It is early spring in Arizona’s high desert. A baby tumbleweed scampers across the lazy two lane hwy, seconds later a hawk dives in to a field up ahead. I rummage into my purse for the camera hoping to I can get some good shots while I’m driving—I want you to see this view!
I want to slow down and enjoy the meander through the canyon, but there were some traffic delays and I’m running late. My destination is the Sedona Rouge Hotel and Resort where I will be attending the Write Your Book in 5 Days Retreat. This will be my first writing retreat and I’m so excited! Thirty-five writers all attempting to write a novel in 5 days or less. We were told to come without any attachment as to what the novel would be about. But first, I’m on my way to see Lori, a therapist who will be working with us during the retreat to help us release the physical manifestations of stress and other emotions that come up.
Whatever baggage has kept us from publishing that novel will most likely become active during the workshop. Lori wants to help us release the underlying energy so the results of what we learn at the retreat can be permanent. Using a variety of techniques she can assist the client in acknowledging and releasing regrets, self judgments and false beliefs. Advanced Release Therapy is located just down the road from the Sedona Rouge in a casita next to Lori’s house; a large window looks onto the red rock mountains. Lori will be using Myofascial Release today to help me gain some movement in my shoulder (my arm locked up last week).
Lori scans my energy and begins to work. Using rocking, a bit of massage and stretching she is able to ease the rotation in my hips and gain back the range of motion in my arm. I also learn that I hold a lot of energy in my navel and that I need to be more willing to voice my feelings and to embrace my empathic gifts. She did get some emotions to release…I didn’t even know they were sitting there! We had a little talk about how and why I put up these walls (I won’t go into that here), and by the time we were finished I felt ready to embark on my little journey.
I’m off to the resort, the meet and greet session is already underway…
Robyn Chausse
(Miss the first posts of the series? Follow these links to read the first post, second post and third post.)
Best at this amazing workshop!
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