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Thursday, December 14, 2023

Go Ahead, Press That Refresh Button

I know seeing a picture of a boozy beverage may not be your idea of hitting a refresh button, but I couldn't find an actual refresh button photo on Pixabay. So, I did my best.


I got an email from Aswiebe's Market List. And in the issue she asked, "How long has it been since you last wrote fiction? When you stop and think about it, does the answer to that question surprise you? Do you even know how long it's been?"

I confess it's been a while for me this year. And I haven't been ashamed to talk about it. I had my reasons. 

However, at the end of the year, I realized I missed the fun that comes with creative writing. I wanted to enjoy it again. Saying I want to write a novel would be disingenuous. I want to want that and not just do that because I feel like I should or have to for some reason. Although, I think wanting to write is a good goal for me. 

The thing is being away from it for so long leaves me wondering if I can get myself on track again. Have I been gone too long?

Of course, the short answer is no. Although, sometimes we go wrong by thinking it's too late to refresh our enjoyment of something we used to love. 

So, if you've been away from writing this year for whatever reason, don't be afraid to hit that refresh button. That is possible. 

What are your 2024 goals?

Nicole Pyles is a writer living in Portland, Oregon. Her writing has appeared in Sky Island Journal, Arlington Literary Journal, The Voices Project, The Ocotillo Review, and The Gold Man Review. A poem of hers was also featured in the anthology DEAR LEADERS TALES. You can read her other writing on Mental Floss, Better Homes and Gardens, Tom's Guide and in a random issue of Woman's World. Since she's beginning to despise social media, follow her writing blog at World of My Imagination.


  1. Nicole -- they say it's always 5 o'clock somewhere, so ... ;) As for 2024 goals, I'm putting pen to paper this week. I have at least one writing conference on my calendar (AWP in Feb, with plane and hotel already booked). Journal subs ... memoir querying ... they're also on the list (again). Hopefully, another residency somewhere. What else besides more fiction writing is on your list?

  2. Nicole, it hasn't been too long, and it's never too late! :) You've accomplished so much this year. And since you've had nearly all of your short stories published, it can feel weird not having to revise and submit them. It can be intimidating to start on something new. Plus, you've been kicking butt at nonfiction writing, and that uses another side of the brain. One thing that happened to me after publishing is it made me look at my work more seriously, and that took the fun out of it! But if you allow yourself some time to play, you will find your groove again. :)

    I have two big goals for 2024: to write a novel draft during the three-month novel writing class I signed up for. And to paint and build a new portfolio. I have over a hundred paintings sitting in storage, but they are from twenty-plus years ago. I was asked to do a solo show at a local gallery, so I'm creating new work for it. Those are my two creative goals and I think they will complement each other. :)

  3. @Ann - Sounds like you have some good goals! Fiction writing aside, I'm hoping to get more freelance writing gigs with more mags. :) And of course, submit WAY more!

    @Angela - Good point! Publishing can lead to me taking it too seriously, which is kind of a downer creatively lol. I love your 2024 goals! And that's amazing about putting together a new portfolio! You are such a fantastic artist. I can't wait to hear more about the gallery!


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