eHow is Looking for Writers of All Levels to Contribute to Their Growing Library of How-To Articles!
Would you like access to over 17 million people a month? Write for eHow and put your work in front of this highly engaged audience while also earning money for your articles.
Joining our writer community is fast and simple. Once you register and opt in to our Writer Compensation Program, you can immediately start uploading articles and making money.
As part of our Writer Compensation Program, eHow Writers make money on the articles they submit. Payments are generally based on the traffic the article receives and the quality and uniqueness of the content. We also encourage our writers to promote their articles on their own websites and blogs.
Why Write for eHow?
Our easy to follow article template helps you quickly format and upload your articles. You choose the title and write the body of the article by filling in detailed step-by-step instructions. Add any tips or images readers will need to complete your How-To. Then pick a category, and you're ready to submit.
eHow Writers enjoy these benefits and more!
- Publish articles on topics of your choice
- Receive payments through your PayPal account every month
- Participate in contests and promotions that allow you to earn more money
- Learn from and interact with the eHow community through comments and ratings
- Drive more traffic to your articles and improve your rankings with the help of our Writer's Academy
- Take advantage of our member profile area where you can manage your articles, see pageviews and ratings, promote your other sites and more
How to Get Started
1. Visit and create a user account.
2. Remember to opt in to our Writer Compensation Program by filling in your payment details here.
3. Pick a topic and start writing!
WOW! Women On Writing Columnist, Margo Dill, writes for eHow:
"I plan to continue to write for eHow and Demand Studios for an indefinite amount of time because it has been a rewarding and valuable experience. eHow's template and easy-to-use format makes it simple to write articles for the whole world to read." ~ Margo L. Dill
Give it a shot, it's FREE to sign-up!
I have been enjoying writing for eHow. Thanks for blogging about it.
eHow is part of Demand Studios... its ok for a filler style income. I just wouldnt recommend it to be seen as being more than an extra income.
I have to admit that I haven't written any new articles for eHow or Demand Studios in ages (since I had a baby!) BUT I STILL get money in my PayPal account from articles I wrote years ago. They have changed their policy, too, on how they pay--I'm not sure what it is anymore. Demand Studios is a fair company, and I also think it is great for beginning writers who are building clips. I have also gotten freelance editing jobs from people who saw my articles on eHow and then contacted me to edit for them. So, make sure to have your profile/bio up-to-date if you are using these articles for marketing a business or a book. ALWAYS, ALWAYS check out a company for yourself and make sure it is helping you reach your writing goals. :)
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