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WOW! is very pleased to introduce Joanne and Amy, two talented sisters who will be touring with us September 12th through October 7th with their award winning debut novel, Wicked Good. In addition to fun discussions, author interviews, book reviews, and prizes we will be having a writing contest, mass blogging day, and more prizes! That’s a lot of information to cover so let’s get started...
About the Book
Archer Falcon manages to maintain a successful law practice but in her private life she feels inept, especially when it comes to her adopted son, Rory who has been diagnosed with both bipolar disorder and Asperger’s syndrome.
Rory is a teenage boy struggling in a world that doesn’t understand him. He is as intelligent, witty and creative as he is destructive. Like all teenagers he seeks a sense of belonging and decides that his birth parents might just understand him better.
Wicked Good is part drama, part mystery...with a dose of humor. The authors take us on an emotional rollercoaster as we journey with their flawed-but-loveable characters, weaving in social issues and bits of New England’s history to make an entertaining read. Along the way we find ourselves gaining a better understanding of Rory’s world and the love shared between mother and son.
Paperback: 262 pages (and e-book)
Publisher: Telemachus Press, LLC (August 2011)
ISBN-10: 1935670980
ISBN-13: 978-1935670988
Twitter Hashtag: #WickedGood
Reader's Favorite Award Winner - Fiction Drama
Wicked Good is available for purchase in both print and e-book formats at Amazon and at Barnes & Noble.
Images inspired by Wicked Good, the novel:
(Feedburner readers, click on the title of this post in your e-mail, or visit http://youtu.be/8eKV0Yg_9M0)
Book Giveaway Contest: If you would like to win a copy of Wicked Good, please leave a comment at the end of this post to be entered in a random drawing. The giveaway contest closes this Thursday, September 15th at 11:59 PM, PST. For an extra entry, link to this post on Twitter with the hashtag #WickedGood, then come back and leave us a link to your tweet. We will announce the winner in the comments section of this post on the following day Friday, September 16. Good luck!
About the Authors

Joanne is the younger sister who loves her 3 nephews, her grey poodle Frisco, writing, hiking, snowshoeing, kayaking, cooking, traveling, Florence, Italy, anything to do with the Italian Renaissance, Michelangelo, spending time with her friends and family, and being edited by Amy. She is a vegetarian and a lawyer in Florida.
Author Websites:
Website: http://www.amyandjoanne.com/
Blog: http://www.wickedgoodthebook.blogspot.com/
--------Interview by Robyn Chausse
WOW: You strike me as the sort of sisters who as children were considered an inseparable pair. Tell us a little about your relationship.
Jo: I followed Amy everywhere, wanting to be just like her. She tried to get rid of me! I probably was the annoying little sister. I wanted to hang out with her friends and dress like her. She was (and still is) 4 years older than me. Of course, I now completely understand how a 12-year-old cramps the style of a 16-year-old.
Amy: I never really had a style as a 16 year old. Joanne was a tom boy and really cute. I don't think she really wanted to hang out with me. Since writing Wicked Good, I believe we have become inseparable and that is wicked good.
Jo: Amy’s wrong. I really did want to hang out with her when I was young; just like I want to hang out with her now. Unfortunately, we live on the opposite ends of the U.S. eastern seaboard. We still speak on the phone and e-mail every day and visit each other as much as possible.
WOW: How did it happen that you both became lawyers?
Jo: I really had no intention of becoming a lawyer. I wanted to take Hollywood by storm! I graduated from NYU with a degree in film and television and went out to L.A. to find fame and fortune. I actually did pretty well and was offered an assistant director job on a movie but I discovered the Hollywood lifestyle wasn’t for me. I returned to NY and decided to go to law school, just like my big sis!
Amy: When I graduated from college, I wanted to join the Peace Corps. Back then, you had to know two languages to sign up. I did not qualify. Having no other plans at the time, I went to law school. It's turned out well although I have regrets that I didn't become a veterinarian.
Jo: It also turned out that Amy’s experience of not being able to join the Peace Corps because she didn’t know a second language ended up in Wicked Good. In Wicked Good, Archer wanted to join the Peace Corp but couldn’t. Her best friend, Kara, was able to join. Turns out, Kara was sent to an English-speaking country and never used her second language.
WOW: When did you each catch the writing bug?
Jo: I always had the writing bug. I wrote my first book when I was 8 years old.
Amy: I caught the bug from Joanne and Wicked Good, and I love it.
WOW: While reading Wicked Good I felt there might be some venting going on, perhaps a bit of frustration with "the system." What was your experience in forming the character of Archer?
Jo and Amy: Archer is a compilation of many parents we know who have special needs children. Being frustrated with "the system" is only one part of Archer’s predicament. It’s one thing to have experts tell you what to do but it’s another to live in the situation on a daily basis. We’re not saying there aren’t experts that are sensitive and think outside the box, but Amy says it best when she says it’s the special needs children who are the best teachers. Having said that, we feel there are nods in Wicked Good to some very special and real people who help Archer. We hope they recognize themselves in the novel and take it as a compliment. It may sound corny but it certainly takes a village to raise any child.
WOW: What kind of reaction have you received?
Jo: Most of all, we have received heart-warming and tearful letters and comments from people telling us about their experiences with their special needs children, friends and relatives. One man said an Asperger’s child would never act like Rory. What he didn’t understand is that Rory is dual-diagnosed with Asperger’s and bi-polar. Plus, this is fiction, which gives us creative liberty when characterizing Rory.
Amy: I have received empathy, understanding, and have learned that many of my colleagues have personal experience with special needs children.
WOW: Regarding the writing of Wicked Good, the story I heard was that one blustery day Joanne called Amy up and suggested you write a novel together. So, you embarked on this novel-writing adventure and somewhere along the way you decided to create not just one novel but a Wicked series. How did that come to happen?
Jo and Amy: We decided to turn this into a series when people who have read Wicked Good kept asking, “what happens next?” The feedback we have been getting is that they want to see what happens to Rory as he grows up, how he and Archer interact as they both age and, mostly, about Trish. Everyone wants Trish to play a bigger role in the next novel. We promise not to disappoint. We are working on the second book in the “Wicked” series called Wicked Wise. Rory is 19 years old and about to graduate high school. Our intention is to follow Rory into old age. We don’t know of another novel series that follows a special-needs child throughout his life. We know how Rory acts at fifteen-years old in Wicked Good. We’re going to find out how he’s changed when he’s 19 in Wicked Wise. But what will life be like for Archer and Rory as he gets older? Will Rory be able to hold a job? Will he get married? Will he have children? And how will he respond to Archer as she ages and becomes frail? Will they still maintain their relationship or, as it happens so often as parents age, will Rory have to assume a parental role for Archer one day? The possibilities with the Wicked series are endless.
WOW: Wow, lots to look forward to; I can hardly wait!
You are both pretty busy. In addition to your professions, your writing and raising children (nod to Amy), you each volunteer with your favorite charities. Tell us a little about these extracurricular activities of yours.
Jo: I am a full-time family mediator and Guardian Ad Litem (I represent the best interests of children) which I love. I feel as though I have found a niche in the legal profession where I am helping people. On top of that, I am a novelist. Not only are Amy and I collaborating on Wicked Wise but I write my own books. I have just finished a historical fiction novel called The Lantern which takes place in modern-day Miami and in fifteenth century Florence, Italy. It will be published soon. I also volunteer with an organization called Tomorrow’s Rainbow that uses small horses and other farm animals to assist children in dealing with the death of a loved one. And then there is spending time with my family, friends and, of course, my dog.
Amy: I am a full-time family law attorney. I work part time for the Penobscot Nation Child Support Agency and as a domestic violence legal advocate. I think it very important to advocate for my client to become self-sufficient; to not rely solely on a spouse or a partner. Pets, however, need us and offer us unconditional love. For that reason, I volunteer frequently at my local humane society. Working with the dogs and cats, writing, bicycling and running help keep me balanced.
WOW: Well Amy, not quite like being a veterinarian but still rewarding—perhaps even more so. I find it so interesting that Joanne actually works with animals too.
The Lantern sounds fascinating, Joanne, let us know when it is released—and Wicked Wise as well!
Thank you, ladies, for a fun interview. It’s been a pleasure.
--------Blog Tour Dates
Tuesday, September 13 @ Book Divas
Their story went from blog to book! Get the scoop and enter the giveaway for a print copy of Wicked Good.
Friday, September 16 @ Words from the Heart
Is your child your muse? Amy's is!
Monday, September 19 @ Mom~E~Centric
Sometimes those parenting books just don't fit! Today we discuss raising special needs children.
Tuesday, September 20 @ Writers Inspired
Get to know Joanne and Amy, co-authors of Wicked Good. Mary Jo hosts an interview at Writers Inspired! Enter to Win a Kindle edition!
Wednesday, September 21 @ My Reading Room
It's wicked fun over at My Reading Room! Read Crystal's review of Wicked Good then Joanne and Amy guest post on their sisterly collaborations. Come on over!
Thursday, September 22 @ The Gift
Pour a cup of tea and join us as the lovely Chynna Laird interviews Joanne and Amy, co-authors of Wicked Good. Enter for your chance to win a Kindle edition of this fantastic new book!
Friday, September 23 @ Tracy’s Treasure of Books
What does Tracy think? Let's go find out if Tracy has added Wicked Good to her shelf of treasures.
Saturday, September 24 @ The Gift
Is it really wicked good? Chynna shares her opinion!
Monday, September 26 @ CMash Loves to Read
How much trouble can a kid get into? Come hear the true life tales! Enter for a chance to win a print copy of Wicked Good!
Tuesday, September 27 @ Meryl.net Content Maven
The attorneys spill the FAQs to Meryl! Enter to win a Kindle edition of Wicked Good.
Wednesday, September 28 @ Words by Webb
It's a reunion over at Words by Webb! Our own Jodi hosts her second interview with Amy and Joanne and offers her opinion of Wicked Good.
Thursday, September 29 @ A.L.L. Between the Lines
What makes for wickedly good writing? Come find out!
Friday, September 30 @ Rage Against the {Washing} Machine
It's break time with Mommy Lebron as she shares her review of Wicked Good. She's also Hosting a Giveaway.
Monday, October 3 @ Lori’s Reading Corner
The bittersweetness of children leaving the nest - Join us as Amy shares her experience then stay for Lori's review of Wicked Good.
Wednesday, October 5 @ Capability Mom
Attorneys, authors, and...community volunteers! Today Joanne and Amy talk about how volunteering enriches our lives. Nancy shares her review of Wicked Good and some lucky person wins a Kindle edition of this wickedly good read! Will it be you?
Thursday, October 6 @ Crazy for Books
First you struggle to create your characters--then they won't leave you alone! Find out how to get them out of your head, at least for a little while. Enter to win a print copy of Wicked Good!
To view all of our touring authors, check out our Events Calendar here.

If you have a blog or website and would like to host one of our touring authors or schedule a tour of your own, please email Jodi and Robyn at blogtour@wow-womenonwriting.com
---------- Contests & Announcements
Mass Blogging Day on October 10th: "Everybody's Talking About...Wicked Good People"
Join us for a Wicked Good time! We’re having a mass blogging day on October 10th to promote the novel Wicked Good, and everyone is invited. On the 10th, every blogger who signed up posts about the same thing: Wicked Good People.
Who are the wicked good people in your life? We'd love to hear your creative stories! Your followers are eligible for great prizes if you participate in "Everybody's Talking About...Wicked Good People." These events are fun! We post all participating bloggers and link to their blogs on The Muffin. You'll have a blast blog-hopping and reading other bloggers' creative posts.
Complete details to be announced September 22nd right here on The Muffin or email Robyn at blogtour@wow-womenonwriting.com with "Everybody's Talking About Wicked Good People" in the subject line. We look forward to hearing from you!
Pull Out Your Pens, it’s Time for a Quote Contest!
Quote Contest: "Roryisms" - Show Stopping Statements from the Viewpoint of Rory Falcon
Dates: September 12 - November 30.
What is a "Roryism"? Amy Lewis Faircloth, co-author of Wicked Good explains:
A "Roryism" is a statement which makes the conversation stop because it is so unexpected. Joanne, at age 6, might have invented the Roryism when she announced that she wanted to be a bus driver. My son, however, has perfected the Roryism. For example, while at the Bangor International Airport, we watched as army soldiers debarked from a flight from Mississippi and waited for their flight to Afghanistan. Because there were so many soldiers, my son remarked that they must have come in on several planes. When told that they had all been on one plane, he exclaimed, “they flew in the freakin’ Titanic”; a conversation stopper, and funny.
A Roryism can be instructive: “never marry a porn star.” A Roryism can be observant: “there is no woman like the woman you love.” A Roryism can be declaratory: “dogs and cats fight more when there is a full moon because they can see better.” A Roryism can be insightful: “It’s not the fear of dying that gets to cancer patients; it’s the fear of dying alone.”
For this contest, a Roryism must sound as if it comes from the viewpoint of Rory Falcon, a very special character in the novel Wicked Good.
Prize: $100 Prepaid Credit Card and winning quote will be published in Wicked Wise, book two in the Wicked series.
Contest Run Dates: September 12, 2011 - November 30, 2011
Winner Announcement: One lucky winner will be announced Wednesday, December 7, 2011 on The Muffin in a post highlighting The Top 10 Roryisms.
Judges: Authors Amy Lewis Faircloth and Joanne Lewis; WOW! Women On Writing editor Margo Dill
Rules & Regs: Open to anyone who purchases a copy of Wicked Good either as a .pdf, ebook or print copy. Book may be purchased at www.amyandjoanne.com. Wicked Good is also available for purchase in both print and e-book formats at Amazon and at Barnes & Noble.
- You may enter as many times as you wish. Roryisms may be of any length and must be told in the character of Rory Falcon.
- Please include WOW! RORYISM CONTEST in the subject line. Please include your name and email address in your submission so we may contact you if you win. Upon submission you will receive an auto-response that your submission has been received.
- Entries must be received no later that midnight pacific time on November 29th, 2011.
- Winner will receive a $100 prepaid credit card. Winning entry will be published in the upcoming book Wicked Wise.
How to submit: Please submit your quote entries to wickedgoodcontest@wow-womenonwriting.com with WOW! RORYISM CONTEST in the subject line.
Questions? Contact Amy & Joanne: amyandjoanne@gmail.com
Book Giveaway Contest
Enter to win a signed print copy of the award-winning novel Wicked Good by Amy Lewis Faircloth and Joanne Lewis!
Here's how you enter:
1. For your first entry, just leave a comment on this post! Leave a comment or ask Amy and Joanne a question to be entered in the random drawing.
2. For an extra entry, link to this post on Twitter with the hashtag #WickedGood, then come back and leave us a link to your tweet.
The giveaway contest closes this Thursday, September 15th, at 11:59 pm, PST. We will announce the winner in the comments section of this post the following day--Friday, September 16th, and if we have the winner's email address from the comments section, we will also notify the winner via email. Good luck!
WOW! There is so much going on and it all sounds so exciting. I have my copy of Wicked Good and am in the middle of enjoying it now. So, let's all get busy--leaving comments for Joanne and Amy on here to win the book, coming up with Roryisms for me to help judge (these will be SOOOOOO great!), and if you have a blog, participate in the mass blogging day. :)
See you all in the blogosphere.
I loved Wicked Good--I've read it twice already!
Our family is living Rory's life. My son, 16, has been diagnosed with Asperger's and bipolar disorder.
I look forward to reading the book, to see if the events mirror the types of things my son does and says.
I would like to read this.
My 33 year old son has Aspergers/bipolar disorder I believe. My father had bipolar disporder and I do also. My son has never been formally diagnosed as he has consistently refused to go for help, but I believe these illnesses are what cause him so much difficulty and pain in life. I would love to win a copy of this book so I might understand him more.
Thanks everyone. We are very excited for the blog tour. Amy and Jo
It sounds like a moral to this story is to not take life too seriously. I would love to read this book!
Man, you two are going to be BUSY! Best of luck on the blog tour, and of course, on Wicked Good. Here's hoping it's the beginning of a wonderful series -- not to mention the authors' life -- for you.
It's a fascinating concept to follow a character through his entire life span. Joanne and Amy, how many novels do you anticipate? Looking forward to learning more!
I'm looking forward to reading the book and participating in the mass blogging day. I've often thought about writing a book with my sister. Amy and Jo, what are the biggest challenges for you two working as co-authors and maintaining your sisterhood?
Wicked Good sounds wicked amazing! (: Count me in!
LayDeeBugLove at aol dot com
Hello. This is Amy. Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm. In answer to your question @dream-hour, we are committed to having fun together! That is one reason we are so enjoying WOW - it is fun. If you all enjoy the book along the way, that is just the icing on the cake. We are sisters first; friends second; co-authors third.
As the parent of special needs kids and a writer, I've enjoyed sharing my trials with others. It's helped me clarify my experiences and other parents have shared that they've found reading 'real life' stories like ours helpful and inspiring. I know your book will help and inspire thousands of people - good work!
Adults with Asperger's are very misunderstood people which contributes further to their social difficulties. Efforts made when they are younger may help to positively affect their future. Regardless, we can't give up trying to help them. (I also gave a tweet - rey_gun)
First let me say congratulations on your book. It sounds like a heart-warming read and I have added it to my must read list.
My mother and I live in different states and have talked about the possibility of writing a book together. I would love to hear about the process and logistics that the two of you used to write together. I would imagine it involved alot of emails and phone calls but would love to hear more.
Looks like a great book!
I would love to read this.
I would love to read this
thank you
sounds like a great book
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Thank you for all your comments. :) We held a random drawing via random.org for Wicked Good by Amy Lewis Faircloth and Joanne Lewis, and the winner is... dream-hour!
Congratulations, dream-hour! You have won a signed copy of Wicked Good. I didn't see an email address on your profile, so please contact us at blogtour@wow-womenonwriting.com with your mailing address and we will forward it to the ladies for you.
For everyone else: make sure you check out the rest of the stops on this tour for more giveaways and fantastic advice from these two talented sisters.
And when you read the book, make sure you enter the Roryism contest for a chance to win a $100 prepaid credit card and publication in Wicked Wise.
Happy Friday! And happy reading. :)
I'm so excited to read the book. Thank you, Amy and Jo. Thank you also for answering my question about being sisters and co-authors. "We are sisters first; friends second; co-authors third" - if my sister and I ever do write a book together, I think I'll write that on a note and post it next to my desk. See you all on mass blogging day!
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