As you saw with a post the other day, WOW! Women On Writing is stepping into social networking with a Twitter account. If you haven't started following us yet, please do at our Twitter page. Why? We tweet about writing articles, contest announcements, online classes, special offers, writing information, blog tours, and new issue information. We also connect writers with one another and encourage...
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Interview with Ann Imig, Runner-Up in the Spring 2009 Flash Fiction Contest
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A stay-at-home humorist, Ann began writing to distract her ovaries from insisting on a third child. Ann has made no progress at earning continuing education credits to retain her social work license, but has had her writing featured on,, and Ann looks forward to the launch of, featuring her essay "The Saddies." Ann blogs regularly...
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Sara Morgan, author of No Limits: How I escaped the clutches of Corporate America to live the Self-employed life of my dreams, launches her blog tour!
Monday, September 28, 2009
& Book Giveaway Comments Contest!Sara would never have had a successful life in the computer industry if it hadn't been for THAT WOMAN. THAT WOMAN, the college guidance counselor, told Sara her Math skills were horrendous (OK, maybe she was a bit more tactful) and she shouldn't go into any Math-related majors. So what did Sara major in? Quantitative Business Analysis, with a minor in computer...
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Healing With Words---the Best Medicine
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I was recently asked to review a manuscript for a soon-to-be-published book and write a blurb for the cover. The book was about one woman’s battle with breast cancer. The soon-to-be published manuscript isn’t your run-of-the-mill memoir. Of course, the author went into some depth about her illness and treatments but she used poetry and journal entries to tell her story. Admittedly, I’m not the most poetic person and I often miss the message in certain styles of poems, but I found this...
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Learning A New Language, Part Deux
Saturday, September 26, 2009
By Jill EarlEarlier this month, WOW! teamster LuAnn’s post, ‘Learning a New Language’ offered reasons for writers to think about foreign language study, such as making one more marketable in pursuing work. Imagine my surprise to learn that today, September 26th, has been designated as The European Day of Languages (EDL) by the Council of Europe.According to The Council’s website, the day was designated back in 2001 “to celebrate linguistic and cultural diversity.” They add that it’s “...
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Friday Speak Out: "A Walk in the Park," Guest Post by Julie Bloss Kelsey
Friday, September 25, 2009
A Walk in the Park
by Julie Bloss Kelsey
“What is it?” she snaps. Impeccably dressed in a three-tiered suit, she looks like a walking wedding cake. Make that an angry walking wedding cake. I try not to laugh.
“We need to talk,” I say. “About your writing.”
At this, she pauses and absently picks invisible lint from her suit. “I don’t write. Not any more.” She picks up her pace.
"Yes, you do,” I say. I block her path. “Remember last night? You described the riders on the subway in that letter to your mother.”
She smiles. With her stride broken, I tug at her shoulder pad and point at the closest park bench. “Sit!”
She dutifully sits, but her legs soon lace tight. She crosses her arms. “I should get back to work,” she hisses in my direction.
“The work will wait,” I remind her. I use the same gentle tone of voice that I used the day before, and the day before that. “Stay with me awhile,” I whisper. “You’ll have fun.”
For a moment, I have her. She starts to point at the swaying leaves. Look at that! I think she’s going for the notebook!
She murmurs under her breath, “Look at that!”
But then she withdraws her hand. Into her pocket it goes. Out pops the day planner.
I hate that thing. This one is a tiny version of the monster that occupies her desk at work. Her office is a disaster: so much paperwork overflowing with writing, but none of it really matters. I wish I could convince her of that.
She is busy finding just the right tab in the day planner. “Accounts payable meeting at 2 pm.” She checks her watch. “I have to go.”
I grab at her sleeve, but I am no match for her when she’s like this.
“Look at the trees!” I shout at her retreating back. A passerby stares in my direction. I try again, focusing more intently on her. “Look at the trees. Don’t the leaves look like giant eyeballs?”
She stops mid-stride and casts a glance back at the park bench, wearing a curious smile. She checks her watch again. “Maybe there’s time,” she murmurs.
I heave a sigh of relief as she sits down, puts the planner away, and pulls out a ragged notebook and a ball-point pen.
“Now, where were we?” she asks.
I snuggle close. “We were looking at the eyeballs in the trees.” The aspens quake as if on cue.
She holds the pen over paper, so close that I can almost move the nib. My hand hovers over hers.
Curious trees
tap on my shoulder
gaze at my heart
watch my every move
remind me of what’s important.
We sit next to each other on the park bench for a long time, not talking, not writing, just enjoying each other’s company: a girl and her muse.

When not chasing after her three kids, Julie Bloss Kelsey enjoys writing poetry, creative nonfiction, magazine articles, and stories for children. Her work has appeared online at Absolute Write, FundsforWriters, and Visit her on the web at Mama Joules (, her family-friendly science blog.
Do you want to reach WOW’s audience? We welcome short posts (500 words or less) from writers just like you! You can include your bio, pic, and links to your website/blog for promotion. Our only requirement is that your post be about women and writing. Send your Friday “Speak Out!” post to: marcia[at]wow-womenonwriting[dot]com for consideration.
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by Julie Bloss Kelsey
“What is it?” she snaps. Impeccably dressed in a three-tiered suit, she looks like a walking wedding cake. Make that an angry walking wedding cake. I try not to laugh.
“We need to talk,” I say. “About your writing.”
At this, she pauses and absently picks invisible lint from her suit. “I don’t write. Not any more.” She picks up her pace.
"Yes, you do,” I say. I block her path. “Remember last night? You described the riders on the subway in that letter to your mother.”
She smiles. With her stride broken, I tug at her shoulder pad and point at the closest park bench. “Sit!”
She dutifully sits, but her legs soon lace tight. She crosses her arms. “I should get back to work,” she hisses in my direction.
“The work will wait,” I remind her. I use the same gentle tone of voice that I used the day before, and the day before that. “Stay with me awhile,” I whisper. “You’ll have fun.”
For a moment, I have her. She starts to point at the swaying leaves. Look at that! I think she’s going for the notebook!
She murmurs under her breath, “Look at that!”
But then she withdraws her hand. Into her pocket it goes. Out pops the day planner.
I hate that thing. This one is a tiny version of the monster that occupies her desk at work. Her office is a disaster: so much paperwork overflowing with writing, but none of it really matters. I wish I could convince her of that.
She is busy finding just the right tab in the day planner. “Accounts payable meeting at 2 pm.” She checks her watch. “I have to go.”
I grab at her sleeve, but I am no match for her when she’s like this.
“Look at the trees!” I shout at her retreating back. A passerby stares in my direction. I try again, focusing more intently on her. “Look at the trees. Don’t the leaves look like giant eyeballs?”
She stops mid-stride and casts a glance back at the park bench, wearing a curious smile. She checks her watch again. “Maybe there’s time,” she murmurs.
I heave a sigh of relief as she sits down, puts the planner away, and pulls out a ragged notebook and a ball-point pen.
“Now, where were we?” she asks.
I snuggle close. “We were looking at the eyeballs in the trees.” The aspens quake as if on cue.
She holds the pen over paper, so close that I can almost move the nib. My hand hovers over hers.
Curious trees
tap on my shoulder
gaze at my heart
watch my every move
remind me of what’s important.
We sit next to each other on the park bench for a long time, not talking, not writing, just enjoying each other’s company: a girl and her muse.
When not chasing after her three kids, Julie Bloss Kelsey enjoys writing poetry, creative nonfiction, magazine articles, and stories for children. Her work has appeared online at Absolute Write, FundsforWriters, and Visit her on the web at Mama Joules (, her family-friendly science blog.
Do you want to reach WOW’s audience? We welcome short posts (500 words or less) from writers just like you! You can include your bio, pic, and links to your website/blog for promotion. Our only requirement is that your post be about women and writing. Send your Friday “Speak Out!” post to: marcia[at]wow-womenonwriting[dot]com for consideration.
Write Me A Vacation Please
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I am looking forward to some serious writing later today, all day tomorrow, and maybe most of the weekend too. Part of it is my own doing, as I have 8 articles for a website by Saturday in order to fulfill my 3-month minimum requirement, but part of it was just my own executive decision.I never understood the idea of writing vacations, but I see that now, I could do for some time where there is nothing but my mind, my netbook, and myself sequestered somewhere to write. Maybe it's because...
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Navigating the black hole of writing job applications
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I love writing. Really I do. Which is why I have chosen to write for a living. As many freelance writers do, I don't put all my clients into one egg basket. Among my clients I count newspapers, electronic media, book packagers, TV producers and custom publishers. When I don't query well or when I feel I'm spending too much time researching, then it is my fault. The guilt can pile on. But I generally feel okay if I've done my best.However, sometimes a job catches my eye and I apply for...
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Interview with Elizabeth Barton - 3rd Place Winner in the Spring '09 Flash Fiction Contest
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
According to Elizabeth Barton, she's been penning stories for just about as long as she can remember. After earning degrees in psychology and nutritional sciences, Elizabeth worked as a medical writer and editor. She participated in the Writer's Loft program in Chicago for over four years and recently ventured into fiction writing. An avid writer, Elizabeth has multiple manuscripts in varying degrees...
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Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg, author of The Sky Begins at Your Feet, launches her blog tour!
Monday, September 21, 2009
& Book Giveaway Comments Contest!Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg received her doctorate from the University of Kansas and was recently appointed the Poet Laureate of Kansas. The author of four poetry collections she is certified in poetry therapy and has led workshops for many groups, including people living with physical and mental illness. In 2000, Caryn founded the Master's level program in Transformative...
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WOW! is on Twitter
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Yes, we're a little late in the game, but we finally set up a Twitter account! Actually, WOW! contributing editor and columnist Margo L. Dill set it up for us.Follow us at: have four ladies tweeting for us: Margo (our main tweetie-pie), Jodi, Marcia, and Angela. Tweets will be about WOW! behind the scenes--contest news, authors and books, new classes, writer's...
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The WOW! Fall '09 Flash Fiction Contest is Open!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Yes, it's here. We're officially taking entries now! Limit: 300 entries, first-come, first-serve. And we've done something extra special this season. We've raised the cash prize for the first place winner by $50. So the first place winner will take $250 (instead of $200).We also have a very special guest judge this season--legendary literary agent Noah Lukeman!Deadline: November 30, 2009Word Count:...
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Last Chance to Register! Writing for Children Workshop
Friday, September 18, 2009
Ladies,If you're interested in writing for children's magazines--whether it's a short story, a nonfiction article, or poetry--this class is not to miss! Margo is a fabulous instructor and will walk you through the process--from crafting your story to creating your submission package. Enroll asap to ensure your spot.WRITING FOR CHILDREN: Everything You Need to Know About Short Stories, Articles,...
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Learning a New Language
Thursday, September 17, 2009
by LuAnn SchindlerThis morning, I attended a foreign language class at an area high school. My assignment: interview the teacher and students about why this language is important and worth learning. What's unique is that the language is Chinese, and the school is located in the middle of Northeast / North Central Nebraska.How does this relate to writing? It's interesting; the instructor handed me a sheet of paper and a 'pen' resembling a paint brush and told me to work along with the...
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Fantastic Photos: Using Pictures to Enhance Your Blog Part 2
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
In part one of my post, I talked about using photo share sites, like, to find pictures to go with your blog posts. In part two of "Fantastic Photos," I have a few more ideas of places to find pictures and enhance your blogs.And why should you care about photos? Just think about this: What draws your eye to articles in a newspaper? It's either the headline or the photos (which is usually...
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Laurel Robertson: An Interview with Second Place Winner of the Spring Flash Fiction Contest
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Laurel Robertson was born in the tiny town of Presque Isle, Maine and has spent most of her life moving south towards warmer weather! Now a native of Dacula, Ga. (let's just say Atlanta), she resides in hectic tandem with her always-on-the-go six-year-old daughter, Lucie Marie. An avid photographer, reader, and fan of storytelling, Laurel has kept writing on the back burner for many years while working...
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Paul Martin, inspirational author of Original Faith, launches his blog tour!
Monday, September 14, 2009
& Book Giveaway Comments Contest!Paul M. Martin writes with exceptional clarity about spiritual matters. His depth and breadth of first-hand experience allows him to speak compellingly to people across a wide range of perspectives on religion and spirituality. At age twenty-three, Paul had a spontaneous experience of the kind that is often sought through meditation and prayer. It was immensely...
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