James Patterson Sets World Record for Best Sellers

Sunday, May 31, 2009
James Patterson set a world record for the "Most Entries on The New York Times Best-Seller List." The Guinness Book of World Records awarded Patterson yesterday at Book Expo America (BEA) for having 31 hardcover novels reaching number one, and 45 total books on the list.For more about what's happening at BEA visit: http://www.mediumatlarge.net/ createSummaryAndThumb("summary5717919627901371915","https://muffin.wow-womenonwriting.com/2009/05/james-patterson-sets-world-record-for.html","James...
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Last Chance to Enroll in 3 Classes!

Sunday, May 31, 2009
We have two classes starting June 1st, and one starting June 2nd: ---------------- GET PAID TO WRITE: BECOME A FREELANCE WRITER! YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO FREELANCE WRITING BASICS, by Nicole LaMarco START DATE:...
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What’s Top of (Your) Mind?

Saturday, May 30, 2009
By Jill EarlLately I’ve been reflecting on something I read last month from a newsletter I receive from the Working Solo site, which is targeted to the self-employed. In the April 22 issue, founder Terri Lonier spoke of how a simple question from close friend Jerry Michalski, in addition to opening the door to meaningful conversation, causes her to ponder on what’s really foremost in her thoughts.That question, “What’s top of mind?”, says Ms. Lonier, “makes you consider what is most important...
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Delving Into the Unknown: Trying Out A New Genre

Friday, May 29, 2009
I hope you’ve all had a chance to check out this month’s issue of WOW, “Finding Your Genre.” Personally, I found it the inspirational push I needed to delve into a specific genre I love but hadn’t thought I’d be good writing in: Young Adult.When I started writing professionally about five years ago, I was drawn to the Inspirational and Christian genres. I wanted to help other people through my experiences and those were the safest and most welcoming areas to do that. Over time, my writing...
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Grant Me A Moment To Tell You About Grant Writing!

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Have you ever written a grant proposal? Have you ever worked on a review committee for grants?If not and it is something you are considering, there are plenty of resources out there, not just to receive funding for your own projects, but also for getting into the grant writing field/discipline.1) Do some reading up on the process. If you don't wish to invest in buying books in the early, exploratory phase, at least go to a local library and read up on the topic. Some books I have found...
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Interview with WOW! Runner-Up Jen Payne

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Jen Payne is a runner up in the Fall Essay Contest sponsored by skirt! Books. Read her winning story, How the Universe Moved My Sofa and Changed My Life.Jen's Bio: I've been a writer for as long as I can remember--adolescent poetry, high school newspaper, college journalism, freelance writing, zine publishing, blog entries. For the past 16 years, I've been a wearer of all hats--editor, copywriter,...
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Jacket Flap: A Social Site for Children's Writers and More

Monday, May 25, 2009
If you write for children or young adults, you may want to check out another social networking site called, JacketFlap. The JacketFlap homepage states: "JacketFlap connects you to the work of more than 200,000 authors, illustrators, publishers and other creators of books for children and young adults." So, if you are on Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, or even Twitter, JacketFlap may be another site...
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Five Ways to Survive a Dry Spell

Sunday, May 24, 2009
by LuAnn SchindlerHaving a difficult time generating new ideas? It happens to all writers at some point. But when the creative juices simply don't flow, and the postman keeps delivering the bills, a writer must be proactive to survive a dry spell. Here are five tips to help you find sources of income when the well runs dry.Reuse old queries. In a perfect writing world, every query a writer mails would be snatched up by a publication. But in the real writing world, some queries aren't...
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Redeeming the passion in your writing

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Writing can be a lonely endeavor. But it is also a rewarding and satisfying one. I appreciate connecting with my readers. I love conducting research into something I don't know much about.However, even as much as I love writing, it can sometimes seem less than the ideal career choice. Add freelance in front of writer and you might as well also write "not-the-most-secure" in front of career. Sometimes a writer might become discouraged.As I revised for the umpteenth time one of my articles...
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Friday Speak Out: "Write What You Know? Or Not," Guest Post by Michele Howe

Friday, May 22, 2009
Write What You Know? Or Not.

by Michele Howe

When two of my closest friends became single moms over sixteen years ago, I had no idea that their trials, tribulations and challenges would the become the touchstone of my writing career. What began as a therapeutic way to tell my friends' stories (and to help other single moms) has grown into multiple articles, four books, and a column. All because my dear friends were willing to share their story, first with me, and then to others.

Right after their divorces, I recall being amazed and so proud of these women's hard choices and how they determined to raise their family solo in positive, proactive ways. As a good friend and onlooker, I'd carefully watch, ask questions, and then cheer them both on. Over time, I started writing article after article, telling readers how to tackle the various challenges of being a new single mom, from which "Going It Alone: Meeting the Challenges of Being a Single Mom" published by Hendrickson Publishers was developed.

As time went on and their lives changed and morphed (and still single), I continued to be amazed and wowed at my friends' ongoing savvy skill at parenting. So, at midlife (theirs and mine), "Still Going It Alone: Mothering with Faith and Finesse When the Children Have Grown" (Hendrickson) was born.

It always surprises me when people ask me how I come up with writing material because I never have to look further than my own experience or beyond the experiences of those I love. Everyone has a story to tell. Not everyone has someone to tell it for them. Writers have that privilege to be the voice for another person and what a blessed privilege it is.

Michele Howe is an author and Single Parenting Columnist.


Would you like to participate in Friday "Speak Out!"? Email your short posts (under 500 words) about women and writing to: marcia[at]wow-womenonwriting[dot]com for consideration. We look forward to hearing from you!

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The Jerry Jazz Musician Short Fiction Contest

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Think you can craft a jazz-influenced short story? Take a look at this contest.Three times yearly, Jerry Jazz Musician, a website that focuses on jazz music and its influence on American culture, sponsors its Short Fiction Contest.Submissions have to be original, previously unpublished, and approximately one to five thousand words in length. The winner will receive $100 and have their story published on the Jerry Jazz Musician site.For contest details and to check out this interesting...
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Update on WOW! Winter '09 Contest Winners

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Hi Ladies,We've been having some problems with our server, but the Winter '09 Contest Winners' feature article should be live sometime tonight with our May/June '09 ezine issue. :)Remember to refresh your browser when revisiting: www.wow-womenonwriting.comCheers! createSummaryAndThumb("summary4979301173564318220","https://muffin.wow-womenonwriting.com/2009/05/update-on-wow-winter-09-contest-winners.html","Update on WOW! Winter '09 Contest Winners...
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Stephanie Riseley, author of Love From Both Sides, Launches her Blog Tour!

Monday, May 18, 2009
& Book Giveaway Comments Contest!Stephanie Riseley is a writer, teacher, and hypnotherapist. Her book, Love From Both Sides: A True Story of Soul Survival and Sacred Sexuality, tells the story of her husband dying in her arms and coming back to chat.Besides being a writer, Stephanie has studied hypnosis since 1971. Over the years, she's helped hundreds of people lose weight, quit smoking, and...
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Greet Me With Your Writing

Sunday, May 17, 2009
This seemed too appropriate for me today, my birthday, to write about: greeting card writing. It was one of the first topics I thought of when I started writing for this blog, but for whatever reason, I neglected to write about it so far.I do not know about you, but when I go into a store looking for cards, I am usually more devious than I would normally be. I go for the obnoxious cards, although not the ones with music. I look for the puns, the digs, the disses, and for the jokes of...
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MAGAZINE WRITING SUCCESS e-course Starts Wednesday May 20

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Have you checked out WOW!'s brand new Workshops & Classes page? If you subscribe to our newsletter, you probably saw all the great new e-courses we're offering. The first class to kick off our summer season is Wendy Meyeroff's Magazine Writing Success Course! Wendy is still accepting students, so if you're interested in learning the craft of magazine writing and marketing your work to this lucrative...
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Learning From Rats: Cinderella Story Part Two

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Jennifer Crusie is a New York Times Bestselling author and recently the source of much inspiration for my critique group. One of our members found this blog post of hers titled "Rats With Islands: How to Survive Your Publishing Career." When I read her essay, I thought of my last post about believing that your Cinderella story can come true with hard work and determination. So, I am not the only...
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I Get By With A Little Help From My Twitter Friends

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
by LuAnn SchindlerOK, I'll admit it. I'm a social networking junkie. Especially Twitter. And OK, I'll admit that sometimes it get carried away and check out too many links that my friends post. But I can also say that I believe I've grown as a writer, a journalist, and a digital citizen. And yes, I'll thank my Twitter friends for shaping me and for keeping me on task when I really need to be.As a journalist, I see the value of tweeting. I've watched a regional newspaper use Twitter to...
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Interview with Holly Helscher: Fall 2008 Personal Essay Runner Up

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Kudos to Holly Helscher, a runner up in the Fall 2008 WOW! Personal Essay contest. Holly's eclectic education background includes a doctorate in Metaphysics from the American Institute of Holistic Theology, a BS in English Literature and a MA in Community Counseling. Currently, she resides in Tucson, Arizona, where she serves as Campus President of Brown Mackie College. Her move from America's heartland...
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Elizabeth Fournier, author of All Men are Cremated Equal, Launches her Blog Tour!

Monday, May 11, 2009
& Book Giveaway Comments Contest!After she got over her dream of being a Solid Gold Dancer, Fournier promptly headed into the local funeral home and asked for a job, any job. She became the live-in night keeper which meant she resided in a trailer in the far reaches of a large, hilly cemetery and slept with a shotgun near her bed. It was the scariest summer of her life.She is currently the voice...
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