Order Up...With Audio On The Side

Sunday, July 31, 2011
Last year I won a giveaway for a copy of a cozy mystery. When the package arrived I was pleasantly surprised to find not just a book but a companion audio disc of the author reading her novel! I stuffed the book onto a shelf and popped the CD into a player. We had a terrific time, this author and I, both in our kitchens. I was cooking dinner; she was baking…and solving a mystery. Not long after that...
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Working among the Words

Saturday, July 30, 2011
As an assignment for a class that looked at the job of an editor as a manager, I had the pleasure of interviewing a friend who was once an editor with management responsibilities. (The purpose of the class assignment was to find someone who has been an editor and manager.) My friend had some neat things to say about her process of editing, which I found illustrative of the process of crafting pieces of writing. Below are some outtakes from the interview. I hope you enjoy!You could approach...
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Friday Speak Out!: Using Distractions to Your Advantage, Guest Post by Susan A. Black

Friday, July 29, 2011
Using Distractions to Your Advantage by Susan A. Black If you are anything like the vast majority of writers in the business today, you will no doubt curse the vast majority of external stimuli right down to the very ground when it comes to the matter of distracting you from your paper-thin level of focus. Of course, it is rather simple to become so engrossed in a piece of epically interesting...
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Get the Most Bang For Your Buck When You Travel

Thursday, July 28, 2011
As writers, we travel. We travel for research, we travel for conferences, we travel for retreats and speaking engagements. If you are as famous and popular as Stephen King or J.K. Rowling, then you don’t need to read this post about reward programs and saving money when you travel for your career. If you're like the rest of us poor Janes, then you can use some help whenever possible—especially in...
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Writer Mamas: Salute!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Grandma and Grandpa Schindler with the two writing "distractions" who are visiting this week. Writer mamas: I salute you! Seems like I've always been a writer. When my kids were young, I'd write after they went to bed or were down for a nap. It wasn't ideal, but it worked. As we all grew older, the writing schedule changed. Now, while they stayed up till all hours completing history projects or...
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Interview with Runner Up Contest Winner, Gayle Beveridge

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Congratulations to Gayle Beveridge, who was one of our runners-up in the Winter 2011 Flash Fiction contest. If you haven't had a chance to read her story, "Unnamed," you should click over there and read it now!  Gayle is passionate about writing and keen to showcase Aussie culture to a global audience. She has a bachelor's degree in business and a diploma in company directorship and earns...
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New Twitter Feed

Monday, July 25, 2011
As a writer, how much do you read? I read A LOT. There is a basket of books by my bed, a pile of books by my computer, and invariably a bag of library books hanging from the knob of the kitchen door. Then there are lists...books people have told me about, books I've heard about here and there, new books by authors who are old favorites. Shouldn't I be spending more time writing and less time reading?...
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Stop Sabotaging Your Writing!

Sunday, July 24, 2011
Hello! My name is Chynna and I am guilty of sabotaging my writing.::Hello, Chynna!::You name it, I've done it: Comparing my work to my peers'; melting into a puddle of tears from a rejection; refusing to write in a specific genre or on a specific topic out of fear of leaving my comfort zone; giving completely up on a project I'd worked on for months because one (heartless) editor said it was crap;...
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Ooh, Shiny Penny!

Saturday, July 23, 2011
Children’s stories and poems never submitted, outlines for short stories and notes for articles--in notebooks, on scraps and spread across several file folders. My mind is ever-open to new ideas and I’m quick to jot them down on the nearest surface-- the electric bill perhaps? Now, where was that web address…? So, as I read yesterday’s "Speak Out" post I felt admiration for Jo Barney with her finished...
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Friday Speak Out!: Steampunk is Not for Me, Guest Post by Jo Barney

Friday, July 22, 2011
Steampunk is Not for Me by Jo Barney Graffiti Grandma is out to three agents. Wednesday Club, the script, is entered in a contest and is sent to two producers, and Solarium just got its twentieth rejection, one more to go. I don't know where Mom, my hockey novel, is. Its cards have escaped my card file. Marshall, the miniature horse, has not made it into the card file yet. He's romping around in...
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Personal vs. Platform: Where Is the Line?

Thursday, July 21, 2011
In the pursuit of the elusive platform agents and publishers love so much I have a blog as well as Facebook and Twitter accounts. Once I got them(and believe me, for a techno-phobe like me that was a big accomplishment), I wasn't sure what to do with them. Communicate. Yes, I got that part. But about what? Books? Family? My love of chocolate? Would photos of my gorgeous daughter dressed up for prom...
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Business Writing on Craigslist

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Last week, I wrote about considering business writing as part of your freelance career--especially with the number of magazines and newspapers folding. I talked about external and internal opportunities and about contacting businesses and letting them know about your services. But Craigslist (www.craigslist.org) is also full of business writing opportunities. The hope is that you find one, get...
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Interview with Molly Van Norman, Runner Up in Our Winter 2011 Flash Fiction Contest!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Molly Van Norman lives in Rochester, MN with her husband and Small Munsterlander, Afton. She just celebrated her 25th anniversary working in a clinical laboratory at the Mayo Clinic. Last fall she became an “empty nester” when the older of her two sons left to go to school at the University of Utah. Her youngest son joined the Marines last summer and is currently deployed in Afghanistan. Although...
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Reigniting the Flame After a Writing Conference

Monday, July 18, 2011
I started the summer with good intentions. But somewhere along the hectic schedule, I got off kilter. My daily word count dropped. My creativity level plummeted. I could blame it on the heat wave. Or I could face reality and admit that I needed a spark to get my writing back on track.That spark came when I saw a news blurb about a weekend writing conference sponsored by the Nebraska Writers Guild...
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What "Level" Are You?

Sunday, July 17, 2011
At a writer networking event that I organize, I had a brief discussion with an attendee I'll call James. Although I kind of understand what James is requesting, I wanted to get your thoughts, dear reader, about levels of writers.

I arrange for speakers to attend a monthly meeting of regional writers. As you may remember from previous posts, the attendees had initially wanted to become a critique group. But I'm voluntarily arranging these meetings for a writers' organization that wants us to keep them open; a critiquing group would effectively close the meetings off from others in the public to join in and come to the meetings whenever they can.

James wants me to figure out a way to provide a networking "exchange" for writers and paid editors. He wants writers in this group to be able register and to self-rank themselves (beginner, intermediate, advanced OR amateur and professional). The registration enables the writer to get a different level of access to an editor and would serve to "network" various writers with one another. His belief, as an admitted amateur, James told me, is that beginning writers should be in a group with other beginners and amateurs with amateurs.

My gentle argument with James was that while I'm a published writer, I still consider myself an amateur (because I'm still trying to get my fiction published). Where did I fit into his levels idea? And, if we did manage to slot all the regional writers into a level, I would much rather be in a writers' critique group with writers who will challenge me, regardless of their self-reported level. Maybe others feel the same? I don't know.

What do you think about putting yourself into a "level" for your writing? And why? What kind of writers do you like to have in your critique group--ones just like you or a mixture? Why?

Elizabeth King Humphrey is a writer and editor living in Wilmington, N.C., and working towards her University of Chicago editing certification...in all her free time.
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Squeezing Writing In Around Life, Part II

Saturday, July 16, 2011
Just when I sat to write today's post, my kids swarmed me asking for things they wanted or needed."Mom? Can Jordy and I have the Craft Box down?""Mama? Can we have a drink and a snack?""MOM! Sophie is bugging me!"These are just a few. Needless to say I completely lost my train of thought once I sat back down. It happens to me often. But I don't give up. No matter what we have to keep writing, even...
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Friday Speak Out!: Night Thoughts: When Counting Backwards From 100 to l Didn't Do It, Guest Post by Jo Barney

Friday, July 15, 2011
Night Thoughts: When Counting Backwards From 100 to l Didn't Do It by Jo Barney At 3:00 a.m this morning I realized that I should not have sent out twelve query letters for Graffiti Grandma the same week I laid fifty invitations to a Holiday party on the doorsteps of my condo neighbors. I can now expect rejections in not one but two areas in my life and I'm not sure my ego will survive. Just...
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Business Writing: What Is It Exactly?

Thursday, July 14, 2011
With the economy in a tailspin, we all know that freelance writing gigs can be tough to get. Some magazines and newspapers have closed their doors; others are only working with staff writers to keep costs down. So, to pick up some freelance work and put some of that green stuff back in your pocketbook, you might consider business writing. You’ve probably heard the old pros mention that they do quite...
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Tip: Article Revision Using the Pointings System

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
If you're anything like me, I find it tough to write for long stretches of time in the summer. But I do find it the perfect time to revise rough drafts--particularly, non-fiction articles. I live close to the beach, so I'll print out a rough draft, grab a pen, and head down to the sand for some inspired revision. (A change of scenery is always great for a fresh outlook!) Before I begin any heavy...
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Interview with Caroline Trent-Gurbuz, First Place Winner in Our Winter 2011 Flash Fiction Contest!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Caroline Trent-Gurbuz is a journalist by trade, but a fiction writer by passion. She graduated from Drake University with degrees in music and international relations, and she just completed her Master's degree in journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia. In her free time, she loves to read anything she can get her hands on. She maintains a home base in Kansas City, Missouri, but is currently...
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