3 Super-Powerful Content Marketing Tips to Make You Likeable and Valuable to Your Community

Tuesday, December 16, 2014
by Karen Cioffi

The expression “A picture is worth a thousand words” is an absolute truth.

But in marketing, words and actions are also powerful.

They convey who you are and what you’re about. And, words and actions can make you likeable and a valuable resource to your community.

How and why should this matter to you, the writer and author?

The answer: People buy from people they like. If they don’t like you or think you don’t know what you’re talking about, they WON’T buy from you.

This is where content (inbound) marketing come in. It’s the process of getting website visitors and getting your audience to know and value you.

Content marketing includes:

• Blogging
• Articles
• Website content
• eBooks
• Newsletters
• Workshops
• Videos
• And, so on

So, here are the three powerful strategies you should be using every day to boost your likability and make you the ‘go to’ person in your community:

1. Be Professional

This is probably the number one tip. While being professional doesn’t mean you need to be stuffy or standoffish, it does mean you need to write and act professional, at least in regard to your content marketing.

Keep your website clean and professional. Let the visitor know you have respect for your skills / products and your audience.

And, instead of saying, “No problem,” or “It’s okay,” actually say, “You’re Welcome.”

Don’t use profanity or any other form of vulgarity online. Keep it clean. Respect your audience.

2. Communicate

Let your community know what’s going on. If you’ll be offline for any period of time, if you have a new book or service in the works (or launching), if you have news, keep them informed.

You can and should also include bits of personal information along the way. Let them know you’re a real person. Just be careful not to divulge too much.

While your online community is a treasure, you don’t personally know the character of each and every one of the people who make up that community. Always err on the side of caution.

3. Be Helpful

Ask your readers and costumers/clients (your community) how you can help them.

You may offer an excerpt from your most recent book. You might ask for feedback on your books, letting them know that you value their opinions.

You will also want to know what your community thinks, what they need, want, and desire. Then, especially if you’re in the nonfiction realm, you can go about filling those needs, wants, and desires through books or ebooks.

And, offer helpful information on a regular basis through your blog. Write about the genre you write in or the service you offer.

Use these three tips every day in your marketing to help build a loyal community.


Karen Cioffi is a former accountant who is now a multi-award-winning author, ghostwriter, freelance writer, editor, and author-writer online platform marketing instructor. She founded and manages Writers on the Move (a marketing group), and presents online writing and marketing workshops and webinars.

Karen has published 12 writing and marketing eBooks, the most recent, Article Marketing: Increase Website Traffic with Properly Formatted and Search Engine Optimized Content.

In addition to this, Karen’s website, Karen Cioffi Writing and Marketing, was named Writer’s Digest Website of the Week, June 25, 2012.

Join Karen Cioffi's upcoming online class, Get Traffic to Your Website with InboundMarketing! Click here for details and enrollment.


Margo Dill said...

Karen: This doesn't really pertain to me, but I was thinking this when I was reading your post. What if your brand is kind of snarky or even a good-hearted four-letter word user, like Sh*t My Dad says for example? What do you think about that?

Also if you are known as being kind of a liberal writer, would you want to share political beliefs then, etc?

Again, I'm just thinking about authors I've seen and wonder if they have success and that's why people put up with this or if these tactics got them their success. . .

Karen Cioffi said...

Margo, those are great questions. There's an audience for just about anything. Depending on your particular audience you will know what's acceptable and what's not, and how far you can go.

That said, from a business perspective and to appease the 'mainstream' audience, being and sounding professional means keeping it 'G' rated.

If someone is selling a service or product to help their audience with their problem, using language suitable for all demonstrates respect and professionalism.

This isn't criticizing those who use colorful language in their content, it's showing how the majority of marketers write for their audience.

I hope that makes sense. :)

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