Daily writing leads to success, no ifs, ands, or buts. That’s because it forces you to focus like a laser on your work in progress and hone your writing skills whether you feel like writing or not. This in turn influences your subconscious mind to help you start thinking of yourself as a writer (or reinforces that belief) and that in turns affects your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors toward writing. Writing begets writing. Daily writing begets writing success.
Success is predicted by how you think, feel, and behave toward your writing goals. A person who has success-oriented thoughts and who feels confident in her abilities will naturally take daily actions that bring about her desired outcomes. She will feel enthusiastic, motivated, and dedicated to those outcomes because she thinks, feels, and acts her way toward reaching them, and she does the things every day necessary to achieve success.
This is the case with writing. An aspiring author who thinks positive thoughts and believes in herself will touch her craft daily, which will generate the enthusiasm and motivation to set goals. She will then cultivate the dedication required to take steps to reach those goals over a long period of time. She will write every day or take action every day toward her writing dream. She will act in methodical, self-disciplined ways that bring about desire outcomes. She will think, feel, and act in ways that stimulate enthusiasm, motivation, and dedication for achieving success as a writer as she defines it.
You can be that writer. Even if you have gotten off-track with your efforts to become a successful writer, it’s never too late to start again! Through daily writing, you can generate the enthusiasm, motivation, and dedication needed to work toward your long-term writing goals. You can create for yourself what is known in psychology as a positive self-fulfilling prophecy, which is a belief system that sets you up to succeed!
Kelly L. Stone (www.AuthorKellyLStone.com) is a licensed mental health counselor and writer. Her women's fiction novel, GRAVE SECRET (Mundania Press, September 2007) was called “powerful” by RT Book Reviews. She is also the author of the TIME TO WRITE series of craft books for writers; the latest in the series is LIVING WRITE: The Secret to Bringing Your Craft Into Your Daily Life (Adams Media, September 2010).
Join Kelly in her upcoming class, Empower Your Muse, Empower Your Writing Self. It starts January 9, 2012 and is limited to 25 students. She's also offering students a Winter discount of $50 off! (the class is normally $125, now $75). This includes one-on-one support and feedback from the Kelly as well as a free critique of up to 25 pages or a 15 minute phone consultation. The perfect way to start off the New Year!
How wonderful to read this blog post first thing this morning! I've been a fan of Kelly's ever since I happened upon one of her books at my local library a year or so ago. Since then, we've corresponded through e-mails, I bought a couple of her books and even had a book give-away on my blog. My goal for 2012 is to WRITE EVERY DAY! Thanks, Kelly!
Good stuff, Kelly. I enjoyed looking over your website and blog. Thanks for your inspiration today.
I have an "Inspiration Board" -- an old whiteboard on which I tape images, prose, and quotations that stir my creative sensibilities. This post is going on that board today. It's time to get back into that daily groove. Thank you, Kelly!
Thank you ladies, and good morning! Becky, so great to see you here-- thank you for all your support over the years. Linda, thanks for checking out my website. Gail, great idea on the Inspiration Board-- I may borrow that idea and make one myself! :) And Buy, thanks for stopping in today!
A fabulous concept -- this will be key for me this year - 2012 is when I finally finish one of my five books in progress.. no more excuses.
I just stumbled upon this blog today via Twitter. I'm grateful to "The Writer" magazine for the retweet. I'm making this a New Year's Resolution (again) and this is great inspiration!
Hi Jenna! Thanks for stopping by today and get your books written in 2012!
CMcGowan-- I'm grateful for The Writer retweet too! Thanks for stopping by today!
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