The Fourth Wall is a fabulously written first novel. When Marin was little and monsters chased her through nightmares, she learned to weave her own dreams. Her mother called the lucid dreaming a gift, and when an accident takes her mother and leaves her baby brother an empty shell, Marin uses this gift to spin a new reality for herself. One without time or sorrow. A world without memory.
But just when Marin thinks she’s safe in her make-believe fantasy world, the monsters come back and her dream turns to a nightmare. Something in the dream doesn’t want Marin to wake up. In order to heal herself and her family, Marin must face the truth she’s forgotten and conquer what lies behind the fourth wall.
Paperback: 235 pages
Genre: Young Adult, Fiction
Publisher: WiDo Publishing (June 10, 2014)
ISBN-10: 193717851X
ISBN-13: 978-1-937178-51-2
Twitter hashtag: #FourthWall
The Fourth Wall is available as an e-book and paperback at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and IndieBound.
Book Giveaway Contest:
To win a copy of The Fourth Wall, please enter using the Rafflecopter form at the bottom of this post. The giveaway contest closes this Friday, July 25th at 12:00 AM EST. We will announce the winner the same day in the Rafflecopter widget. Good luck!

Elizabeth Maria Naranjo grew up writing short stories and bad poetry before escaping the cold winters of Wyoming and settling in the Sonoran Desert. She lives in Tempe, Arizona with her husband and two children, Abigail and Gabriel. She still loves to write, but fortunately gave up on poetry. The Fourth Wall is her first novel.
Elizabeth’s creative nonfiction has appeared in Brain, Child, Phoenix New Times, Literary Mama and, and is forthcoming in Brevity. Elizabeth is also an award-winning fiction writer; her short stories have been published in The Portland Review, Hospital Drive, SLAB Literary Magazine, and Bartleby Snopes. Links to her work and information on classes/critiques can be found at
You can also connect with Elizabeth on her social networks:
----- Interview by Crystal J. Otto
WOW: Elizabeth, I am so happy to have you here today! I know you’ve been busy so we sure appreciate your time. If you don’t mind my asking, who inspired your love of writing and how did they inspire you?
Elizabeth: That’s a really interesting question, because I can’t remember when or why I started to write, I just remember always doing it. It felt like a part of my identity, probably because my teachers reinforced that. You know how each kid has an identifier, whether that’s right or wrong—Sally, the math whiz; Bob, the class clown; Anne, the artsy one. I was the one who wrote stories.
What I do remember is that the inspiration for my stories usually came from songs. Even as a very young child, I spent a lot of time in my room listening to music and daydreaming about the stories in the songs. So I guess I came around to answering your question—musicians and song writers inspired my love for writing.
WOW: That’s interesting and a friend recently posted something similar on their social media saying, “You can tell a lot about someone based on their favorite song.” If you had to choose a song to go along with The Fourth Wall, what would it be?
Elizabeth: It would definitely be “Infinite Dreams” by Iron Maiden not only because it's a favorite and fits the book well, but because the first six words are so perfect. I actually wanted to use them at the beginning of the book, but it's very difficult to get permission for song lyrics.
WOW: Some of us credit our writing friends and writing groups for some of our inspiration and encouragement. How do you feel about writer's groups and book clubs and why?
Elizabeth: I think writer’s groups can be fantastic because they keep you disciplined. Having to show up on a regular basis with fresh pages is very motivating. You don’t want to be the one hanging her head, mumbling some excuse or another about why you didn’t have time to write two pages in seven days, or whatever.
I think book clubs are great, too. Readers are so passionate, and they love sharing and discovering and talking about books. A lot of the titles on my to-be-read list right now are there because friends on Goodreads discussed and reviewed those books.
WOW: You’re right on about the passion. Thanks for sharing your passion with us. Even when we are passionate about writing, it can sometimes happen…the dreaded writer’s block. How do you overcome the block when it happens to you?
Elizabeth: If I’m stuck, I write by hand. Switching to pen and paper, even if it’s just to scribble ideas, draw outlines, or list character traits, seems to get me moving again.
WOW: That’s great advice…wish it was that easy for all of us; you’re amazing Elizabeth! Sometimes I revert to journaling and set down other work until I can work around or through the block. Do you journal?
Elizabeth: I’m not comfortable keeping a journal. I did when I was a young girl, but looking back at entries, even just weeks later, always embarrassed me. The same way first drafts are embarrassing, but those change; they are meant to be edited and refined. It’s like hearing your own voice recorded. You cringe and think, “Do I really sound like that?”
WOW: That’s an interesting take on journaling Elizabeth.
Is it still pretty surreal or is it sinking in--The Fourth Wall already has Amazon reviews! When did you say "pinch me, I'm dreaming?"
Elizabeth: It felt more like a dream when WiDo Publishing offered me the contract last August. Since then, the feeling comes and goes. Moments like a few weeks ago, when my copies of The Fourth Wall arrived and I held the book in my hands, still feel surreal.
WOW: I’m sure holding the copies were similar to holding a new baby. Of course we know we are pregnant, but it just seems unbelievable to have a little person in our arms! The Fourth Wall is a beautiful baby Elizabeth; you did a fabulous job!
Here’s a question I would ask a new author but never a new mother. What’s next for you? Can we expect another ‘book baby’ soon?
Elizabeth: I’m working on research for my next novel, and I want to get back to writing essays and submitting my short fiction. There hasn’t been a lot of time lately for writing, unless it’s answering emails or writing blog posts etc. See, now I’m making excuses. I should maybe join a writer’s group.
WOW: I’m sure any group would welcome you with open arms! Writing groups make me think of reading groups, so let me end with this question: What do you hope readers "get" out of reading The Fourth Wall? What did you intend the take away to be?
Elizabeth: I hope they get a good story. That’s the most important thing. Essentially, the book is about the power of grief, and how holding onto it can do damage. It’s about the importance of moving on.
WOW: That’s a great takeaway!
I just have to ask one very last question: what is your advice to other writers hoping to publish?
Elizabeth: Start scribbling. Just grab a pen and a notebook and write something. Now, keep going.
WOW: Thanks for the great advice and awesome interview Elizabeth. It has truly been a pleasure working with you on your tour and we here at WOW! will be looking for many more novels from you in the future!
---------- Blog Tour Dates
Monday, July 21 (today!) @ The Muffin
Stop by for an interview and book giveaway!
Tuesday, July 22 @ The Lit Ladies
Don't miss today's interview with Elizabeth Maria Naranjo as she talks to Margo Dill about The Fourth Wall. Once you've found out about Elizabeth's debut novel, get in on the giveaway to get your hands on your own copy!
Wednesday, July 23 @ All Things Audry
Elizabeth Maria Naranjo makes a visit at All Things Audry and shares her thoughts about "Lucid Dreaming" and offers a giveaway of her debut novel, The Fourth Wall. This is a blog stop you won't want to miss!
Thursday, July 24 @ Nutshell Newsletter Post
Join Sheila Gazlay as she reviews The Fourth Wall by Elizabeth Maria Naranjo!
Friday, July 25 @ Renee’s Pages
Find out what Renee has to say in her review of Elizabeth Maria Naranjo's debut novel The Fourth Wall. Elizabeth is also offering a giveaway of her fabulous book. A blog stop too exciting to miss!
Monday, July 28 @ Create Write Now
Join Elizabeth Maria Naranjo as she shares information about her debut novel The Fourth Wall and provides insight into "The Advantages of the First Novel".
Tuesday, July 29th @ Katherine Hajer
Join Katherine Hajer as she reviews The Fourth Wall by Elizabeth Maria Naranjo and offers not only her insights but also a giveaway for this debut YA novel!
Wednesday, July 30th @ Words by Webb
Join Jodi Webb as she interviews Elizabeth Maria Naranjo to find out more about this first time author and her fabulous first novel, The Fourth Wall. Jodi will also have a giveaway for her readers so you won't want to miss this exciting blog stop!
Thursday, July 31 @ CMash Reads
Elizabeth Maria Naranjo and her debut novel, The Fourth Wall will be highlighted on CMash reads today. Tune in and participate in the giveaway for this highly acclaimed first novel from a very talented young author!
Monday, August 4 @ Choices
Learn about the "Benefits of a Small Press" with Elizabeth Maria Naranjo and she gives insight about the publishing process of her debut novel The Fourth Wall.
Wednesday, August 6 @ Blue House Review
Elizabeth Maria Naranjo takes her debut novel, The Fourth Wall and stops at The Blue House Review where she shares some little known "Facts About Elizabeth" and offers a giveaway of her highly acclaimed first novel!
Friday, August 8 @ I’d So Rather be Reading
Today's spotlight at I'd So Rather Be Reading is none other than Elizabeth Maria Naranjo with her debut novel, The Fourth Wall. Find out more and read a review by Crystal Otto of WOW! Women on Writing as she shares her thoughts of Naranjo's work.
Tuesday, August 12 @ Romance Junkies
Today's interview at Romance Junkies gives us a glimpse into the writing life of Elizabeth Maria Naranjo and her debut novel The Fourth Wall. This is a "can't miss" blog stop!
Thursday, August 14 @ Bring on Lemons
Read Crystal's review of Elizabeth Maria Naranjo's debut novel, The Fourth Wall and get in on the giveaway to receive your very own ebook copy of this fabulous book!
Friday, August 15 @ Selling Books
Check out the interview today at Selling Books and find out about today's spotlight author, Elizabeth Maria Naranjo and her debut novel, The Fourth Wall.
Wednesday, August 20 @ A Writer’s Dream
Today you won't want to miss a review and giveaway for Elizabeth Maria Naranjo's The Fourth Wall. Stop by and see what Rae Lori has to say and learn for yourself why this debut novel is receiving such high praise!
Keep up with blog stops and giveaways in real time by following us on Twitter @WOWBlogTour.
Get Involved! If you have a website or blog and would like to host one of our touring authors or schedule a tour of your own, please email us at
Enter to win a copy of The Fourth Wall by Elizabeth Maria Naranjo! Just fill out the Rafflecopter form below. We will announce the winner in the Rafflecopter widget this Friday, July 25th!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
We are excited to host Elizabeth on our blog, the Lit Ladies, tomorrow and I would personally love to win an autographed print copy for a teen I know who loves YA fantasy! :)
Thanks for the interview, Crystal, and thanks to all the WOW! fans for reading and entering the giveaway! Margo, I'm excited for tomorrow, too. :)
Congratulations, Elizabeth, on your blog tour launch! I also read about your live bookstore launch on your blog. :)
I'm in the middle of reading The Fourth Wall and it's fantastic! I downloaded the Kindle copy a few days ago because I couldn't get the pdf to render right on my Kindle. I personally relate to coping with the feelings of loss over a mother as a young child, and I love Elizabeth's storytelling and the relationship between reality and dreams. I highly recommend it!
Thank you, Angela! Your opinion means a lot to me; I hope you like it. :)
This book looks really good. I always knew there was something about our dreams....
I live in the Phoenix area, too. Will you be doing any book signing in the Phoenix area?
Thanks for commenting, Donna. :) Isn't it amazing how much we still don't know about dreams?
Hi, AEKZ2, so you suffered with me in this 115 degree heat today? ;) I just had a signing at Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe, but I'm working on setting up more events this fall. I would love to see you at one! You can subscribe to my newsletter at or just email me at eliznaranjo(at)yahoo(dot)com so we can stay in touch.
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