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Monday, June 03, 2024

Queering the American Dream by Rev. Dr. Angela Yarber: Blog Tour & Giveaway

Queering the American Dream by Rev. Dr. Angela Yarber

We're excited to announce a blog tour with author  Rev. Dr. Angela Yarber's book Queering the American Dream. This book is perfect for readers interested in subverting the status quo. Join us as we interview the author about her book and give you a chance to win a copy for yourself.

But first, here's more about the book:

Beginning the day the Supreme Court ruled her marriage legal, Angela Yarber’s queer little family traversed the American landscape for two years in a camper named Freya, following in the footsteps of revolutionary women from history and myth. Amid her wanderings, this queer clergywoman grapples with the loss of faith, addiction, death, parenting, and what it means to reimagine the so-called dream promised to so many. With unapologetic grief, humor, and radical imagination, she creates a new dream, not just for herself, but for all marginalized people living in America.

Publisher: Parson's Porch
ISBN-10: 195558141X
ISBN-13: 978-1955581417
Print Length: 188 pages

Purchase a copy of the book on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. You can also add it to your list on Goodreads.

About the Author, Angela Yarber

Rev. Dr. Angela Yarber is an award-winning author of eight books and a highly sought public speaker. She is the Founder of Tehom Center Publishing, an imprint publishing feminist and queer authors, with a commitment to elevate BIPOC writers. With a Ph.D. in Art and Religion and over a decade serving as a Professor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, five of her books were listed in QSpirit’s Top LGBTQ Religion Books. Her work has been featured in Forbes, HuffPo, Ms. Magazine, Tiny House Nation, and more.

You can find her online at:

Author website:
Tehom Center Publishing:

--- Interview by Nicole Pyles

WOW: Congratulations on Queering the American Dream! What led you to write this memoir?

Angela: Queering the American Dream began the day the Supreme Court ruled my marriage legal, my queer little family traversing the American landscape for two years in a camper named Freya, following in the footsteps of revolutionary women from history and myth. Amid our wanderings, I grappled with the loss of faith, addiction, death, and what it means to reimagine the so-called dream promised to so many. With unapologetic grief, humor, and radical imagination, I created a new dream, not just for myself, but for all marginalized people living in America.

Particularly since Covid, more and more people are realizing that the so-called American dream is inaccessible for far too many people. I believe we have the capacity to subvert this dream and to reimagine a world that centers the perspectives of those on the margins. I wanted to write a memoir that didn’t simply tell my story, but the stories of those revolutionary women who paved the way; in so doing, I hope that readers have access to reimagining their own dreams.

WOW: I love how you wove in stories of historical revolutionary women in your memoir. I'm curious, what was your revision process like?

Angela: I had a virtually complete manuscript when I realized that something was missing. It started as just the story of my queer little family quitting our toxic jobs, selling our home, and travelling full-time for nearly two years, but that felt too myopic. Our full-time travels weren’t the result of us alone. Rather, there were revolutionary women who inspired the travels and paved the way for us. Since my career has always involved teaching about revolutionary women from history and myth, and my art show of icons depicting many of these women accompanied us on our travels, I decided to weave their stories into each section of our travels.

That revision and incorporation actually came quite naturally because the lives, legends, and legacies of these women are so deeply ingrained in my mind and heart. Of course I’d write about Pauli Murray while in the southeast. Of course Gloria Anzaldúa would inform our time in Texas. Pele was naturally present while we explored Hawai’i Island. They were there with us all along, so writing them into the story was like writing about another part of myself. Once I wove their narratives into the manuscript, it finally felt whole.

And I’d be remiss if I didn’t offer a tremendous word of gratitude to my wife, Elizabeth, and my dear friend Karishma during the revision process. Karishma let me do a writing retreat in her ohia log cabin by Volcano National Park so I could finish my revisions, and my wife cared for both our special needs foster children while I was away writing. Without them, those revisions wouldn’t have been possible.

WOW: What an experience you had, and I'm so glad that you shared that in your writing! You have received so many positive reviews since the launch of your book. Why do you think this speaks to people so much?

Angela: Thank you. I think that people are fed up! We’ve been constantly told to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps by a country that has stolen our boots. And that’s not ok.

For too long those of us dwelling at the margins—namely women, queer, and BIPOC folx—have thought that we need to work harder or ramp up our self-care routine in order to survive. And then we beat ourselves up when we still feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and underpaid. My book is a reminder that the systems are rigged against us, but that we have the capacity, together, to dismantle and reimagine them.

Plus, I think a lot of readers are keen on good “armchair travel” where we get to wonder and wander alongside the writer. It’s a mode of escape, but more than that, I hope it evokes the artistic ruminations of bell hooks who claims, “The function of art is to do more than tell it like it is, it’s to imagine what’s possible.” I think Queering the American Dream speaks to people because it both tells it like it is and it imagines what’s possible.

WOW: I think so too! You are already such an incredibly successful author! What's different about this book for you?

Angela: Well, that's an incredibly generous thing to say! Queering the American Dream was my first trade publication. Six of my previous books are academic books published with four different academic publishers, and one is a coloring book. So, writing my first trade publication felt like a bit of a risk. I didn’t know if my writing could appeal to commercial audiences, but my academic writing always felt forced, as though I was trying to prove my worth. Plus, on the whole, academic books simply don’t have as large an audience as trade books, and I really wanted my book to be accessible to more people.

WOW: Interesting point! I see that you coach authors! How does doing this help you in your own journey?

Angela: I do! And I love it. Through my publishing company, Tehom Center Publishing, we not only publish authors at no cost, but we also offer equitable 1:1 and group coaching programs empowering authors in 1) book writing, 2) book marketing, and 3) authorpreneurship.

I’ve been so delighted at how much coaching other marginalized authors actually informs my own writing journey. I’d say it does so in three primary ways: vulnerability, creativity, and accountability.

Doing what I ask my authors to do helps me recognize the vulnerability required in writing, publishing, and marketing a book. When I ask them to brainstorm a list of 50 people they can invite to be on their launch team, for example, I do the same thing and I feel how vulnerable it is to make that list…and even more to send the invitation!

I consider my coaching incredibly creative, but it always blows me away when my clients share their own creativity with me. For example, I offer a long list of creative methods for writing that engage all the senses. My authors vulnerably try these methods and then share their own methods with me. I recall one of my authors telling me the best way to engage the senses while writing is to strip down naked and write in bed to truly feel the raw vulnerability required of memoir writing. Whew! What a transformative method that I never would have thought of!

Finally, the accountability of coaching writers is paramount. All my authors, clients, and monthly subscribers are part of a private Facebook Group where I post daily accountability and writing prompts. When they share their weekly word count, so do I. When they celebrate a writing win, I join them. That daily, weekly, and monthly accountability holds both client and coach accountable.

WOW: That's incredible! What are you working on that you can tell us about?

Angela: I’m currently working on two future projects. I feel incredibly vulnerable naming the first one, but since you’re 95% more likely to achieve a goal when you write it down and share with someone, why not up the ante and share it with everyone at WoW!? I’m hoping to transform Queering the American Dream into a screenplay and find film representation. And my dream is for the entire production team and crew to be women and nonbinary folx with at least half being BIPOC.

Part of me feels absolutely ridiculous even sharing that, but I encourage my clients and authors to dream big, so I should, too, right?

The second writing project is another travel memoir tentatively titled Traveling Free. I’m toying with the spiritual freedom and liberation pilgrimage offers, while simultaneously sharing stories of how I literally traveled for free. Throughout my 20s I flew on free standby passes thanks to having a flight attendant in the family. In my 30s, my vocation and work exchanges fueled free pilgrimages all over the world. And in my 40s I became involved in Home Exchange, swapping houses around the globe to travel with my family for free lodging (like the 2006 movie The Holiday). More than mere budget travel, I hope to examine privilege, oppression, and the spiritual freedom that comes with intentional pilgrimage.

WOW: I can't wait to see what you come out with next! Best of luck to you!

Queering the American Dream by Angela Yarber Blog Tour

--- Blog Tour Calendar

June 3rd @ The Muffin
Join us at WOW's blog The Muffin as we celebrate the launch of Dr. Angela Yarber's memoir Queering the American Dream. You can read an interview with the author and enter to win a copy of the book.

June 5th @ Speaking of Spirit
Visit Linda's blog for her review of Queering the American Dream. You can also win a copy of the book!

June 7th @ One Writer's Journey
Visit Sue's blog for a review of Queering the American Dream.

June 10th @ Choices
Visit Madeline's blog for a guest post by Dr. Angela Yarber about how publishing a book can transform your business and life.

June 12th @ Speaking of Spirit
Join Linda for a guest post by Rev. Dr. Angela Yarber about the importance of publishing marginalized authors.

June 14th @ One Writer's Journey
Visit Sue's blog again for an interview with author Dr. Angela Yarber about her memoir.

June 15th @ Boots, Shoes, and Fashion
Visit Linda's blog for an in-depth interview with Dr. Angela Yarber. 

June 18th @ Writer Advice
Visit B. Lynn Goodwin's site for a helpful guest post from Dr. Angela Yarber on the importance of mental health care in launching a book.

June 21st @ The Faerie Review
Visit Lily's blog for a review of Queering the American Dream.

June 23rd @ A Wonderful World of Words
Visit Joy's blog for a spotlight of Queering the American Dream. You can also win a copy of the book!

June 25th @ Editor 911
Visit Margo's blog for her review of Queering the American Dream.

June 28th @ Author Anthony Avina's blog
Visit Anthony's blog for his review of  Queering the American Dream.

July 2nd @ Author Anthony Avina's blog
Join Anthony for a guest post by Dr. Angela Yarber about LGBTQIA+ Pride and publishing.

July 3rd @ Michelle Cornish' blog
Visit Michelle's blog for an interview with Dr. Angela Yarber about her memoir.

July 6th @ Coffee & Ink
You can visit Jan's blog for her review of Queering the American Dream. Plus read a guest post by Dr. Angela Yarber about disenfranchised grief, particularly as it pertains to losing someone to addiction.

***** BOOK GIVEAWAY *****

Enter to win a copy of Queering the American Dream by Rev. Dr. Angela Yarber! Fill out the Rafflecopter form for a chance to win. The giveaway ends June 16th at 11:59 pm CT. We will choose a winner the next day and announce in the Rafflecopter widget and follow up via email. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Congratulations and thank you for the giveaway opportunity!

  2. Congratulations, Angela! Great interview, and I love your goal of a screenplay and film! I just got a copy of your book and can't wait to read it. :) Happy Pride! Good luck on your tour. <3

  3. Thanks, Angela! I hope you enjoy the book...and fingers crossed we can turn it into a film!

  4. Thanks, Angela! I hope you enjoy reading it and fingers crossed we can turn it into a film!

  5. Anonymous6:46 AM

    A very inspiring story.

  6. I can't wait to read your book and pass it on to my non-binary grandchild.

    1. That makes me so happy ❤️

  7. Cheering you on, Angela, and entering for my chance to win a copy of the book! I love the concept behind it (including the tales of other inspiring women) and can't wait to more about you and your family's story. The travel memoir is also something I'd pick up.

  8. Wonderful! Excited to read it.


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