I have been thinking a lot about business cards lately. They may seem insignificant in our daily dealings, but I believe every one of them holds so much more than a phone number and an email address. For each one, someone had to go through the trouble of painstakingly designing that tiny rectangle of data, of purchasing a box of them, of picking up a little pile of them and putting them in their pocket or purse or specially bought container. Every card holds someone’s unique identity, a piece of their personal story.
The plain white, unglazed surface and gray lettering under a simple company logo might, on closer inspection, convey the excitement of a person’s first, grown-up job. A hyper-designed, riotously colored card can carry the hopes and fears of a new business owner. The years of hard work and drive to win a high-level position can be portrayed in a simple bladed graphic and bold black lettering.
All business cards had their start in someone’s new beginning. I realized my own new beginning the day I received my little box of new business cards in the mail. They have my name in pretty looped letters, my favorite colors in the butterfly logo, and, of course, my consolidated data. I’ll send them out into the world, one at a time, hoping for the best.
But whether people keep them or throw them away, the important part is that they represent my declaration to the world that I am, as Julie Luek says, taking the leap. Because under my name on these funny little cards they say Freelance Writer, Novelist, Blogger – I marvel that so few words can mean so much to me.
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Would you like to participate in Friday "Speak Out!"? Email your short posts (under 500 words) about women and writing to: marcia[at]wow-womenonwriting[dot]com for consideration. We look forward to hearing from you!
This is so exciting! Cheering for you. This was a wonderful post! I never thought of my business cards holding my identity, but how true. I still have a box from my days at the college, a career that spanned over 20 years. Yes, it certainly was a very big part of my identity. And I ordered "writer cards" (with print that is too small, but that is another story) and took great care designing them.
Here's to us: Writers.
I, too, really enjoyed this. I love the last paragraph where you tell us how much it meant to you to have that title after your name. Congrats. And I love getting business cards because I love seeing how people designed them, what they have on them, etc. Thanks for this very cute post!
What a great post. Congratulations! For me, it was writing my occupation as writer on a departure form at the airport. That really made me feel like a writer :)
Thank you, all, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! It was a significant moment for me, like Shelley says, I really felt like a writer.
I love having business cards and getting them from other writers. I have a little stack of ones I picked up at a conference that I intend to go through and connect to those lovely ladies online now that I've met them in person.
This reminds me: I'm out of business cards and need to reorder. :)
Isn't a great feeling, upon seeing your business card, knowing you took the leap of faith? Don't look back; good things are in your future.
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