Sleeping With Dogs by Barbara Barth: Blog Tour & Giveaway

Monday, February 10, 2025
Sleeping with Dogs by Barbara Barth

I'm so excited to announce the launch of another blog tour with the prolific author, Barbara Barth. Her newest book, Sleeping With Dogs: A Poetic Memoir, chronicles her journey—in poetic form—of loving dogs throughout her life. This is a chapbook you don't want to miss if you love dogs, have ever loved dogs, or plan to have a dog some time in the future.

We'll be interviewing Barbara and talking about this charming poetic memoir and giving away a copy of the book to one lucky reader. Before we get to that, here's more about the book:

Barbara Barth started adopting dogs after the loss of her husband in 2008. From larger dogs to downsizing to Chihuahuas there are always five to six dogs at home. Barth has captured the essence of each dog's personality in short free verse poems. Known as Writer With Dogs, Barth has written two memoirs and a variety of novels. Dogs are always present in her stories. This is her first collection of poems. A chapbook of second chances.

ISBN-13: 979-8988575061
Print Length: 37 pages

Purchase a copy of the book on Amazon. You can also add it to your Goodreads reading list.

About the Author, Barbara Barth

Barbara Barth turned to writing and adopting dogs to heal after the loss of her husband in 2008. Known as Writer With Dogs over the years, she now calls herself Chihuahua Mama and lives with six demanding Chihuahuas in a charming small town forty miles from Atlanta. She is Literary Arts Chair on the Board of her local art center. Inspired by the many talented artists she meets Barth started painting. Her whimsical style embraces ladies, gardens, critters, and of course cats and dogs.

Find her online at:

-- Interview by Nicole Pyles

WOW: I am so glad to have you back with us at WOW! And I absolutely love your book of poetry. What inspired you to write this?

Barbara: I'm so happy you love my little book! I saw a challenge on Facebook to write 21 poems in 21 days and decided to give it a try. I thought it would be fun, And honestly, I am a bit burned out working on a new novel. The poems were completed in three weeks time. Every morning with my coffee I sat down to write a new poem. I'm hooked now and am continuing to write a quick poem daily. May not publish them but I find it relaxing.

WOW: What an amazing, relaxing routine that resulted in a charming poetry collection. What was your compilation process? How did you decide where each should go? 

Barbara: This is a poetic memoir on all the dogs I've adopted since losing my husband in 2008. I started with the first dog we had as a couple because Foxy helped with all the new dogs that came to live with me as a widow. The poems (and dogs) are in chronological order which was hard to remember who came first with five or six rescue dogs always with me. My goal was to capture each dog's unique personality and also include a few poems on how they have made my life so lovely. The very last poem is a PS because I adopted Lucy from Animal Control. I wasn't planning on another dog, but she was on Facebook and so sad. 
WOW: I love how you followed a poetic timeline. I feel like you are a fantastic example of a writer who knows how to connect with her local community and use that to promote her work. Can you share any tips on how a writer can engage with their community better?

Barbara: I have found that promoting other writers and artists opens up new venues and friendships. In the early days of writing I had several blogs and did book reviews that I shared on social media. In 2010-2011, I had a small antique shop that turned out to be a meeting place for writers who taught classes and did book launches from the tiny hub. And most recently since 2018, I am the Literary Arts Chair on the Board of a charming art center where I schedule writing classes, book signings like I used to do in my shop, and our writing group Walton Writers. In everything I've done I'm meeting new people who are readers or writers or artists. We all help each other. And my two favorite things to do with a new book, a blog tour with WOW! and a fundraiser book signing at the art center where 100% of book sales that day a donation to my favorite place. 
WOW: Fantastic combination! I love the cover of this book! Can you tell me about the designer and her process in creating it at all?

Barbara: I designed the cover image based on a photograph I saw of a woman in bed with her dog. I'm the chunky gal with each of my six dogs sleeping with me. It's a very naive drawing which is what I wanted for the cover. While my paintings are whimsical, they are not this simplistic. My sister put the final touches on it with color and a few tweaks. Of course she did the rest of the work, designing and uploading to KDP. My sister's book covers are always awesome so I was happy she approved of this one!

WOW: Your cover captures the beauty of your poetry and the delight the reader will have while reading it! You always write such uplifting books that put a smile to your reader's face. And I feel like the world needs more of those books. Why do you think those are the types of books you are pulled to write?

Barbara: Thanks for a wonderful compliment, Nicole. I love a bit of drama but I love a happy ending better. Starting with my first book The Unfaithful Widow, the memoir on losing my husband and finding a creative life, I wanted to share hope with my words. And finding my creative path and adopting dogs played  a huge part in healing. Since then I've written about things I love; dogs, antiques, gardens, art, old houses. And most of my characters have had loss but find their happy ending. Life is hard and I want to be a soft edge on that. Sometimes I think I live in my own little world wearing rose colored glasses. But with a lap full of dogs that's easy to do.
WOW: I'll bet! Where do you write? Can you tell us about it, including sharing any pictures?

Barbara: I write at my desk in my den. It's an old farm table in the corner of the room next to French doors so I can look out at nature. It's really a bit of a mess because I also paint here. The table has my laptop, jars of brushes and an old monitor that I painted for an art show with a frog, rabbit, mouse, and the words Wake Up and Create. My mantra in the morning. I have to work in this spot because the dogs are all sleeping in little beds around me. If I went into another room the howling would be horrible. 

WOW: What a beautiful space! I love it. It's so inspiring. Thank you so much for your time today. I loved talking with you again. Enjoy your tour!

-- Blog Tour Calendar

February 10th @ The Muffin
Join us at The Muffin as we celebrate the launch of Barbara Barth's poetry memoir Sleeping With Dogs. Read an interview with the author and enter to win a copy for yourself.

February 11th @ Lori B. Duff Writes
Visit Lori's blog for her review of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs.

February 12th @ Frugal Freelancer
Visit Sara's blog for a review of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs.

February 13th @ One Writer's Journey
Visit Sue's blog for a guest post by Barbara Barth about finding creative time.

February 13th @ Love a Librarian
Stop by Zarah's blog for an excerpt from Sleeping With Dogs. Zarah will also be sharing her own dog rescue story!

February 14th @ Words by Webb
Visit Jodi's blog for her dog rescue story and a spotlight of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs.

February 15th @ A Storybook World
Visit Deirdre's blog for her spotlight of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs.

February 15th @ Book Bunnies
Stop by the Book Bunnies blog for a fun review of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs.

February 16th @ Chit Chat With Charity
Visit Charity's blog for a review of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs. Charity will also be sharing her own dog rescue story!

February 18th @ Chatty Patty's Place
Visit Patty's blog for her review of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs.

February 20th @ Pages and Paws
Visit Kristine's blog for her review of Sleeping With Dogs by Barbara Barth.

February 20th @ One Writer's Journey
Sue will be sharing her review of Sleeping With Dogs by Barbara Barth.

February 22nd @ Wonderful World of Words
Visit Joy's blog to read an excerpt from Barbara's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs.

February 24th @ The Bohemian Princess Journal
Join Rebecca for her review of Sleeping With Dogs by Barbara Barth.

February 25th @ Frugal Freelancer
Visit Sara's blog for her story of how she rescued her dog. You can also win a copy of Sleeping With Dogs by Barbara Barth.

February 25th @ Lori B. Duff Writes
Visit Lori's blog again for her story of how she rescued her dog. 

February 26th @ Create Write Now
Visit Mari's blog for a guest post from Barbara Barth about book covers.

February 27th @ Word Magic
Visit Fiona's blog for her spotlight of Sleeping With Dogs.

February 27th @ Tracey Lampley's blog
Tracey shares an excerpt from Barbara Barth's Sleeping With Dogs.

February 28th @ Chatty Patty's Place
Visit Patty's blog for Barbara Barth's guest post on her art.

March 1st @  One Writer's Journey
Visit Sue's blog again for her interview with Barbara Barth about her memoir.

March 2nd @ Just Katherine
Visit Katherine's blog to read a guest post from Barbara Barth about rescuing dogs.

March 3rd @ The Bohemian Princess Journal
Visit Rebecca for her story of how she rescued her dog. 

March 4th @ Just Katherine
Stop by Katherine's blog again for an excerpt of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs.

March 5th @ Choices
Visit Madeline's blog for a guest post by Barbara Barth about writing poetry for the first time.

March 6th @ World of My Imagination
Visit Nicole's blog for her review of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir, Sleeping With Dogs.

March 7th @ Kaecey McCormick's blog
Join Kaecey for her post featuring an excerpt of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs.

March 8th @ Free to be Me
Join Leslie for her review of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs.

March 9th @ Caitrin C. King's blog
Visit Caitrin's blog her review of Barbara Barth's poetic memoir Sleeping With Dogs.
Sleeping With Dogs by Barbara Barth Blog Tour
***** BOOK GIVEAWAY *****
Enter to win a print copy of Sleeping With Dogs: A Poetic Memoir by Barbara Barth! Fill out the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win. The giveaway ends February 23rd at 11:59 pm CT. We will choose a winner the next day and announce in the widget as well as follow up via email. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Angela Mackintosh said...

Wonderful interview! I love the pics of your writing space, Barbara. :) That's so great this book sparked from a writing challenge. What a beautiful way to share stories about your dogs. I love your cover illustration, too. Congratulations on your book, and good luck on your tour! <3

Jenny S said...

I love that you are adopting dogs. We need them just as much as they need us! My boy Tyson got me through a very rough time in my life.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Angela. I had so much fun writing about all my dogs past and present. And excited to be on this tour with WOW!

Heather Swanson said...

I have loved & rescued 13 cats.

AshleyS said...

I love the cover. I'm going to put it on my tbr list.

Nancy P said...

Like the adorable cover.

barbara barth said...

Oops! Somehow my comment above posted as anonymous,, but it's me, Barbara Thanks for all the lovely comments. Dogs are the best and my lifeline!

Barbara Barth said...

Jenny, thanks for commenting. I am so happy with a house full of dogs that now have their happy place. Tyson sounds like a champ!

Barbara Barth said...

I love that you have rescued cats. And that is a wonderful number. I'd love to have a kitty but my dogs might get too excited.

Barbara Barth said...

The cover is my little drawing! Tried to capture each of my six dogs in bed with me. I paint but this illustration is a bit more naive and exactly what I wanted for cover. Thanks!

Barbara Barth said...

Thanks! My little drawing.

Melanie B said...

I love your writing space, so cozy and unique! What a wonderful idea to write poems about all the dogs you've rescued, love it!

Patsy said...

Great interview! Thanks :)

Jamie Martin said...

Do you have any advice for new writers?

Buddy Garrett said...

The book sounds wonderful.

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