WOW: How did your company get its start and what's its mission, besides "Content is King"?
John: One of our goals is to create the world's most powerful network of journalists and authors. While writers have had a difficult time over the past few years, we believe that power is slowly returning back to writers who work hard to build a following. Google is behind this change: it is gradually placing more importance on authors who have "citations," which means you have a Google+ page with plenty of followers, and you link all your writing to your Google+ page (and vice versa). These writers will be able to command much higher prices in the near future. At Media Shower, we educate and train our writers on how to take advantage of this power shift, which benefits both us and them.
WOW: What kind of content is Media Shower looking for from its writers?
John: We write on every topic imaginable, so versatility is important. We always have plenty of work in the small business, personal finance, and insurance fields—especially from writers who are able to tackle those topics in a way that's interesting and fun to read.
WOW: Does Media Shower hire other editorial professionals?
John: Yes, we have a team of world-class editors who serve two roles: they come up with story ideas for our writers, and they edit and deliver the final piece to the client.
WOW: Does Media Shower provide the assignments?
John: Yes. We also provide a style guide—the "Media Shower style"—so it's easy for our writers to quickly grab an assignment from our website and get started. Highly motivated freelance writers thrive in our environment.
WOW: What kind of experience are you looking for from an applicant and does a writer need to know SEO?
John: First, we're looking for great writers—people who can really grab readers' attention and hook them. Because we produce so much great content, you need to be incredibly reliable at hitting deadlines. Being able to write on a wide variety of subjects is helpful. While SEO knowledge is not required, you do need to know how to write for the Web—it's difficult to train print journalists with no Web experience. More information, and signup form, at http://mediashower.com/
WOW: When Media Shower is looking for a multimedia article, what does that mean?
John: We pride ourselves in delivering beautiful content, so all of our articles come with photos included. We have several sources that writers can use to find these photos; it takes only a few minutes at the end of an assignment.
WOW: Who are some of Media Shower's clients?
John: We work with the largest provider of personal finance software, the largest B2B website, one of the largest auto insurance providers, as well as many other clients (both small and large). Working with Media Shower is an opportunity to associate yourself with powerful brands.
WOW: And, of course, what is the pay rate for Media Shower? How often are writers paid?
John: Pay is variable, and we are very reliable on payment, which is monthly. We just released a new version of our writer website, which calculates our writer payments automatically, freeing them from the hassle of invoicing. Our goal is to eliminate the "overhead" of running a freelance writing business, so our folks can do what they do best—write!
WOW: Thank you, John, for your responses to our questions!
Elizabeth King Humphrey is a writer and editor living in Wilmington, NC. She is a regular contributor to WOW! Women on Writing.
As a writer for MediaShower, I can tell you that this is one of those opportunities a freelance writer dreams about (and there is no catch!). No scrambling to 'win' assignments like on many other freelance writing sites- workflow is consistent. The editors are fantastic and John is just running a really smart business.
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