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Saturday, August 05, 2017

Odds and Ends: Recipes for Writers, Success, and Social Media

Many of you may know that I am WOW!'s social media manager, and with this job comes great responsibility. (smiles) One of those responsibilities is to make sure readers know what wonderful things have been going on with our social media accounts. Here are three happenings from social media lately, in case you missed them. And if you haven't followed us on these lovely places yet, please do. We just added a fourth!

Recipes on Facebook
One evening, after a full day of work and writing, I wondered: what do people make for dinner on these types of days? So I turned to our loyal Facebook fans to ask for some advice, and we received a lot of great comments. Here's what the original post said:

Anybody want to share quick meal recipes for those writing days when you or your family still need to eat?

Here are a few of the great ideas we received: 
  • Fry a couple eggs, top with ham and cheddar cheese, and serve on toast--a "brinner" sandwich. Total cooking time: 5 minutes
  • A garden full of vegetables lends itself to large salads and stir fry
  • Minute rice with black beans, seasoned with taco seasoning. Then you can add toppings: cheese, sour cream, salsa, etc
  • Kristy from the website, PaidWrite, supplied a link to a post she did about 7 Crock Pot meals for when "you have to work nights". You can see that here
  • And Maggie Kate Harris said to check out her book: Travel Food: Recipes for Wanderers and Lazy Cooks 

Success stories (Twitter, FB, and Pinterest):
On our social networks, we often put a call out for success stories for our WOW! readers and subscribers. We love to hear about your writing success, small or large. We publish these periodically in a newsletter that is sent to email subscribers, who love to read about other writers' success. (Sign up for our free newsletter on our home page if you haven't yet!) If you have a recent success (book published, blog started, contest win, agent secured, etc), then please let us know in 100 words or less, and email to me (margo@wow-womenonwriting (dot) com) in the next week. She already has several, but we are always looking for more and more. Here's an example:

Molly A. Writer just won the best contest ever with her short story "Made For You." You can read the story on THIS WEBSITE (link). She also self-published her memoir, You Bet I Can, available here (link)

Pinterest and soon to be Instagram
If you missed my post about a month ago, WOW! is now on Pinterest, and we are building a lot of boards, full of great resources, from contest and publishing opportunities to information for fiction writers to marketing ideas. You can find all of that here, so follow us! I also started our brand new Instagram account today, so you can follow us here.

We know social media can eat up your time, and we don't want to do that. But we like to highlight wonderful things writers are doing, share our classes and contest, send a smile or inspirational quote, and build a community of writers on these sites. So join us if you are already active on one, and we'll see you there.

We'd love to hear below how you use social media OR your recipe ideas. . .

Margo L. Dill is the social media manager for WOW! Women On Writing. She is also a writing instructor in the WOW! classroom where she teaches writing a novel with a writing coach. 

Crock pot photo above by Janine on


  1. Margo--Quiche is one of my go-to meals. I can make them gluten-free (just use spray oil on muffin pan compartments) and whisk up some eggs, cheese, sour cream, and whatever veggies have been left-over during the week.

  2. How long do you bake those, Sioux?

  3. Til they're done. ;)

    I do them at 350 degrees, and they're usually done in less than 20 minutes if I do them in a muffin pan. Just poke around on the top of them. If they're no longer completely liquid-y, if they're pretty solid, they're done.

  4. I make mini quiches for dinner (serve with a salad or other vegetable) and then send them in the kids' lunch boxes throughout the week. I make a version that has a little crust made out of flour and butter. My other go-to is crockpot chicken salsa. Add about a half a jar of salsa and can of pinto or black beans and can of corn on bottom of crockpot. Add three or four defrosted chicken breasts. Put the rest of the salsa on top and slow cook for about five or six hours. Add shredded cheese on top right at the end. Serve with rice if you want. It is so tender and falls apart on your fork. My kids love it.

  5. Renee: That sounds delicious!


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