It was perfect. Character sketches, logline and plot were completed. Script writing software waited to be activated. Friends were alerted of my limited availability. A supply of dark chocolate, assorted teas, and wine were on hand. April 1st arrived and I, along with countless 'Screnzy'ers', got to work. The momentum continued through the weekend, with short breaks to go food shopping and to church. Then, Monday arrived and back to work I went.
Sounds familiar? Probably, if you're a writer. You learn to make time to write

I'm looking forward to this weekend full of writing. Having taken a couple of scriptwriting workshops in the past few months and studying the scripts of various movies and T.V. shows has been helpful. When Monday rolls around, the day job and rest of life taking up where it left off, the Frenzy will patiently wait for a convenient time for us to meet and create. So will I. In the Frenzy vs. life conflict, sometimes the Frenzy wins, sometimes life does. Now, if you will excuse me, my script--and some chocolate calls.
By Jill Earl
Yes! One week down! :)
I'm doing the poetry prompts at InkSeeds this month, which is so much more than just a poetry exercise: it's a conversation with your soul. Which is exactly why I'm doing it!
Good luck with Script Frenzy!
Thank you! Just checked both your blog and website--your poetry is AMAZING!!
Best of luck to you with PAD and the anthology!
Thanks so much for checking out my sites, Jill. I really appreciate that :)
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