When my son started preschool, I claimed those hours for myself. I only had two and a half hours, twice a week, but I wrote a book that year. Never during those hours did I wash dishes, fold laundry, check email, or go grocery shopping. I was able to accomplish what I did because that was the year I decided to call myself a writer and do something about it.
The more you reinforce your identity as a writer to yourself and to those around you, the more you will begin to feel like a writer, and the more you’ll write. The more you write, the closer you are to getting published. Once you feel more like a writer, you’ll begin to reach out to other writers, and you’ll learn about events in the writing community. You’ll subscribe to writing blogs; you’ll make contacts that inspire you. You’ll read more. All these are important steps toward reaching your goals.
The more you call yourself a writer, the less self-conscious you will feel saying it. The less guilt you will feel carving out time to write. The more your husband and children will begin to see you as a writer, and respect you for it.
Writers write, and attend conferences, and take workshops. So, what’s stopping you? Are you a writer, or what? Go ahead. Say it.
* * *

There is that weird awkwardness that comes with calling yourself a writer, initially. And a little fear, because you know the next question is going to be, "What have you written? Maybe I've read it!" But yes, there is a name it, claim it psychology to owning the identity.
Yes, we have to say it loud, say it proud: I am a writer!
This is awesome.
Oddly enough, over the last few years I've stopped thinking of myself as a writer - even though I earn money freelance ghost writing. Why? Because the regular job, which has not a lot to do with writing, has taken up the time I used to devote to fiction... I still write, and for pay, but in my head, I was more of a writer when I was writing fiction...
That's where my journey needs to go.
Great article... love the ones that make you think.
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