It seemed like the right thing at the many times have you looked back on a decision in your life and thought those words? Everything from the hair style that turned into a disaster to the choice to move halfway across the country for a new job you ended up hating to your brief flirtation with the raw food diet. We plunge into our new decision convinced that everything will work out for the best. Because that's what we want to believe will happen, what we talk ourselves into to, what our childhood fairy tales promised us. Our life will be a happily ever after.

Pinnacle Lust is a perfect balance of romance and drama--a great addition to your summer reading list or as a selection for your book club. It invites some spirited discussions on the choices people make and just who is the "villian" in Pinnacle Lust.
Hardcover: 368 pages (also available in paperback and e-format)
Publisher: BookLogix (2015)
ISBN-10: 1610055721
ISBN-13: 978-1610055727
This book is available as a print book at Amazon as well as at your local independent bookstore. E-books are available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Apple iBookstore and Kobo.
Book Giveaway Contest:
To win a copy of Pinnacle Lust, please enter using the Rafflecopter form at the bottom of this post. The giveaway contest closes this Friday, May 29 at 12:00 AM EST. We will announce the winner the same day in the Rafflecopter widget. Good luck!
About the Author:
Michelle Dim-St. Pierre was born in Tel-Aviv, Israel, where she spent more than half of her life before relocating to the United States. She lived through four wars and served in the Israel Defense Forces for two years. Unlike her first year of service in an armored division in the Golan Heights, she spent her second year serving in the medical corps where she interacted directly with the injured soldiers of the Peace of Galilee war and their families. This interaction, along with the exposure to the hospital atmosphere, fascinated Michelle and further touched her heart.
After graduating from nursing school with a BS in Nursing in Tel-Aviv, she practiced internationally for 32 years in various positions in the surgical field and quickly advanced into health care administration. During her career she worked in the Operating Room, Recovery Room, and CCU—along with many other duties.
Writing was Michelle’s outlet at first, but it soon became her passion. Recently she left nursing and became a full-time writer. Her international background, along with her military and nursing experience is always at the tip of her pen. Her first novel, Pinnacle Lust, starts the Pinnacle trilogy.
Michelle is a world traveler who enjoys cooking epicurean food and creating original recipes.
Find out more about the author by visiting her online:
-----Interview by Jodi Webb
WOW: You spent over three decades in the nursing profession. How did writing fit into that? Have you always been a writer or was it recent development?
Michelle: Writing was first a hobby and finally turned into something more. The truth of the matter is that my profession triggered my fiction writing. During my career as a nurse, there were things that I heard, saw and knew but couldn’t share. As I needed an outlet, I started writing and called it fiction.
WOW: Did you jump right into writing a novel or did you start out with short stories, a journal, or essays?
Michelle: My novel, Pinnacle Lust, is the first work of fiction I ventured into. Again, in the beginning, it was not meant to be a published novel—it was more of an outlet at the time.
WOW: When did you decide to take your hobby of writing to the next level and decide to pursue publication?
Michelle: The first step was when I sent my manuscript for review by two professionals. Both said that I had a very good plot, and that they would love to edit it. The real deal, or the final push, was when Sherry Wilson, my editor sent me an e-mail saying, “You have a good book in your hands. I think you should publish it.”
WOW: So many people with rich professional lives who begin writing find that it has an autobiographical element to it. Did you find that was the case with your writing?
Michelle: I believe that any work of fiction carries pieces from the author’s life. Pinnacle Lust is not an autobiography, but it is fair to say that some of my personal experiences inspired my writing. Whether I witnessed these events or was part of them, I can’t tell…:) I believe that every minute of my life is another brush stroke to my writing—military service, nursing school, work, social, news, gossip, and even the grocery store—you name it.
WOW: How did you navigate the writing world? Did you join a writing group, take classes, hire an editor? Do you have any tips for newcomers to the writing world?
Michelle: Navigating the writing world was a huge challenge, and in a way it still is. I hired an exceptional editor who took me through the process, and taught me the secrets and the craft of writing. I was fortunate enough to hire an editor that also teaches creative writing in the educational arena. With this being said, you can only imagine how much material and guidance I received. I hope to continue to learn more about the craft of writing and am planning to continue to work with Sherry on all my future projects. The best tip that I would give newcomers in the writing world is that an editor is a critical player—hire a good editor, don’t just give your work to a family member or a friend for editorial services…it may save you a little money but it may not produce the product you desire.
WOW: What was the most challenging part of writing Pinnacle Lust? The most rewarding?
Michelle: The most challenging part of writing Pinnacle Lust was to detach myself from the manuscript and to shorten it from its original word count of 140,000 to no more than 100,000. It was as if I had to cut the umbilical cord from my own baby. As far as the most rewarding part, I think holding the hardcover in my hands and becoming a published author was the most exciting moment. It was a long journey but well worth it.
WOW: What are you working on now?
Michelle: As Pinnacle Lust is the first in the Pinnacle Trilogy, I am now working on the next book in the series. I will soon announce its title, and include more information on my website and in my newsletter. I am also working on a unique cookbook, blogs and more surprises down the road. My newsletter, Pinnacle Insider, is a great source for my readers to follow my work. I welcome everyone to subscribe to my newsletter via my website at
----------Blog Tour Dates
Monday, May 25(today!) @ The Muffin
Stop by for an interview with Michelle Dim-St. Pierre and a chance to win Pinnacle Lust!
Friday, May 28 @ All Things Audry
Can Writing Be a 9 to 5 Job? Find out from Michelle Dim-St. Pierre, author of the novel Pinnacle Lust.
Monday, June 1 @ Vickie Miller
Author Michelle Dim-St. Pierre, an experienced traveler, shares why she believes everyone should visit another country. Don't miss a chance to win a copy of her romance-suspense Pinnacle Lust.
Wednesday, June 3 @ Renee’s Pages
How does a nurse become a novelist? Stop by for the story of Michelle Dim-St. Pierre, author of Pinnacle Lust.
Friday, June 5 @ Building Bookshelves
Take a mini-vacation with author Michelle Dim-St. Pierre and learn five things you should know about Israel.
Monday, June 8 @ Empty Nest
Don't miss your chance to win a copy of Michelle Dim-St. Pierre's debut novel Pinnacle Lust.
Thursday, June 11 @ Romance Junkies
In the mood for one of the many faces of romance? Enter to win a copy of Michelle Dim-St. Pierre's Pinnacle Lust.
Wednesday, June 17 @ Between the Pages
Don't miss a review of Michelle Dim-St. Pierre's debut novel Pinnacle Lust.
Thursday, June 18 @ Lisa Haselton’s Reviews and Interviews
Stop by and meet a new author, Michelle Dim-St. Pierre, who wrote Pinnacle Lust, the story of an Israeli nurse and her doomed love affair.
Friday, June 26 @ Deal Sharing Aunt
Need a great book to read this summer? Stop by for a review of Pinnacle Lust by Michelle Dim-St. Pierre.
Keep up with blog stops and giveaways in real time by following us on Twitter.
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Book Giveaway Contest: Enter to win a copy of Pinnacle Lust! Just fill out the Rafflecopter form below. We will announce the winner in the Rafflecopter widget this Friday, May 29.
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