Why You Shouldn't Put All Your Freelance Eggs in One Basket

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Since 2013, I've been a freelance writer in some capacity, whether writing articles for clients through SEO companies or contributing to a media outlet. And I enjoy the work! It comes pretty easy for me, except in the rare case if I'm writing about something terribly complex (like that one horrible Internet of Things article I wrote once, but I digress...) 

And 2024, I have been going strong with my writing. I'm so thankful to God for the opportunities I have landed. I've written for major media outlets this year, including The Spruce, Better Homes and Gardens, Tom's Guide, National Geographic, and more. 

Wow, right?

I have learned one thing recently: don't put all your freelance eggs in one basket.

Why? For me, one big factor is the changing media landscape

2023 and 2024 have been brutal in the journalism world. There have been countless journalists affected by layoffs. Two of the editors I worked with regularly were affected, and ever since they were let go, I haven't been getting assignments from whoever took over their workload. Meanwhile, rates dropped drastically for a bread-and-butter writing job that I frantically had to replace (and thankfully did). 

Meanwhile, I have heard from other editors that I pitched for possible assignments who said they aren't taking on freelancers much any longer. And just this morning, I learned that USA Today Reviewed got shut down and has recently been accused of using AI to write its articles.

It's not impossible to land work as a freelance writer, but it's rough out there. Personally, I'm still trying to improve my cold pitch capabilities to land assignments, but it's not my best skill

And I've also learned, I don't always want to write all the time in this capacity. I miss creative work. I miss blogging on my own sites. I don't want to drain my writing capabilities due to freelance work.

So, recently, I branched out and decided to offer podcast bookings to people again. It's slow going, but I am hoping to pick up more clients. It's a reminder to me not to solely rely on one type of freelance work for income.

Nicole Pyles is a freelance writer living in Portland, Oregon. Say hi on Twitter (and it will always be Twitter to her) by tagging her @BeingTheWriter.


Angela Mackintosh said...

Such great advice, Nicole! I'm also astounded by those links you shared to the media cutbacks and how Reviewed got shut down because of AI reviews. The media landscape is changing for sure, and there is a divide. You're smart to diversify! I also vary my work between coding, data entry, graphic art, writing, editing, and more. The mundane tasks help recharge my brain for the creative ones.

Nicole Pyles said...

That's so great you have so much you can diversify with! It really helps to have that kind of balance.

Sue Bradford Edwards said...

I have to admit that I tend to focus on one thing. I've had good luck pivoting when I need to but I think your way is much wiser!

Nicole Pyles said...

It can help to pivot! I often find myself in that same spot though, sticking with what I'm familiar .

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