Sometimes who we really are is a mystery even to ourselves. As we grow into adulthood and through the phases of establishing home and job, raising families, divorce and loss, career changes and daily life something happens. We are no longer who we thought we were or who family and friends think they see—but who are we really? It is a mystery only we can solve—with some quiet introspection. Mari L. McCarthy’s new e-book Who Are You? How to Use Journaling Therapy to Know and Grow Your Life was written especially for the purpose of this journey through self-discovery.
Within this 30 page e-book Mari will guide you to:
- Make peace with the past and gain new respect for the wiser you.
- Learn to recognize and work with your inner critic and inner coach.
- Explore your dream language.
- Develop a new sense of wholeness in the connection of mind and body.
Whether your intent is to invite healing, seek change, or simply discover more about what makes you tick (or ticked off), Who Are You? How to Use Journaling Therapy to Know and Grow Your Life will help you uncover the answers.
Read Marcia Peterson's review of Who Are You? on The Muffin.
Blog Tour Special! Purchase a copy of Who Are You? How to Use Journaling Therapy to Know and Grow Your Life by Mari L. McCarthy at 20% off. Who Are You? is available as an e-book for Kindle, Ibook, Sony, Nook and on Smashwords. Download a FREE chapter here.

About the Author:
Mari states that, “Journaling is unparalleled in its ability to reveal new information about our inner life, conditioning, experiences and thoughts.” Mari knows this first hand. During a Multiple Sclerosis exacerbation Mari turned to journaling to assist in recovery and unknowingly embarked on a new life.
Through journaling Mari discovered many things about herself, like her desire and talent for singing! She also found a desire to assist others in how to use this powerful tool. The result is her Create Write Now website where she offers personal journaling therapy sessions, newsletters, eBooks and other resources to help people make their own wondrous self-discoveries.
Interview by Robyn Chausse
WOW: Many people feel we each have two selves, the public self and the private self; but there is another self inside of us that even we are not well acquainted with. In your opinion, what is the cause or reason we have this hidden self?
Mari: The hidden self is our real self, the one we were born with. Then life happened and as children we were influenced by parents, adults, society, and the outside world. Since we were still developing emotionally, we took everything personally and believed that problems or unhappy situations were our fault. We were taught how to use our left brain and think, think, think but not how to access our feelings, our right brain, and live totally in our body, from the inside out. And so we hid our treasures and grew up believing we didn’t have any talents and/or that we’re not that smart…
WOW: One way to communicate with this inner self is through hypnotherapy. Do you feel that, over time, journaling can access those same areas in the subconscious?
Mari: Absolutely! That’s why it is important to put the pen to the page in our journal every day. We’re reconnecting with the subconscious, our spirituality, all the things that we think, and were told, are too “Woo Woo.” It takes a lot of work, lots of writing, writing, writing to get through all the unhealthy, negative, fearful messages we’ve been carrying around in our body for many, many, years. Then, in our journaling practice little by little, we start hearing positive, wise, inner voices. And our subconscious sends us messages on our pages showing us what we need to work on next and giving us all kinds of insights and AHAs.
WOW: Journaling is such a powerful tool; how can we begin to share this tool with our children and at what age do you feel they would be ready?
Mari: I think pre-school age is a good time. Blank journals are really good because kids can draw and express themselves as they learn to write. Parents, adults can print or cut and paste questions and pictures into the child’s journal. Keeping a journal with them is a good idea. Parents can use the questions and prompts they put in their child’s journal. Parents can read them their answers and children can see how happy Mommy and Daddy and other adults feel when they journal. That it’s a fun way to deal with their thoughts and feelings.
WOW: I tend to only write when I’m upset and seldom do I come away with an answer to the heartache. What are some tips we can follow when we are really upset to help us end our session feeling more settled?
Mari: My favorite is to pose a question to my journal, like the one you just posed, and then free write the answer. Keep the pen on the page and write, write and write. Inner critics, goonies and gremlins, etc. hate this because they have a vested interest in keeping you stuck and miserable. There’s always something positive, a learning in every session. It might be “Wow! I’m breathing better” or “thanks, Journal, I needed that.” Maybe it’s setting a goal like “I’m off to a great night’s sleep” or “today, I’m going to…” Your choice.
WOW: You once mentioned you had been experimenting with art as a method of journaling. Have you found any difference in the areas of self you connect with when drawing versus writing?
Mari: I find that drawing is very much like singing…a truly other world experience. It feels like I’m on a Star Trek voyage and though initially scared, I am now curious to see where I go. Like journal writing, it means sending inner critics out to play in traffic. :)
WOW: Tell us a little about your own practice; I’ve heard you keep several journals going!
Mari: I keep several journals because I love the experience of writing and because I’m very practical and have to have things in their place: dreams, songwriting, life, special project journals like the 30 Day Health Challenge I just started. After all, there is only one (1) way to keep a Journal…Your Way!
WOW: What do you feel will most surprise people about their core selves?
Mari: That the person they think they are and the powerful, talented successful person they feel really lives in their body are worlds apart. And that great, wonderful self has been there, as Barry Manilow sings “All the Time.” This is also Create Write Now’s company theme song!
WOW: What are you working on now; what new books or albums are on the horizon?
Mari: My e-book just out is Your Money Matters: Use Journal Writing Therapy to get Financially Fit Now. I’m working on a Jobs Journaling: How to Write Your Way to a New Career e-book that will be out in September. Musically, I’m working on a new album, A Baby Boomer’s Christmas featuring Christmas music I grew up with, which will be released in December.
WOW: Yes, I had the pleasure of reviewing Your Money Matters: Use Journal Writing Therapy to get Financially Fit Now in July (Read the review here). We’re all looking forward to Jobs Journaling and, of course, your album—how fun!
Blog Tour Dates
Tuesday, August 23 @ Writing Come Hell or High Water
What gets your Inner Journaler in the mood? Pump-Up your Journaling with Rockin' Journaling Supplies.
Wednesday, August 24 @ Empty Nest
Fly on over for a Nest Full of Fun today! Learn How to Journal Your Way to Weight Loss with Mari McCarthy. Enjoy Pam's review of Mari's new book Who Are You? and Enter the Giveaway.
Thursday, August 25 @ Content Maven
It's Your Own Personal Reality Show! Come Learn More and Enter the Giveaway
Friday, August 26 @ This Mama Cooks! On A Diet
When it comes to Health, Diet and Exercise we all know the Struggles; Come Learn How to Journal your Way Through!
Tuesday, August 30 @ Writers Inspired
Are Old Fears Dragging You Down? Mari shows us how to Break Through! Join us at today at Writers Inspired and while you're there don't forget to enter the giveaway.
Wednesday, August 31 @ Musings from the Slushpile
It's Writer Wednesday over at the Slushpile and the topic today is Journaling Your Loves--Come On Over! Enter to win a copy of Who Are You? How to Use Journaling Therapy to Know and Grow Your Life.
Thursday, September 1 @ Misadventures with Andi
Because You Want to Remember Every Delicious Moment--Join us today for tips on Keeping a Travel Journal and enter to win a copy of Who Are You?
Friday, September 2 @ Selling Books
It's Fun Getting to Know People! Join us today for an Interview with Journaling Guru Mari McCarthy!
Tuesday, September 6 @ Words from the Heart
Hesitation? Doubts? Feeling Stuck? What are you afraid of? Mari talks about how to answer find the answers today at Words from the Heart. Join the discussion and enter the giveaway!
Wednesday, September 7 @ Beyond Breast Cancer
Some things are just too personal for the Internet but you have to tell someone...what to do? Come on over and let's talk! Enter to win a copy of Who Are You?
Thursday, September 8 @ The Gift
Grab a cold drink and come on over! Today Chynna is interviewing Mari McCarthy and giving away...a song!
Friday, September 10 @ The Gift
Today Chynna offers her review of Who Are You? How to use Journaling Therapy to Know and Grow Your Life. Find out more about this wonderful book and enter to win your own copy!
Monday, September 12 @ C Mash Loves to Read
Family, Parents, Job, Bills...Feeling Pulled Apart? Find out how to use Therapeutic Journaling to save your sanity! Enter to win a copy of Who Are You? How to use Journaling Therapy to Know and Grow Your Life.
Wednesday, September 14 @ Mother Daughter Book Club
Don't Stay Cooped Up! Mari shares how to take your journaling outside! Enter to win a copy of Who Are You? How to use Journaling Therapy to Know and Grow your Life.
Thursday, September 15 @ Positively Present
Learn How to Use your Journaling Practice to stay in the Present Moment--that place where magic happens. Last chance to win a copy of Mari McCarthy's e-book Who Are You? How to Use Journaling Therapy to Know and Grow Your Life!
To view all of our touring authors, check out our Events Calendar here.

If you have a blog or website and would like to host one of our touring authors or schedule a tour of your own, please email Jodi and Robyn at
A Book and A Song Giveaway Contest: Enter to win an e-copy of Mari L. McCarthy’s book Who Are You? How to Use Journaling Therapy to Know and Grow Your Life and a download of Mari singing "Rhapsody in Truth" from her album "The Barry Thought of You". Here's how you enter:
1. For your first entry, just leave a comment on this post! Leave a comment or ask Mari a question to be entered in the random drawing.
2. For an extra entry, link to this post on Twitter with the hashtag #WhoRUBook, then come back and leave us a link to your tweet.
The giveaway contest closes this Thursday, August 25 at 11:59 pm, PST. We will announce the winner in the comments section of this post the following day--Friday, August 26, and if we have the winner's email address from the comments section, we will also notify the winner via email. Good luck!
Join WOW! Blog Tours on Twitter! Please add @WOWBlogTour. As of today WOW will be sending book blog tour information only through our new @WOWBlogTour feed.
Woo Hoo! We're off. Thanks Robyn. I'll be glad to answer any questions (and/or receive positive feedback):)write here: WriteON!
I always think journaling would be such a great idea and I know it can really help, but how do you have time for it AND the other stuff we have to write/want to write. I already feel like I don't have enough time!
This hits home for me today - the part about growing up believing that we didn't have any talents, etc. Can journaling help get past the regrets of what might have been? Even at an older )over 60) age? Thanks.
This is such a fascinating post. I only keep a journal some of the time, but I do find it relaxing in stressful times. Thanks guys.
Your post was wonderful! I have a bad habit of starting journaling and then "falling off the wagon" about a week later. Any suggestions to overcome this? THanks
@Margo,@Jamie,my suggestion is to present your query/quandary to your Journal and then write,write,write really fast. It'll give you some insights and ideas. No need to stand on ceremony...just let 'er rip. Your journal is so much more than a stress reducer. It is the friend who lets you unload, the therapist who lets you hear yourself think, guide, mentor, problem solver....
@CSD Yes. Yes. Yes. At our website, you'll learn everything about Journaling. Journaling is for everything and everyone. WriteON!
I started journaling when my first child was born, to remember every moment. Unfortunately, by the time the second one came, along with his life-threatening diagnosis, and endless near-death e/r visits, constant worrying, and finding out he was missing a vital piece of his brain (which part can you lose, like your appendix? Answer - none), I dropped off on the journaling. Intending to write an ebook for 10 years, I finally am commited to do so since my father passed away in May. Thanks for the article.
I use my blog as a sort of journal, but I'm often all over the map. One day is humorous, then next profound and maybe the next I channel my inner Wackadoodle and have NO IDEA what I'm trying to say. However, all of it, each entry, feels good to write and feels like a mini escape. I enjoyed your article!
Happy Friday! Thank you for your comments. :)
We held a random drawing for Mari McCarthy's book and song giveaway contest, and the winner is alienbody! Congratulations!
I noticed your e-mail address is in your profile, so we will be contacting you through there to send your prizes. You received a copy of Mari's e-book, Who Are You? How to Use Journaling Therapy to Know and Grow Your Life, as well as a download of Mari singing "Rhapsody in Truth" from her album "The Barry Thought of You."
Thanks for your support!
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