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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Interview With Claudine Wolk, Co-Instructor for Sit & Write: Begin

Sit & Write: Begin video course by Claudine Wolk and Kate Brenton

If you are looking for a course to get you back into the groove of writing, look no further than Claudine Wolk and Kate Brenton's Sit & Write: Begin. In this six-module online course, you'll receive much-needed inspiration and guidance on building confidence and sparking creativity and other resources for your author journey. Best of all, it's at an affordable price of only $97. Make sure you check it out then come on back for our interview with Claudine Wolk, one of the co-instructors you'll find in the course.

-- Interview by Nicole Pyles

WOW: Congratulations on the launch of your Sit & Write: Begin course. Tell me about the instructors! Share more about your and Kate's background.

 I am an author, book marketer, podcaster, and essayist who loves to share book marketing and publishing strategy with authors. My philosophy is to make book promotion as simple to understand as possible so that authors are actually excited to do it and make it work for them to sell their books.  Find me at

Kate is an author, teacher and speaker who empowers others to bring their brilliance into the world and onto the page. She believes in the transformative alchemy of writing and helps others see the value (and narrative arc) of their stories. Find Kate at

WOW: You both have such a unique background that you bring to your students. What led you to create this class?

Claudine: Thanks so much.  Kate and I were invited to bring our approach to local & live presentations, which we called “Writers Helping Writers.”  The responses were immediate. The information was so helpful and motivational to our attendees that we were compelled to reach as many authors as we possibly could to share the secrets we had learned. We took our longer, three month deep-dive course (Sit & Write) and pulled out the top level, get-you-going gems to make a video, mini-cohort that participants could take and digest in their own time and at their own pace. Viola, Sit & Write: Begin! 

WOW: How awesome! I love how it evolved. What can people expect from taking this class?

Claudine: The class combines writing and book marketing instruction so that every author will come away with a clear vision for their book, combined with crucial, fundamental knowledge of book marketing. This is the game-changer for when authors are ready to write and publish their book. After taking the course, writers are excellently positioned to complete, publish and sell their books.  We take the “scary” out of writing and book marketing. 

WOW: I'm so glad you do that. There's so much to learn about the book writing and publishing process. Who is this class right for?

Claudine: Anyone who is ready to embark on the journey of writing a book and becoming a published author. 

WOW: Sounds like our readers! What will people leave with after taking this course?

Claudine: A clear vision and plan for their book and the breath of what is possible to market and sell it.  

WOW: I love that. At what stage in someone's writing life (or career, if you will) should they be to take this course?

Claudine: This course is designed for the aspiring, beginner author; however; it is also valuable for authors who would like to come at the experience of writing a book from a refreshingly new perspective.  Established authors who desire to embrace a new book marketing strategy to sell their books will profit enormously from this course.

WOW: I love what you have given back to the writing world. 

Readers, make sure you check out the Sit & Write: Begin course, which will cost you only $97. A must-have as part of your writing journey.


  1. Thanks so much for the interview, WOW! Kate and I are beyond excited to share this new video class session for writers. Sit & Write: Begin could be the “beginning” (get it?) of a great writing career. Using WOW and the platform they offer to authors is a lesson in itself for writers. Find honest, energized, authentic organizations to help spread the word about your books!

  2. Thanks for having us WOW! The best thing about the online world is when you find like-minded creatives to help support other women share their ideas with the world. Claudine and I love to help the authors in your community take that step from someday to, "I begin today." It's an exhilarating and contagious feeling 🤩


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