& Book Giveaway Comments Contest!Barbara Barth likes a lot of things: turquoise jewelry, surfing the 'net, and margaritas, to name a few. Then there are the dogs. Six at last count, five of them from local animal shelters. But who can keep it straight with all those tails wagging? This Georgia antique dealer and jewelry maker published a hobby newsletter for 13 years. After her husband died she recorded the year that followed in a series of essays. When she isn't writing you can find her at the local thrift shops or pounding another nail into the wall to hang the paintings she can't resist.
The Unfaithful Widow is her first book.
Find out more about Barbara by visiting her websites:
http://theunfaithfulwidow.blogspot.com/Facebook Fan Page
The Unfaithful Widow: Fragmented Memoirs On My First Year AloneBy Barbara Barth
The Unfaithful Widow is a collection of candid essays on finding joy again after the loss of a mate. With warmth and laughter no subject is taboo. From dealing with the funeral home (
Can I show you our upgraded cremation package? I looked at Miss Death, was I booking a vacation?) to dating again (
He ran in the door, looked at me and said, "I've left something in the car." He never returned). Sprinkle a bevy of rescue dogs (
Finally a good nights sleep with someone new in my bed.) and those questions you hate to ask (
Condoms anyone?).
The Unfaithful Widow is a story for anyone who has suffered loss and is determined to become their own super hero.
Genre: Memoir
Paperback: 246 pages
ISBN: 1432750755
Outskirts Press (April 2010)
Read an excerpt/purchase at
Amazon.comWatch the book trailer on
YouTubeBook Giveaway Comments Contest!If you received our Events Newsletter, remember, we are holding a contest to win a copy of Barbara Barth's book
The Unfaithful Widow to those that comment. So, grab a cup of coffee, pull up a chair, and enjoy the chat, and share your thoughts, and comments, at the end. We will randomly choose a winner from those who comment.
Interview by Jodi Webb
WOW: Welcome, Barbara! We're thrilled to be launching your blog tour today! The Unfaithful Widow is your debut book. Tell us a little bit about your writing history.Barbara: Years ago I dabbled in writing and owned a hobby newsletter for thirteen years. I started collecting vintage Raggedy Ann dolls and discovered there was very little information available on this charming cloth doll. That was in 1988. I met a doll dealer at an antique show in Atlanta and we became friends. A few months later I contacted her and asked if she'd like to be involved in a newsletter I was starting about Raggedy Ann. She said
absolutely. Then I contacted the family of the creator of Raggedy Ann and got them on board. The final step was an OK from Simon & Schuster, who held the rights to the books. Everything fell into place and I launched my first issue of RAGS in August 1988. The newsletter had a paid subscription following with collectors as far as Japan. It was published quarterly and had sixteen pages of articles, photos and all the Raggedy scoop of the day. I wrote an editorial each issue and wrote promotional articles for other doll newsletters and magazines. It was a lovely adventure but I was working full time and the newsletter had grown larger than I could handle. I sold it to a printer in Illinois. It was exciting to have put that community of collectors together.
WOW: How thrilling to establish your own newsletter and be able to resell it! When you were widowed, what made you turn to writing?Barbara: I started writing out of grief to fill my lonely nights two years ago when my husband died. The writing become something fun to do. Finally I was hooked. I had to write. Writing my book became the bridge from my old life to my new life. It opened a doorway for me to meet people and have something to talk about that was uplifting.
I don't consider myself an expert on how to handle grief so I want to be sure no one thinks I am passing myself off as a specialist in that area. I do know what I went through and how I decided to handle it myself. I had flipped through a few self-help books for widows and read some online widow blogs. They were discouraging. Especially how long the sadness lasted and how dating and dealing with sex again after a caring relationship could be intimidating. I was already writing at night about the oddity of being on my own, doing all those things I never thought I'd do again. So I decided to share my experiences as a more positive viewpoint.
I joined an online dating service three months after my husband died. It was way too soon to take dating seriously, but it felt good to be out at night and have people around me. My online dating adventures did not bring me second dates but those dates brought me some unexpected surprises. The universe was speaking to me and I had to listen.
I like to think of my essays as stories shared with a good friend over a cup of tea or a great margarita. There is an intimacy in my book that I hope will encourage other women to realize they are not alone in their questions and choices on what to do next.
Through trial and error I have my own life now. My old life will always be in my heart, the sweet memories of my own husband always present, but I learned that by pushing myself to move forward I created a place of happiness where I can relax and smile. I am still waiting to see what the universe has in store for me. Moving forward and keeping an open heart is the message I want to pass along in my book. The choice on how to do it is a personal one.
WOW: So this book began as journaling. Was it difficult to present this part of your life to the world?Barbara: Deciding to let go of my story and let someone finally read it was difficult. All my friends and my mother listened to me
live the book as I talked about what I was doing. That part was easy. But looking at the words on paper made it official and I was nervous.
I was worried those who didn't know me might judge me. My essays are candid and there is always a risk when you open your heart. I lived with my husband for twenty years then we got married for the last five. Some may frown that we lived together, but it worked for us. I started dating too soon and have had eyebrows raised on that. I deal with things in an offbeat way and use humor to get me through the darkest times. Those close to me understand. I don't know if strangers will think I'm flip on such a serious subject. That's scary. I have letters to God in my book. Not deep religious essays, but chats with the man above. He's cool in my book. I wonder how that will be received.
I weighed all that and decided to let it rip. I think we all fear disapproval by others in the choices we make. Trying to survive the loss of a loved one is the hardest thing you'll ever do. It has been for me. Worrying what others think will paralyze you. I learned to laugh at myself on some of my follies. I let my friends laugh with me. It was good for my soul if it wasn't good for anything else. I hope my story will make someone else smile.
WOW: I definitely think that's a good lesson for writers to remember: "Worrying what others think will paralyze you." So, why was self-publishing the right choice for you?Barbara: Self-publishing was the answer for me for several reasons. First, I needed something to do. I decided waiting to find an agent and then waiting for a publisher was too open ended for me. In the best of times I have no patience.
I also had a vision of how I wanted the book to look. I may have been the sixty-year-old widow but my story is young in spirit. I wanted the book to reflect that. The pink color on the cover expresses joy. The book is broken down by seasons. I knew how I wanted the layout to look. My book was a total art project for me. I didn't want someone to interpret their idea of what I felt. I was fortunate enough to have a sister who is a photographer and artist. She did the altered photos throughout the book and the back cover author photo. Her good friend is a commercial graphic designer. She understood what I wanted and gave me the perfect cover. I am thrilled with the look of the book. It is exactly as I dreamed.
I published doing print on demand (POD). It is different from regular self-publishing in that you don't have a basement full of boxes of books to sell. They are printed and shipped when ordered. The initial cash outlay for POD is painless. Self-publishing is expensive. I learned about this type of publishing through a course at Emory University.
Different POD companies offer different ways to handle book submission for printing which also can lower or raise the initial costs. Since I am not the best with a computer,
Outskirts Press was perfect for me. I did not have to submit a print-ready file, just a word document. I was assigned an author rep to assist me. The program I chose allowed me to use my own cover design. I purchased an extra package for the illustrations.
Outskirts Press has a book pricing structure that is based on the program you choose. Some people have issues with that. I didn't. My profit per book on retail sales is low. I wanted to be as close to publishing standards as possible in approaching retail markets, so I allowed a full 50% retail discount with a return option. I can buy my own copies at wholesale prices to sell on my website.
Now that my book is published, Outskirts Press has assigned a marketing coach who sends me tips daily. I started doing my own marketing research while I was still writing and had many things in place prior to publication. My research brought me to WOW. How great is that?
I love all of this. It keeps me busy. I am meeting people. I am having fun with my book. From my view, self-publishing was the only way to go. Now if someone notices the book and wants to grab it up, I'm ready. If not, I am happily working away and would not have chosen to do anything differently.
WOW: Although it's not for everyone, it sounds like self-publishing was the right choice for you. We appreciate your detailed tips on Outskirts, too. One of our staff members published with them and were happy with the results. Your book turned out great! I really love the cover. Now, we know you're very busy with the marketing aspects of your book; are you still finding time to write?Barbara: With six dogs, I have a wealth of material literally at my feet. Try dating and having a life with a six pack at home. My new book
Covered In Fur is essays and lessons learned on living life with my dogs.
I write most days on my blogs. Five to date. If I am lucky, I'll soon have as many blogs as dogs!
WOW: Thank you, Barbara, for being so open and chatting with us today! You've been great, and we wish you the best of luck with your tour!
Readers, Barbara is having a book signing/charity event on Saturday June 26, 2010 to benefit Animal Action Rescue. If you're in the Atlanta, GA area, call Barbara at 404.326.7306 for more info, or visit the Animal Action Rescue's
events page to check for updates. It will be held at Heartfield Manor Bed & Breakfast in Atlanta's Historic Inman Park: 182 Elizabeth St. NE, Atlanta, GA 30307. Reservations are necessary due to space limitations.
(Photo, right: Foxy, who has been with Barbara for fourteen years!)
Want to join Barbara on her blog tour? Check out these dates and mark your calendar! You can also snag a copy of WOW's Events Calendar
Blog Tour Dates: Come and join the fun!May 24, 2010 MondayBarbara will be chatting with WOW
! Women On Writing at The Muffin.
One lucky commenter will win a signed copy of Barbara's book!http://muffin.wow-womenonwriting.comMay 25, 2010 TuesdayEssayist Barbara Barth tells us about her love of books in the Write for a Reader feature "Because of a Book."
Don't miss a chance to win her memoir The Unfaithful Widow!http://www.writeforareader.blogspot.com/May 27, 2010 ThursdayStop by for an interesting interview with Barbara Barth about writing, dogs, grief, and her memoir
The Unfaithful Widow.
http://www.sellingbooks.com/author-interview-June 1, 2010 TuesdayDon't miss a visit from author Barbara Barth and a chance to
win her memoir The Unfaithful Widow.
http://www.momecentric.com/June 3, 2010 Thursday Stop by Readaholic for a review of Barbara Barth's memoir
The Unfaithful Widow.
http://bridget3420.blogspot.com/June 7, 2010 Monday Stop by Writer Inspired to learn about essay writing from Barbara Barth. And
enter to win her memoir The Unfaithful Widow! http://writerinspired.wordpress.com/June 9, 2010 Wednesday Eliza Fayle has a few questions for memoir writer Barbara Barth. Stop by and ask Barbara a question of your own! You can also
read Eliza's review and enter to win a copy of The Unfaithful Widow! http://silverandgrace.com/June 10, 2010 Thursday Stop by to enjoy the musings of Barbara Barth, author of the memoir
The Unfaithful Widow, about her six rescue dogs (at least six at last nose count). Don't forget to
enter to win your copy! http://4theloveofanimals.com/blog/June 14, 2010 Monday Barbara Barth, author of
The Unfaithful Widow, is taking a break from her WOW blog tour today. April in Paris, a dog unlike any other is filling in for her today. Don't miss it!
http://tillyrescuedog.blogspot.com/June 16, 2010 Wednesday Stop by for a review of Barbara's memoir
The Unfaithful Widow and some thoughts on book titles.
http://jodiwebb.com/June 21, 2010 Monday Barbara Barth stops by Choices for a visit. Come ask your questions about memoir writing, self-publishing, and marketing your book!
http://madeline40.blogspot.com/To view all of our touring authors, check out our Events Calendar HERE.
Get involved!If you have a blog or website and would like to host Barbara Barth or schedule a tour of your own, please email Angela and Jodi at: blogtour@wow-womenonwriting.com
And be sure to comment on this post to enter in a drawing for a copy of Barbara Barth's memoir The Unfaithful Widow! And check back in a couple of days in the comments section to see if you won!