I can think of a few things that scare me: rejection letters, unpaid bills, and me in a thong. But I'm talking really scary, the things that send chills up your spine when you read a short story. It takes a certain type of writer who can plow the depths of darkness, build suspense, and twist a story ending so the reader doesn't see it coming.What are some other elements scary stories need in order...
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Friday Speak Out: A Revelation!, Guest Post by Jennifer Flaten
Friday, October 30, 2009
A Revelation!by Jennifer FlatenA few days ago, I finished my usual day of writing. I was proud of myself I completed almost all of my to-do items. This is a big deal for a procrastinator like me. One item scratched off my list, a short profile piece on Patsy Cline. As I clicked send on the piece, I realized I really enjoyed writing it. Not only did I learn about Patsy, but also I thought I managed...
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Inspiration to Keep the Idea Well Full
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Two questions I’ve been asked a lot lately have been, (1) “What influences you the most when you sit down to write?” and (2)“How do you keep coming up with new stuff? Surely, the well must run dry at times.” I’ll start with the second one.You would think the idea well would be a bit arid at times. I mean how can a person have the brainpower to continuously pump out one story after another with some...
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Words We LOVE to Overuse
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
by LuAnn SchindlerRead through your writing, and you will undoubtedly find a word, several words, or even phrases you tend to repeat. For those of us who write on a daily basis, the practice of penning the same word in the majority of our stories may seem like happenstance.Or maybe it plays out like the movie Groundhog Day - no matter how we try to cut the word, it keeps popping up in our writing And then we begin a new day, with a new goal or assignment, and guess what happens? That's...
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Interview with Doris E. Wright, Runner Up in WOW!s Spring 09 Flash Fiction Contest
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Congratulations to Doris E. Wright of Homer, New York. Her flash fiction piece, You Can See, earned runner up honors in the Spring 2009 Flash Fiction Contest.In addition to short stories and poetry, Doris completed her first novel about a the offbeat relationship between a middle-aged man and his philosophical bedding plant. Now, Doris ponders if agents that specialize in quirky, philosophical, comical,...
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WOW! Facebook Friends and Fans Contest
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
If you're on Facebook and are a fan of WOW!, we are having a contest for Fans. You could win a really cute tee, tote, and hoodie, as well as a subscription to Premium-Green Writers Markets. If you are not a fan yet and you are on Facebook, consider becoming a fan today. Visit our Facebook Fan Page.Official Rules:WOW! FACEBOOK FRIENDS & FANS CONTEST #1Thank you for being a fan of WOW! Women On...
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Having Multiple Projects on the Burner
Monday, October 26, 2009
I am loving to write more and more as time goes along. I was thinking about this the other day and my thoughts led me to the following question: what is it about writing that most excites me and keeps me feeling such a high level of satisfaction from my work?For me, the answer is that it allows for multiple projects going on at the same time. I always enjoyed switching among subject areas when doing homework growing up. I likewise always participated in multiple extracurriculars and...
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The 2009 Muse Online Writers Conference
Sunday, October 25, 2009
By Jill EarlI’m finally coming down from my annual Muse high. This year, from October 12th to October 18th, I attended the Muse Online Writers Conference, an annual event packed with more than enough activities to satisfy any writer. The first Muse Conference came on the scene back in 2006, when co-founders Lea Schizas and Carolyn Howard Johnson saw an opportunity to create a conference where writers from around the world could attend, without the limits of money or distance. And best...
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Take A Walk Towards Inspiration
Saturday, October 24, 2009
I'm always trying to find a way to inspire a story or an article idea. Believe me, there are thousands of ways that I've tried going about getting inspiration. But, there is one way that, well, frankly works quite a lot, but of course I have to get motivated to do it.How many of us really like to exercise? Not many, let's face it. We all feel like it is a chore to get out there and walk, run, ride...
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Friday Speak Out: The Value of Critiques, Guest Post by Kim Smith
Friday, October 23, 2009
The Value of Critiquesby Kim SmithI recently entered a writing competition that offered a critique of my entry by no less than three judges. Excitement filled my heart. In the absence of any literary professionals in my life, ie: teachers or editors or authors, I'm not always sure of what is working, and what isn't.Sure, I've entered various online critique groups, but I've never taken them that...
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Finding--and keeping--the love of reading
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Paddington Bear, to let you in on a secret, started my love of writing. Michael Bond, the author of the Paddington Bear series, became my hero when I wrote him as a 9-year-old and told him I wanted to be a writer. While he was never my mentor, his approachability has left a mark through my reading and writing career. We carried on a correspondence--heaven knows what I wrote him as a pre-teen fan--and each time he kindly responded and sent along a note from Paddington, as well. I remember...
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Children's Short Story Dos and Don'ts (Part 1)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Many writers who want to pen short stories for children dream of getting published in a popular kids' magazine like Highlights for Children or Cricket. Those are great goals, but writing for children is not as easy as it looks. As a matter of fact, many children's writers will tell you it is more difficult. Here are some Dos and Don'ts to make the journey a little easier: Normal 0 ...
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Madeline Mora-Summonte: Spring 2009 Contest Runner Up
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Congratulations to Madeline Mora-Summonte for placing in the Spring 2009 Flash Fiction contest with her story, "Poster Child."Here's a little information about Madeline:She has written poetry, personal essays, and book reviews; but her first love is fiction in all its forms--from flash to novels. Her work has appeared in over twenty publications, including Highlights for...
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Therese Walsh, author of The Last Will of Moira Leahy, launches her blog tour!
Monday, October 19, 2009
& Book Giveaway Comments Contest!Therese Walsh planned to be a sleep researcher but, through the twists and turns of life, ended up as a researcher at Prevention Magazine. She began writing bits and pieces for the magazine and soon found her true passion—writing.Therese’s love of writing led her to co-found Writer Unboxed, a blog for writers about the craft and business of genre fiction, and...
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A Chat With Jennie Linthorst: Sensational Mom, SPD Advocate and Poetry Therapist
Sunday, October 18, 2009
For the Parent’s Eyes section of my newsletter this month, I had the pleasure of interviewing an amazing poet, writer, Poetry Therapist, mom and SPD advocate, Jennie Linthorst. Jennie is not only the amazing and dedicated Mom to a sensational little guy, she’s also found a creative way to cope with everything that goes on in her very busy life. I can’t say enough about this wonderful women and thought...
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