Robyn and I were having so much fun juggling our traditional WOW Blog Tours that we decided to add something new to the mix. Or maybe we’re just a bit crazy! Anyway the new addition is the WOW Blanket Tour. And we want you! I’ve cleaned out my inbox—an amazing feat I must say. So I’m expecting a ton of emails from everyone telling me they want to be a part of the WOW Blanket Tour next month. Here are the details!
So what's a blanket tour?
A blanket tour is a month long party of mentions about one of our WOW
authors on your blogs. WOW gives you a topic to write a post about and a
short paragraph about our featured author and their book to include at the
end on your post.
Who's the author?
The author is Diana Raab who just released Healing with Words: A Writer's
Cancer Journey. You can learn more about Diana's book at her website
or her Muffin interview.
What's the topic?
Diana is a survivor of two bouts with cancer and, since October is Breast
Cancer Awareness Month, the topic is breast cancer. You can write anything:
a personal story, health tips, your fears, a post about books concerning
breast cancer, foundations that focus on breast cancer, even about how much
you love(or hate) the color pink. Heck, if you just want to write about how
much you love your girls we'd love to read it!
Will there be presents?
Of course! We wouldn't throw a party without presents. When your readers
comment on your blanket tour post they're eligible for a book giveaway. We
also have a book giveaway just for our blanket tour bloggers.
When does it start?
We're kicking it off on the Muffin on October 1 with a post from Diana and a
link to all our participating blogs.
How do I sign up?
Just send me an email to jodi@wow-womenonwriting.com with the subject line
"Blanket Tour/Diana". I need your name, blog address and three dates in
October that work for you. We're going on a first come-first served basis so
if you want a special date sign up ASAP. Then I'll let you know what date
we've scheduled you for and send you some images you can use and the paragraph we
need included either as an introduction or at the close of your post.
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