This Thanksgiving, I also propose we thank a writer. There are many ways to do this.
Review a Book
Publishers want to see reviews. Reviews make them happy. If a publisher isn’t happy, chances are the writer isn’t happy either. So, help them out this Thanksgiving and leave a book review on Amazon or Goodreads. It doesn’t take long, but is a lasting way to help a writer’s career.
Buy a Book
There is one thing better than leaving a review from an author, and that is purchasing their book. Sure, you could borrow it from the library, but buying the book helps the writer score bonus points with their publisher, and puts a little extra green in their pocket in time for the holiday season. Personally, I think it’s a good idea to support our book stores as well. With Borders already gone, they need us more than ever.
Until I published my first novel, I didn’t realize that promoting it would be harder than writing it. I’m so grateful for my friends and family who talked it up and shared it on social media. If you have a blog, invite a fellow writer to do a guest post, or do a spotlight piece. Hand out bookmarks at work. Even the littlest thing can help a writer get their name out there.
Read a Draft
We all have that amazing writing friend who reads our drafts and provides feedback. Why not take time to thank them this Thanksgiving by offering to read their latest manuscript? Writers thrive on feedback, and each revision is a step in the right direction.
“Book club” Their Book
I consider this the ultimate thank-you. Perhaps you’ve already read and reviewed their book, but want to take your level of gratitude one step further. Why not use the author’s book as a book club read? Not only are you increasing their readership, but you’re promoting their name and their sales. Better yet, ask your book club members to review the book when they have finished. The “thank you” that keeps on giving!
What do you say? Ready to give thanks to your fellow writers? I’d love to hear other ideas!

Beth--I've had writer friends set up writing events at the local library (talks about how to write memoir pieces, for example) and they've invited me to be a part of them.
I've set up writing marathons (something free and easy to arrange) and invited writing friends to join in. I've done the same thing with writing retreats (not usually free, unfortunately ;)
Arranging for book signings are another way to thank your writing colleagues. Independent book stores. Half Price Book stores (a chain that welcomes writers). Set one up with a fellow writer or two.
Thanks for this post, Beth. I have so many writing friends and am grateful for each and every one.
Great ideas, Beth! I also like to give books as gifts for the holidays written by authors I know. I like your suggestion of reading a draft.
Happy Thanksgiving! This year my family is pretty bummed since I went vegan again. It's "turkey" wheatmeat for them! Muhahaha
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