Ladies,Today we just received the last couple of items that were made especially for your prize-packs (we think you'll really love them!) -- so, the elves are packing as we speak and will be sending them out no later than Monday morning. We apologize for the delay, as we are a week behind.When they are sent we'll email you Fed Ex tracking numbers. Thank you all for being patient.Please note: International winners, you will be getting an Amazon certificate via email tomorrow. We just found...
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Meet Runner Up – Judy Fancher
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
WOW: Judy, congratulations for earning a Runner Up space in our WOW! Summer Flash Fiction Contest! How did you feel when you read about it? Judy: I was shocked and honored to be in the company of such experienced writers. This is the first time since college that I have put writing out for public review. I kept reading the email on my Blackberry to make sure it wasn’t a dream.WOW: That’s a big compliment...
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Monday, October 29, 2007
Faith, Hope, and Joy: The Unexpected Side Effects of Cancer BY: Dr. Bernie Siegel, author of Love, Medicine, and Miracles Friends, Here is an exciting opportunity for you to be published in a new book by bestselling author, Dr. Bernie Siegel, in a story collection entitled Faith, Hope, and Joy: The Unexpected Side Effects of Cancer. The book will be published early in 2009, and will consist of stories from cancer patients, their family, and friends. Bernie will follow-up the stories...
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Criticism = Love
Sunday, October 28, 2007
After you’ve tried your hardest at something, whether it’s writing an article or practicing soccer, do you get offended when your coach, friend, or colleague tells you that what you just did was wrong?An angry soccer coach may scream, “Don’t kick the ball with your toe!” or “You’re doing it wrong!” The same goes for a writing partner, but the tone would probably be more constructive. “You should use an active voice here,” or “I can’t visualize the character. You need more description.”The...
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Insight Into Self-Publishers
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Welcome to the last Saturday Blog post of October!I’ve been working on a secret project over the last several months and I’m finally ready to share it with you all. Guess what? As of Thursday afternoon, I am a published author! I can hear your burning question: “Who published it?” Well…that’s the secret part. I published it myself—with the help of Outskirts Press.Now, like all of you, I’d heard the...
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Pssst... Have You Heard of PREMIUM GREEN?
Friday, October 26, 2007
It's the latest secret club to hit WOW! Women On Writing!It's for Women Writers ONLY.If you don't subscribe to our "Market's Newsletter" then you have no clue what we're talking about. But that's okay... only truly dedicated freelance writers need subscribe!What is it?Well, if you've subscribed to our FREE "Market's Newsletter" you'd already know.How do you subscribe to our Free Market's Newsletter...
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Now What?
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I’ll admit that I’ve procrastinated in writing this, my first WOW! blog, as I wondered what I could say as a writer. I began to really get worked up and poured through old blog posts in an effort to make sure I did not duplicate a topic covered once before. (And let me tell you, a lot has been covered!). So, what could I possibly say that hasn’t been said before? I lay in bed last night wondering...
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Meet Laura Havens--Runner-Up Winner of the Summer Flash Fiction Contest
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
First of all, Laura, congratulations on being a runner-up in our summer contest! What did you do when you found out? Did you scream? Call/email everyone you know? Do a "Happy Dance?"I was actually extremely excited when I received the email saying that I had made the cut and my little story was off to a Literary Agent in New York. I emailed everyone then...I was just so proud. Then when I received...
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Look to the Nose Pool for Ideas
Monday, October 22, 2007
We rely upon our noses every day, and sometimes it’s for survival. Remember all the guys who have approached you that looked so attractive, until you smelled them? According to Professor Nosetradamus at the Sense of Smell Institute, “Everyone has his or her own unique odor-identity or smell fingerprint.” This is great news for writers!Have you ever relied upon your nose for story inspiration? Anything...
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Lucky You
Sunday, October 21, 2007
When we put up the new contest in September some of our regular flash fiction contestants scratched their heads and wrote us. "Wow, that is a departure," one of our previous winners wrote. "It's going to take a lot of thought on my part, if I end up entering at all. What do I write about?"As I responded to one of these emails I remembered a story of how something strange changed my life. Off the...
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Go Ahead! Shake Things Up!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
When I started my degree program, I took several introductory Psychology courses. Some of the best material I studied was in Social Psychology focusing on deviance. What’s fascinating is someone who’s considered a “deviant” is merely a person who doesn’t conform to the norms of their society. This means a person sporting a nose ring or the wrong colored shirt can be considered deviant just because they’re different from the rest of their culture.A person is also considered to be deviant...
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Danette Haworth’s Debut!
Friday, October 19, 2007
We want to share a writer’s fantastic news! Danette Haworth just sold her middle grade novel, Violet Raines Almost Got Struck By Lightning. We’re very excited for her!Here's the blurb from PM:“Danette Haworth's debut VIOLET RAINES ALMOST GOT STRUCK BY LIGHTNING, about a vivacious eleven-year-old whose life changes drastically when a new girl moves to her backwoods Florida town, to Stacy Cantor at...
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WOW! Women On Writing Named as a Finalist in the 4th Annual Stevie® Awards for Women in Business
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Stevie Award Winners to Be Announced in Las Vegas on November 12Placentia, CA – October 17, 2007 – WOW! Women On Writing was named a Finalist in the Website of the Year category in the 4th Annual Stevie Awards for Women in Business, presented by Infiniti.The Stevie Awards for Women in Business honor women executives, entrepreneurs, and the companies they run – worldwide. The Stevie Awards have been...
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Typing to the Beat of a New Drummer
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Recently a friend of mine went out on an important business trip to New York. As he and his partner were at Kinkos copying a presentation for their big meeting, they happened to glance at the trash bin next to the copier. On top of a pile of crumpled documents was a pristine, unmarred business plan. My friend picked it up and couldn’t believe his eyes. The plan was similar to the one they were intending...
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Spotlight on First Place Winner: Alicia Stankay
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Join us as we get to know our top winner!WOW: Alicia, kudos to you for taking 1st Place in our Summer 2007 Contest. How did you feel when you learned? Did you see it online first, or did someone tell you they saw it first? Alicia: I was incredibly excited when I found out I placed first in the WOW summer contest. I was on the phone with my mother when I checked the website and I nearly screamed in...
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Some Thoughts on the Sixth Sense: Intuition
Monday, October 15, 2007
Many of my friends, men and women of all ages, lamented at one time or another, “I wish I’d trusted my intuition. If I had, I wouldn’t be in this predicament.” It’s fascinating to think of the people who related these comments, their respective situations, and their matching conclusions. Why didn’t they listen to that “sixth sense” at the time of their brewing conflicts and situations? What is intuition?Intuition...
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A Beautiful Mind
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Hello everyone! I apologize for getting my blog out a bit late but I was out doing a book signing for Chicken Soup For The Soul: Children With Special Needs. What a truly amazing experience.I was a bit nervous as it was my first experience with self-promotion. I worried no one would show up and if they did I wondered whether anyone would even be interested in our little story. But once I entered...
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Which Comes First, Word or Thought?
Saturday, October 13, 2007
The answer may seem simple: of course, it's thought! But when the first word is comprehended, the question becomes more complex. Linguist Noam Chomsky says that language generates its own structure and therefore, thought.When sitting down to write something, whether it's an article, e-mail, blog post etc. do you just type away and come to your own conclusions as you type? Or do you think about what...
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An Author Chat with Marina Kuperman
Friday, October 12, 2007
Marina Kuperman has been living in Costa Rica for almost 5 years. After visiting the Playa Grande's Leatherback Turtle National Marine Park and seeing this critically endangered animal, she became so moved that she not only wrote the book Turtle Feet, Surfer's Beat ,but also founded the online community for kids, teens, and their parents to take action in a fun way...
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Women's Media & PR Summit in 1 week - Time to Register (WWPS)
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Announcing the Women’s Media Summit – The Public Relations and Media Marketing eConference for Women taking place October 17-19 & 24. The WECAI NETWORK™ is excited to present this four + day webinar/teleconference Event to “Help Women Do Business On and Off the Web.” Here is your chance to attend the Virtual event (online via a web conference room or via a teleconference bridge line) that is both educational and inspirational. Bringing together experts in newspapers, magazines, television,...
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Voice Debates
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Following a previous blog post, Hung Up on MS Word’s Tools? You’re not Alone!, a blog reader pointed out: “But as much as it is preached that you should avoid passive tense, there are times when it serves a purpose.” That’s a good point, and we know this is true. As writers we struggle to string words together into carefully designed sentences to make the biggest impact. It all depends on our intended...
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