makes it easier to take that deep breath. Glad that thought validated your experience. Ron
Thanks for the interview, guys! I really enjoyed your video, Ronald, and I'm fascinated by the concept behind A Killer's Grace. It's such a unique take and I look forward to reading it! I'm curious; do you reveal who the real serial killer is?
I received some great questions from a friend - and I'll post them here if you don't mind Ron? (no spoilers - I hope)
Cathy writes:
1. I found myself waiting for a reaction to Pitcairn’s public confession of his secret crime. What was your intention in leaving that part of his story unfinished?
2. How have the ideas in A Killer’s Grace been received by the public? How has your experience compared to the fictional reactions to Kevin Pitcairn’s writings on innocence?
Wow indeed! Some excellent questions.
Angela, glad you liked the video and the Killer's Grace concept. Suffice it to say I have been enthralled with it as I navigate the world. As for the serial killer, my agreement with him was that I would not divulge his identity. He was adamant about not wanting to either harm the families of his victims, or to somehow gain notoriety. I appreciated that, and found it refreshingly honest under the circumstances.
Cathy and Crystal, in not furthering the matter of Pitcairn's confession and crime, it is left to hang over him beautifully and awkwardly in the space of the recovering communities ethics around one day at a time. Truly there is nothing to be done on his part, he's made the admission, and it is finished business until such time as it emerges, if ever. That seems consistent with the idea that our redemption does not erase the facts, though it does alter our relationship to the facts. Plus I really kind of like that it is unfinished business, which at the time set the scene for the future, though I did not know there would be a sequel.
As for its reception by the public, that has varied in two directions. There are those who are deeply engaged in this question of forgiveness and innocence, and who seem to appreciate looking deeply at their own values. Then there are those who are adamantly oppositional to the suggestion, in some cases fairly hostile to the suggestion.
Oh my on that last question, Cathy. This vantage point has transformed me on the inside. I have come to so deeply understand that at any moment any one of us can veer into abhorrent behavior. Probably the closest anyone has come to voicing it is Maya Angelou, who seemingly saw that what we do is predicated on what we understand at any moment, and that until we see better, we cannot do better. That is such a fruitful space for seeking to understand.
Beautiful things here! Thanks for your questions and engagement.
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