I'm going to a world premiere this weekend. And no, I'm not at Sundance. I wish! This weekend I've been invited to the premiere of a documentary about the local author of three (working on number four) urban thriller books. As authors we've all been told a thousand times "You're job's only halfway done when you finish the book. That's when the marketing begins." What do you picture when you think about marketing a book?
- interviews
- reviews
- book signings
- postcards
- blogs
- mass emailings
That's the standard plan. It's true, interviews reach the people who read them. But if you ask me (a person who's been knee deep in many authors marketing plans through my work with WOW Blog Tours) the best marketing is the double marketing. It reaches your first, intended group and then it reaches a second group simply because people are talking about your wild, crazy, unusual, fill-in-the-blank marketing. Trust me, no one will blog about you because you had a book signing at your local Barnes and Noble.
Stephen Pytak, the author who is the star of the documentary this weekend, is a champion at double marketing. Along with the standard marketing plan he's done several crazy things and each time it gets him a mention in local news or the blogosphere and hopefully, renewed interest in his .40 caliber mouse book series. What has he done? Just dying to know aren't you?
- He wrote a song(actually two) that have to do with his books. He wrote the lyrics and a local musician wrote the music.
- He had a party at a local restaurant to record the songs. The CDs are now available for purchase.
- He has a mask replica of his main character that he takes to appearances and lets people try on. Would you like to guess how many Facebook pages or twitter feeds featured someone in that mask?
- He found three young woman that resemble his main characters, took photos of them as the characters and sells posters. The characters also have their own Facebook pages.
- He has a logo that appears on all his merchandise. It's such a unique logo people buy his t-shirts even if they haven't read the books--yet.
- He had a beautiful young woman walk down Main Street (Ok, actually it was Centre Street) handing out flyers and wearing just one of his logo t-shirts (I believe she had short-shorts on too but it LOOKED like she just had the t-shirt on).
- He funded a documentary and three fictional short films about his characters to premiere this weekend at a local theatre. I imagine they'll then run on YouTube, at his appearances, maybe even be for sale
These unusual marketing plans not only reached the people who attended the parties, saw the girl in the t-shirt, or wore the mask but they also got people talking, garnered him coverage in the print media, and ended up online. You're reading about him here, aren't you?
So when you're designing your marketing plan include the old standards but also ask yourself...what can I do that's memorable?
On another note I want to let everyone know that on March 16 WOW Blog Tours will be holding Everybody's Talking About...Surprises to promote Kristina McMorris's novel Letters from Home. To participate blog about surprises and include a paragraph about Letters from Home. You and your followers could win a World War II themed prize. Not to mention the publicity your blog will get on The Muffin. To sign up contact me at jodi@wow-womenonwriting.com.
Related article: Real Stories of Authors on a Budget: Promotional Gimmicks
Related article: Real Stories of Authors on a Budget: Promotional Gimmicks
Interesting, I don't think I'd ever heard of "double marketing". Something to think about while I finish writing both of the books I'm working on. Thanks!
That is really interesting. I haven't herd that term before either.
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