The missing pop may be caused by your choice in words. Writing is a combination of essential ingredients that form a vivid finished product. If your work tends to fall flat or lacks any luster, check out Cindy Roger's Word Magic for Writers: Your Source for Powerful Language that Enchants, Convinces, and Wins Readers (copyright 2004, Writer's Institute Publications).
Sure, you discovered how to craft similes and metaphors in elementary school. Do you remember learning the A-Z's of writing? I know I did not learn all of the vocabulary Rogers introduces in high school or even college writing courses.
Rogers asserts that by mastering word tricks, like alliteration, polysyndeton, repetition, paradox, personification, and zeugma, your writing will enchant readers.
She's right. The first section of the book is filled with examples of word devices and techniques that will take a scene from blah to wow! The first 117 pages give pertinent examples from literature, newspapers, and magazines. After each concept is introduced, Rogers features an exercise that will jumpstart your creative juices. Each chapter ends with a summary of main points and definitions of the introduced vocabulary.
In part two, Rogers shares examples of vivid imagery, contrast, implication and style. Again, the book follows the same format, offering examples and exercises to improve a writer's word choice.
The final section concentrates on the hook, including selecting a title for your work, memorable opening lines, solid endings.
During my first read through, the pages felt a bit cluttered. But as I reread certain sections and worked through the exercises, I quickly changed my mind. Word Magic for Writers is packed with so much information that will make your prose pop. It's a must-have book for all writers who are looking for encouragement and enthusiasm about the words they place on the page.
Review by LuAnn Schindler. Check out more of LuAnn's reviews at her website: http://luannschindler.com.
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