A Rose by Any Other Name: Why You Need to Call Your Book What It Is

Thursday, January 30, 2025

I love it when a discussion comes together in the comments on a post. Recently Renee Roberson and I were discussing Erik Larsen’s The Devil in the White City. You can see the conversation on Jodi Webb's post "Why Good Writers Read Bad Books." Renee disliked it, but I love it. 

Obviously, different people love different types of books, but she diagnosed an important problem. The book had been misidentified when it was recommended to her book club. They were told it is historic fiction and true crime. While it deals with true crime and a serial killer, it is a nonfiction history about the Chicago World’s Fair and a serial killer that operated against that backdrop. 

What’s the big deal? So, it’s nonfiction and not fiction. Surely a book lover could get over that. 

The problem is focus and pacing. True crime is tense and fast paced. Danger and deceit keep the reader turning the pages. History? The pace is going to be much slower because you must pull in so much material. This is all about the Gilded Age and is as layered and complex as a Gilded Age drawing room. There’s landscape architecture, architecture, and city politics. What? Oh, right. A murderer. He’s in there too, but he is only a part of a very complicated whole. People who read history are okay with that. People who read true crime may be, but it is going to help if they know what they are getting into. 

Call your book the wrong thing, and you are going to lose potential readers. Call your manuscript the wrong thing and you are going to lose potential sales. 

So how do you make sure you’ve got it right? A big part of it is knowing the market. If you read in a certain area, then you are going to have a better idea what to call a manuscript. I read a lot of mysteries. I can explain the difference between a cozy, a police procedural, and noir. Although I enjoy fantasy, my recent reading is more science fiction. Because of this, I have only a vague idea of what a romantasy is versus a cozy fantasy. I’m much more familiar with older terms like high fantasy, steampunk, and Arthurian. 

Reading your competition but still not sure what to call your own writing? Read articles about writing mystery or fantasy, essays or whatever it is that you write. Don’t forget to look up “types of fantasy” or “mystery subgenres.” And don’t read just one list but several since they are sure to have different sub-genre listed. For example, I just did a quick search and only one of three articles I skimmed included Wuxia fantasy. 

A third way to find the right term is to read reviews. Do you have a mentor text? Google it and read reviews. Be sure to look for professional journal reviews. Skim them for phrases like “a perfect example of real crime” or “the best cozy we’ve read this season.” 

Still not sure? Ask a book seller or librarian. They need to know how to find things, and they often make book recommendations. If they can tell you what genre or subgenre your mentor text falls into, this can help you categorize your own work. Categorize it correctly and you are that much closer to helping your readers find your work. 


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Sue Bradford Edwards' is the author of over 60 books for young readers.  

She is also the instructor for 3 WOW classes which begin on the first Monday of every month. She teaches:


Angela Mackintosh said...

Such an important point, Sue! I'm not sure what genre my novel idea would fall under and I certainly don't want readers to be bummed out because it's not a standard mystery or truly horror. Thriller seems to cast a wide net and feels safer, but I'm sure there are thriller subgenres too! It also helps to work this out while writing it, rather than after it's published, so you can match tropes. Your tips are helpful! Larsen's history book sounds interesting.

Sue Bradford Edwards said...

Ang - It is so important to try to match tropes. That's another way to match reader expectations.

I find it really hard to categorize some books. I think that part of the problem is that so many books can have romance and not be a romance, mystery and not be a mystery, etc.

Jodi Webb said...

Didn't I read a comment by an agent that basically said, "If you can't tell us where it should be shelved in a bookstore, we can't sell it." So it's important to know exactly what your book is when doing your elevator pitch for agents too. I sympathize with books that hit multiple genres. I suppose you have to pick the genre it is strongest in and identify it as that.

Sue Bradford Edwards said...

Jodi - You are so correct! I think that's why you have to identify the strongest/main plotline and figure out where that would be shelved. And also why you shouldn't claim in your query letter "this appeals to all readers from 20 to 120!"

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