& Book Giveaway Comments Contest!
Cindy Hudson grew up in Brusly, Louisiana, where she nourished her early love of reading while wandering the cubbyhole rooms of her local library, a converted Victorian mansion. Wandering the aisles of bookstores and libraries are still two of her favorite things, and if she can do that with her husband and daughters she's even happier.
Hudson writes from home in Portland, Oregon.
Find out more about Cindy by visiting her websites:
Mother-Daughter Book Club: http://motherdaughterbookclub.com/
Connect on Facebook: Mother-Daughter Book Club Fan Page
Follow her on Twitter: http://twitter.com/momdtrbookclub

Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother-Daughter Book Clubs
By Cindy Hudson
Mothers and daughters share a special bond...why not further this bond through reading together?
Book clubs have been growing in popularity over the past ten years, started by a variety of people with various interests and goals. Mother-daughter book clubs offer a great way for families to grow and share--with each other and with other mother-daughter pairs. In Book by Book Cindy Hudson offers all the how-to tips mothers need to start their own successful book clubs. Hudson offers her own firsthand experience as the founder of two long-running successful mother-daughter book clubs.
Hudson offers suggestions on book topics, club guidelines, and how to keep the club going as daughters grow older. How big should the club be? Whom should we invite? How often should we meet? How do we make sure we actually read the books? Hudson has all the answers. With recommended book lists (divided by four age groups), online resources, and suggested recipes for book-club retreats, Book by Book is a great resource for helping moms and daughters form new memories and traditions.
Paperback: 312 pages
Publisher: Seal Press
ISBN: 1580052991
Book Giveaway Comments Contest!
If you received our Events Newsletter, remember, we are holding a contest to win a copy of Cindy Hudson's book Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother-Daughter Book Clubs to those that comment. So, grab a cup of coffee, pull up a chair, and enjoy the chat, and share your thoughts, and comments, at the end. We will randomly choose a winner from those who comment.
Interview by Jodi Webb
WOW: Welcome, Cindy! We're thrilled to be chatting with you today. When did you first start your book clubs with your daughters?
Cindy: I started a mother-daughter book club with each of my daughters when they were nine and in fourth grade. With Madeleine, who is now 18, that was in 2001, and Catherine, who is 15, that was in 2004. The girls in Madeleine's group all started college this year, and while that means we don't meet on a regular basis, we do still get together on holiday breaks. And four of us were lucky enough to have a great mother-daughter weekend in Eugene, Oregon, where the girls are attending the University of Oregon. Catherine's group still meets regularly, and I expect we will until the girls finish high school in 2-1/2 years.
WOW: What made you start the Mother-Daughter Book Club Website?
Cindy: I created the Mother-Daughter Book Club website to provide the kind of resources I was looking for but couldn't find in one place on the Web. I wanted to feature books that both moms and girls would enjoy reading and group them by age groups they were appropriate for. I added author interviews and other sites to find book recommendations too. The really nice thing was that I started to get emails from moms in book clubs almost right away. They had a lot of questions about how to start their groups, choose the books and lots of other issues. It was about six months into having the website up and running that I realized writing a guidebook would be a good idea.
WOW: So the perfect book idea was right there under your nose! Can you tell us a little about your book from the first idea through finding an agent, finding a publisher, writing the book?
Cindy: From idea to publication took just over two years. Much of the first year I worked on building my platform. I worked on the website and wrote a blog, then introduced a newsletter when I had enough readers. I created a proposal, then pitched the concept to an editor and an agent at a writing conference. But even though the editor was interested, she didn't believe I had a strong enough platform. So I went back to work. Several months later I queried quite a few agents with my new, stronger proposal, and I had a few offer to represent me. My agent was able to find an interested publisher within a month, and I was given a little more than six months to finish writing the book after the contract was signed.
WOW: So you are living breathing proof that a strong author's platform really does make a difference! Besides having your online presence, what else did you do to establish yourself as a "book club expert"?
Cindy: My author's platform definitely made a difference. In addition to having my website and blog, I wrote an article on mother-daughter book clubs that was published in a national magazine. I was also interviewed as the mother-daughter book club expert for a story in a large metropolitan daily newspaper and in other national magazines. I have a background in marketing and public relations, and I think that probably helped too, as it said to agents and publishers I would be active in promoting my book.
WOW: As a person with one book under their belt AND a background in marketing--any advice for writers with ideas for nonfiction books?
Cindy: I think you have to answer three questions: Why should this book be written? Why is now a good time to write it? Why are you the best person to write it? By answering those questions you establish the market of who will buy your book and establish yourself as the writer.
You also may want to get someone else's advice when writing about your own credentials. I find a lot of writers are too modest to adequately sell themselves as experts, and having someone else help you craft a way to sing your praises is invaluable.
WOW: Will you be developing a Book by Book for boys?
Cindy: I pitched this as a single book. With nonfiction at least, I didn't find it was important to have another idea ready for agents and publishers. I don't have any plans to develop a Book by Book for boys, but I am adding resources to my website that will help moms find books their boys may want to read.
WOW: Tell us what you're working on next.
Cindy: I'm very happily writing about mother-daughter book clubs whenever I can, and I'm working on an idea for another book about mothers and daughters, but I'm still mulling the possibilities over for now.
WOW: And finally...what was the favorite book you read with your daughters?
Cindy: That's a tough one. There have been so many great books we've read together. But if I have to pick just one, it would be Boy: Tales of Childhood by Roald Dahl. It's a memoir of Dahl's early life, and it's both fascinating and funny. It's easy to see where he got inspiration for some of the wacky characters in his novels. My daughters have very different tastes in books--one likes historical fiction and the other is more into fantasy and nonfiction. But they both loved this book, and so did my husband. We read Boy together as a family, we read it in each of our book clubs, and the girls have read it on their own too.
WOW: I'll have to check that one out! It sounds great. But first, I need to pick up a copy of Book by Book to learn how to start a mother-daughter book club. Thank you so much, Cindy, for taking time to chat with us today. Your tour is going to be fantastic!
Want to join Cindy on her blog tour? Check out these dates and mark your calendar! You can also snag a copy of WOW's Events Calendar HERE.
Blog Tour Dates: Come and join the fun!
April 19, 2010 Monday
Cindy will be chatting with WOW! Women On Writing at The Muffin. Stop by and share your comments! One lucky commenter will win copy of Cindy's book!
April 20, 2010 Tuesday
What is your passion? And how can it help your writing? Today, author Cindy Hudson shares her thoughts on using your passion to fuel your writing. Readers also have a chance to win a copy of her book Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother-Daughter Book Clubs!
April 21, 2010 Wednesday
Thinking of starting your own book club but don't know where to begin? Then stop by Ramblings of a Texas Housewife for a visit from Cindy Hudson and her recommendations of Ten Book Club Favorites!
April 22, 2010 Thursday
Don't miss the review and giveaway of Cindy Hudson's Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother-Daughter Book Clubs.
April 23, 2010 Friday
Stop by Selling Books for a fun interview with Cindy Hudson, author of Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother-Daughter Book Clubs.
April 26, 2010 Monday
Today Margo brings readers the ultimate book for adults and children to share--Cindy Hudson's Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother-Daughter Book Clubs. You also have the chance to win your own copy of Book by Book!
April 27, 2010 Tuesday
What's the magical key to being a good writer? Could it be hidden in those books jamming your bookshelves? Cindy Hudson stops by Beth Morrissey's blog to tell us how good readers can make good writers.
April 28, 2010 Wednesday
Cindy Hudson stops by Mom-e-Centric to share how she makes time for herself during her busy life and how other moms can too!
April 29, 2010 Thursday
Want something special to do with the women in your life this Mother's Day? How about a book club? Don't miss an interview with Cindy Hudson today at Finders & Keepers, Cathy C. Hall's blog.
April 30, 2010 Friday
Cindy Hudson, author of Book by Book, is our favorite queen of book clubs. Who knows better how authors can connect with readers through book club visits? Stop by The Urban Muse for some helpful advice!
May 3, 2010 Monday
Attention all you daily bloggers! Cindy Hudson, author of Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother-Daughter Book Clubs, stops by Whole Latte Life today to write about how identifying your passions can help to sustain your writing. She's also offering a chance to win her book--the perfect Mother's Day gift!
May 4, 2010 Tuesday
As a writer do you learn from the school of life? Yes, but it doesn't hurt to take a few classes. Cindy Hudson writes about how writing classes can help you hone your craft. There's also a contest to win a copy of her book!
May 5, 2010 Wednesday
Stop by for a review and a chance to win Cindy Hudson's book Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother-Daughter Book Clubs. She'll also be back later in the week to contribute to the 5 Minutes for Books column, "On Reading."
May 7, 2010 Friday
What is your family's passion? The environment, sports, religion, travel? No matter what your passion there's an opportunity for family volunteering that matches it. Learn about family volunteering from Cindy Hudson. You also have a chance to win a copy of Cindy's book!
May 10, 2010 Monday
Stop by for an educational interview about writing with Cindy Hudson. And don't miss your chance to win a copy of her book!
May 11, 2010 Tuesday
Don't miss Cindy Hudson, author of Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother-Daughter Book Clubs, at Write for a Reader today sharing how books have touched her life.
May 14, 2010 Friday
Stop by for a review of Cindy Hudson's Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother-Daughter Book Clubs and your last chance to win a copy!
To view all of our touring authors, check out our Events Calendar HERE.
If you have a blog or website and would like to host one of our touring authors or schedule a tour of your own, please email Angela and Jodi at: blogtour@wow-womenonwriting.com
And be sure to comment on this post to enter in a drawing for a copy of Cindy Hudson's Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother-Daughter Book Clubs! And check back in a couple of days in the comments section to see if you won!
I can't wait to read Cindy's suggestions. I've been blessed with seven daughters (and two sons) ranging in age from 27 - 10, so I doubt I could find a book to catch all of them. But I have enjoyed sharing many books with my older girls and reading to my younger ones.
Cindy Antene
Nice interview! I have three girls who all love to read and write so we have our own club going, informally. We are constantly giving each other new fun things to read.
Karen :)
What a great resource! Can't wait to share this with my four daughters, all avid readers.
Thanks for sharing this!
Your book is a great idea. You have given lots information on how to build a platform and start a newsletter. I hope to do that soon. Thanks.
How fabulous! My daughter is only 15 months old, but she already loves books and reading. My mom likes to joke that she will start the first toddler book club in our area. Sounds like maybe there is something to that...
In some ways, Elizabeth, it's true that you can't start them off to young. Most moms I know read to their preschool children often, it's adding the social element into it that's different. And if you gather a group of girls and their moms, read a picture book out loud, then talk about the book, you have a similar activity to storytime at the library. Add a little food and something to sip on and you have a mother-daughter book club!
Wow!!!! What a great story. You are an inspiration to all writers. It's so important to have a presence on the internet and it is not a hard thing to do. Though it seems overwhelming, your story shows that you just take one step at a time and go for what you know. Thanks for doing what you believe- it has taken you places that many of us dream about. Congrats!!!!
Thank you for your comments!
We picked a random winner of Cindy Hudson's book. Congratulations Cindy Antene! You won a copy of Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother-Daughter Book Clubs.
We sent you an email asking for your mailing address, so be sure to look for it. I know you'll love this fantastic book! :)
Thank you--I am thrilled! I can't wait to see and use your book.
Happy Mothers Day to all!
Cindy Antene
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