My close writing friends tease me relentlessly because I always have several projects on the go at the same time. For me this is like my ‘glove save’ in that I’ll never run completely dry when I have something else to turn to if the mind is blank on a project at hand. But even with having different wells to dip into, I can still draw a blank when it comes to finding topics for blog posts or quick articles.
One reference tool I have for such times is my “Writing Mama List” which is my ongoing list of topics about being a writing mama. A few months ago, I shared a few blogging ideas for when you run out of ideas. Today, I’m going to give a few ideas for my fellow Write-At-Home-Mommys because let’s face it: we have an endless topic supply just in raising our kids, don’t we? The key is making it entertaining enough for anyone to want to read your article.
Here are a few ideas to start with:
1) Talk about one of those never-ending days (eg: ‘Calgon take me away’ days)
2) Review a game you played with your family, including all the antics.
3) Review a book you read, including the dialogue among everyone reading/listening.
4) Pick a craft to do with your kids and write about it.
5) Talk about something frustrating one of your kids did and finding the humor in that.
6) Interview one of your kids (THAT is ALWAYS hilarious!)
7) Discuss a serious issue going on in your family and what you’ve/your kids have learned about it.
8) Join with other writing mamas for a blog hop.
9) Interview a fellow writing mama.
10) Start an every day life sentence and have your followers complete it, using a real life experience/situation.
11) Interview/review a beloved kids’ celebrity or author.
12) Have a Mama Giveaway where you gather up some self-spoiling items as a prize.
13) Write about/give kudos to another writing mama.
14) Give some organizational tips (eg: in writing, the house, personal, etc.)
15) Share a helpful link geared to writing mamas.
16) Share a great writing tool that has helped you in your WAHM success!
17) Get one of your kids to make a blog post choosing his/her own subject (within reason, of course!)
18) Do a cooking project with your kids and write about it.
19) Write about a moment that touched your heart.
20) Write a holiday post – traditions, decorations, things you and your kids do, etc.
21) Take pictures of your kids doing an activity and use the scenario to inspire a fiction story.
22) Share some tips on taking 'Me Time'.
23) Share some tips on how to keep your kids busy while you're trying to write/conduct an interview/finish a chapter, etc.
24) Do some 'Must Have' lists--be creative!
25) Bring up a problem you're having and inquire for fellow writing mommys to brainstorm ideas.
26) Are you a mommy of special needs kids? Share some insight on that.
27) Share some couple advice.
28) Interview Dad.
29) Write about grandparents - the importance of the relationship, what they mean to your kids, how they help/support your Writing Mommy endeavors, etc.
30) Make your own list of top Writing Ideas for Writing Mommys.
That should be enough to get you started. If you are a fellow Writing Mommy, feel free to share your own ideas! We'd love to hear them.
Happy writing!
My kids are grown but I still see lots of great ideas here! Thanks for brainstorming and sharing.
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