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Monday, August 12, 2024

All Money Ain't Good Money by Tracey Lampley: Blog Tour & Giveaway

All Money Ain't Good Money by Tracey Lampley
We're excited to announce the launch of the blog tour for All Money Ain't Good Money, the first book in Tracey Lampley's Jinx Curry mystery series. Join us as we meet the author through an interview and give away a copy to one lucky reader.

About the Book

Jinx Curry is a single mom who spends her days spying on cheating wives and husbands, but she aches for more importance. When her boss, Capricorn Hayes, finally assigns Jinx a missing persons case involving a congressman's missing granddaughter, Jinx jumps at the chance. Not only to solve it, but to earn the fifty-thousand-dollar bonus that would pay her bills, and get a menacing creditor off her back.

But the investigation proves more dangerous and costly than Jinx believes. After an unknown individual in a black Corvette nearly runs Jinx down and begins stalking her, Jinx has to sacrifice her relationship with her daughter by sending Arielle to live with her father. Can Jinx find the congressman's granddaughter while surviving her stalker? Or will this job be her last?

Publisher: Tralam Publishing Company 
Print Length: 282 pages

You can purchase a copy of the book on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
Be sure to add it to your GoodReads reading list.

About the Author, Tracey Lampley

When she is not writing, Tracey Lampley loves attending and watching sporting events such as WNBA, NBA, college football and NFL football. Currently Tracey is completing her MA in Creative Writing at Southern New Hampshire University. She already holds an MS in Publishing from Pace University and a BA in English/Technical & Scientific Communication from Miami University of Ohio. She resides in the metro Atlanta, Georgia area with her pooch Neo and near her daughter Asia.

You can find her online at:

Twitter/X: @bookmistress1
Instagram: tralam4156

--Interview by Jodi Webb

WOW: Congratulations on All Money Ain’t Good Money! Your first books were novellas. Did you find it challenging to move to a book that was double the length? 

Tracey: I absolutely found it challenging. My greatest challenge is patience! I write furiously, and I’m anxious to get to the finish line. Knowing that traditional mysteries clock in at 70,000 words or more terrified me because I wasn’t sure I had that much story in me. However, I started fleshing out my characters, and more material/story emerged. 

WOW: Your characters have such rich back stories, it’s almost like we’re dropping in for Book 2 of the series. Did you develop detailed backgrounds for the characters before you started writing or did, they just evolve as you wrote? 

Tracey: From the beginning, I knew this would be a series. So, the backstories evolved as I wrote, and I had fun writing those stories!

WOW: Your novel is set in your town of Atlanta. Is it your hometown?

Tracey:  I was born and raised in Hamilton, Ohio. I just flew back there to attend my class reunion on June 15th. I raised my daughter in Forest Park, which is a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio. I relocated in the metro Atlanta area in May of 2013. I love the weather. I don’t miss the snowy winters of Ohio! None of the buildings or businesses in my book are real. However, the neighborhoods are real. 

WOW: Not only are you busy promoting All Money Ain't Good Money but you're also juggling studying for your MA in Creative Writing at Southern New Hampshire University. Can you tell us one of the most important things you’ve learned in the program? 

Tracey: The most important thing I learned in the program is writing with sensory detail in mind. In every scene I try and include at least three of the five senses to ground the reader into the scene. I also took a class on setting. I learned how to weave setting into the prose instead of listing items. Well, I guess that’s two important things I learned in the program. 

WOW: Thanks, I think those are two things we can all be more aware of in our writing. So, have you always been a writer? Tell us about the moment when you said to yourself, “I’m a writer.” 

Tracey: Since I was a kid, I’ve always written stories. I remember writing about a young girl saving her family from a house fire. I punched three holes into five sheets of paper and bound it with my red hair ribbon. My uncle bought it for a nickel. To this day, he swears he paid a quarter for it. I told my Uncle Dale he was cheap then, and he’s even cheaper now! But, after I finished All Money Ain’t Good Money, I told myself: “I’m a bestselling author!”

WOW: I love your self-confidence! And I'm sure you'll earn more than a nickel this time. So, what’s up next? Book 2 of the Jinx Curry mystery series? (BTW, great character name!) 

Tracey: Yes! I just attended the Black Writers Weekend here in Atlanta on August 1-4 and now will begin outlining the next Jinx Curry book. My paternal grandmother’s maiden name was Curry. That’s where I got the last name. I paid homage to her. 

WOW: What a wonderful way to include your family in your book. Looking forward to more adventures with Jinx.

All Money Ain't Good Money by Tracey Lampley Blog Tour

--Blog Tour Calendar

August 12th @ The Muffin
Join us as we celebrate the launch of Tracey Lampley's novel All Money Ain't Good Money. Read an interview with the author and enter to win a copy of her book.

August 14th @ Words by Webb
Stop by for today's review of All Money Ain't Good Money - a Jinx Curry Mystery.

August 16th @ My Beauty My Books
Want a fun read for the weekend? Check out the spotlight on All Money Ain't Good Money by Tracey Lampley.

August 17th @ Writer Advice
Novelist Tracey Lampley shares her thoughts on the value of planting a red herring.

August 19 @  Lisa Haselton’s Reviews and Interviews
Let's take a peek at the life of an author with today's interview of Tracey Lampley.

August 21st @ Chapter Break
Tracey Lampley, who writes about private investigator Jinx Curry, posts about why we all love a flawed protagonist.

August 22nd @ Knotty Needle
The Knotty Needle will be reviewing All Money Ain't Good Money by Tracey Lampley.

August 22nd @ Book Room Reviews
Stop by for a guest post on the MA in Creative Writing program by Tracey Lampley, author of All Money Ain't Good Money.

August 24th @  Author Anthony Avina
Learn how Tracey Lampley made the Leap from Novella to Novel in today's guest post plus a review of All Money Ain't Good Money by Anthony Avina.

August 28th @ Create Write Now
In today's spotlight, learn more about the first Jinx Curry mystery: All Money Ain't Good Money.

August 29th @ Choices
Tracey Lampley, author of All Money Ain't Good Money, is telling us the six authors she'd like to invite for a dinner party in today's guest post.

August 31st @ A Wonderful World of Words
Novelist Tracey Lampley writes about what her life was like before she began writing today at Wonderful World of Words.

September 3rd @ StoreyBook Reviews
Drop by for a review of All Money Ain't Good Money by Tracey Lampley.

September 4th @  Author Anthony Avina
Enjoy Anthony Avina's review of All Money Ain't Good Money by Tracey Lampley.

September 5 @ Word Magic
Tracey Lampley, author of All Money Ain't Good Money, is writing about life with her canine buddy Neo.

September 6th @ A Story Book World
Looking for a new novel? Today's spotlight is on All Money Ain't Good Money by Tracey Lampley.

September 7 @ Boys' Mom Reads!
Tracey Lampley's All Money Ain't Good Money is reviewed today by Karen of Boys' Mom Reads.

September 9th @ Nikki's Book Reviews
Along with a review of All Money Ain't Good Money, author Tracey Lampley will be posting about what she likes best about Live Sports Events. 

September 12th @ Reading Is My Remedy
Struggle with what your characters should say? Author Tracey Lampley's guest post is about writing realistic dialogue. They'll also be a review of her novel All Money Ain't Good Money.

September 14th @ That's So Nitra
Learn the difference between Macro editing and Micro editing with the help of Tracey Lampley.

September 15th @ Boots, Shoes and Fashion
In today's interview, learn more about Tracey Lampley, author of the first book in the Jinx Curry mystery series: All Money Ain't Good Money.

***** BOOK GIVEAWAY *****

Enter to win a print copy of  All Money Ain't Good Money by Tracey Lampley! Fill out the Rafflecopter form below for a chance to win. The giveaway ends August 25 at 11:59 pm CT. We will randomly draw a winner the next day via Rafflecopter and follow up via email. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Great interview Jodi and Tracey! Tracey, I loved hearing about the first story you wrote and your uncle who bought it. That's hilarious and inspiring! I'm looking forward to reading your book. I love mysteries and I just finished binge-watching Donald Glover's series Atlanta and loved it, so I'm excited about your setting. Good luck on your tour! It looks like a great one. :)

  2. Intriguing read, for sure.

  3. I am definitely interested in reading about Jinx and her missing person case.

  4. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Do you write in a daily journal?

  5. Your book looks amazing

  6. I love a good mystery!

  7. Congratulations on your book.


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