Contest update, Forum News & Freelancer News!

Saturday, December 23, 2006
A Special Holiday Greetings to all of you!CONTEST NEWS:If you entered our contest, you should've received an e-mail regarding your status on the Fall 2006 contest. If you entered and didn't receive an e-mail, please let us know. We try to respond to everyone, to keep you updated on what is going on.Both Beryl and I have entered a number of contests in the past -- some where we got lucky and heard from the judges, and others where we didn't hear anything at all! So taking this into consideration,...
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Contestants! Fall 2006 Contest UPDATE

Saturday, December 16, 2006
UPDATE: Our guest judge for the Fall 2006 Contest will be a tad late on the judging. So, if you were frantically checking your e-mail today in hopes of notification... don't worry! You are still in the running!We sincerely apologize for the delay. We will inform contestants no later than next Wednesday, December 20th.Since fall was our first contest, we are still learning about what works and what doesn't. We learned that selling the contest e-book in our store was very confusing for...
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Last Push to help the Gulf Coast through literacy!

Thursday, December 14, 2006
Please visit the Literacy Claus website to find out how you can help our fellow families and survivors of Hurricane Katrina. If you've been thinking about it, this is your last opportunity of this season. You can still order books through Amazon for this cause, or donate a few dollars in gas money for the kind folks at Literacy Claus to get to their destination. We wish you a joyous holiday and...
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Interview with Kathryn Vercillo of MoKa House Writers

Sunday, December 03, 2006
MoKa House is a media company that provides freelance writing services to both individuals and businesses. We make use of the diverse talents of our pool of freelance writers and our own skills as writer-editors to craft the perfect message for furthering the creative and professional endeavors of others.WOW: Kathryn, how did you start MoKa House Writers? (Photo of MoKa House partner: Kathryn Vercillo)KV:...
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