Keidi trained as a journalist in 1999. After a stint as a local newspaper reporter in the UK, Keidi stepped up the career ladder and became a corporate communications writer for a range of high-profile companies/associations, such as Powergen, Visa, The Dixons Group, McVities and Defra (The Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs).
Six years later, she moved to Spain and started The Sentinella, a magazine aimed at the expat population. The magazine tripled in pagination within just two years, so Keidi launched a business opportunity to help people start their own magazines across the globe.
Keidi’s first book, Sol Searching, A Fun Filled Tale of a Modern Girl’s Move to the Costa del Sol, was published in October 2009. Critics have compared it to Bridget Jones’s Diary. She is now completing her second book, The Path, which is a fiction fantasy with a paranormal twist aimed at young adults.
Keidi set up The Word Queen in 2009 to help fellow writers fulfill their dreams of getting their books written and published. She enjoys her role with a passion and receives a huge amount of positive feedback from her clients.
WOW: Keidi, it is so great to have you with us today. Congratulations on all your writing and editing success. Tell us more about your business, The Word Queen. What manuscript editing services do you offer as The Word Queen?
Keidi: I offer writers an edit of their manuscript, which involves amending grammatical errors and restructuring sentences. The other option is an edit and a full critique, in which I delve deeper into the manuscript to evaluate aspects such as theme, plot, characterization, sense of place, dialogue and all the ingredients of a book, which can transform it into a bestseller.
WOW: How much do you charge for these services?
Keidi: For editing, I charge $200 per 20,000 words. For an edit and critique, I charge $250 per 20,000 words. My payment terms are half up-front and the rest on completion.
WOW: In your opinion, why is it a good idea for a writer to use a professional to edit and critique her work?
Keidi: As writers, we tend to become very attached to our work. It’s not uncommon to procrastinate editing, as we feel a deep sense of unwillingness to delete the words, phrases, metaphors and dialogues to which we have grown to love, even though they may not serve the novel. A professional editor knows exactly what publishers and agents want to see and can mold the story into a desirable shape.
WOW: You are right--it is so hard to edit and critique our own work! What are three or four common mistakes you see in authors' manuscripts?
Keidi: 1. The ‘point of view’ rule. Writers tend to flit between points of view throughout a scene, which leaves the reader feeling confused.
2. Writers use passive rather than active vocabulary, which fails to reach the point quickly and as such slows the reader. Generally speaking, the word ‘was’ should be avoided whenever possible, as should the words ‘to be’.
3. Limited or poor use of the ‘show don’t tell’ rule. Many novice writers tend to include too much narrative and not enough revealing action.
4. All dialogue, no matter what character is speaking, has the same ‘voice’, with very little differentiation.
WOW: Thanks for those tips. I am thinking about my own manuscript right now. . .You also provide book publishing services. Can you tell us a little about this?
Keidi: Certainly! If authors have written a book, which raises the vibration of the world in some way – either fiction or nonfiction–they’re welcome to submit the first three chapters and a synopsis to my publishing company, Pathway, by emailing info@thewordqueen (dot) com. [Replace the word "dot" with "."]
Other writers, who may prefer to self publish, can take advantage of my publishing services, whereby I sort out everything on their behalf for a set fee. I currently offer three different publishing packages, each containing different benefits: the Ruby package, the Emerald package and the Diamond package.
My basic package costs just $900, and it includes 20 books in with the price.
WOW: You are one busy lady! On your website, The Word Queen, you list several coaching and online class opportunities for writers. What do you offer as a writing coach?
Keidi: As a writing coach, I coach and mentor writers through the entire process of getting their books written and published, from the initial idea right through to having the finished book in their hands!
It’s a fairly unique service because along with elements of traditional coaching and mentoring, it involves energy clearances on a psychic level to release negative thoughts you may have about writing, success in general, and your book.
WOW: Sounds interesting and unique! What do you offer as a writing teacher?
Keidi: Right now, my writing workshops mainly take place in Spain where I am based. However, I have also developed a 26-week online writing course called, "The Write Your Book Now Masterclass." This is a great alternative to attending my physical classes, as it includes exercises and even weekly homework to complete! See www.writeyourbookmasterclass.com for more info.
WOW: I'm sure several readers will check that out. Many writers need some inspiration to actually sit down and write that book! Do you offer any other services to writers?
Keidi: Yes, I also offer various marketing options to self published authors, who may be struggling to meet their sales targets.
"My Book & A Business Plan" helps authors to achieve a great monthly passive income via the Internet, and my "Book Marketing Plans" for self published authors boost sales figures.
WOW: If anyone is interested in any of your services we've talked about today, where can they find out more information and/or contact you?
Keidi: They can visit my website www.thewordqueen.com, e-mail me at info@thewordqueen.com or call me at (0034) 952 968 096. Alternatively, my skype ID is keidik1.
WOW: Thank you, Keidi, for sharing with us today everything you have to offer writers from before publishing to after publishing. Writers, if you are in need of services, check out everything the Word Queen has to offer!
interview by Margo L. Dill, http://margodill.com/blog/
Good advice !
Such great advise!
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