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Thursday, August 17, 2023

Give It a Try, You Just Never Know (& Thoughts On My Writing Philosophy)

Call it desperation or a simple lack of trust in the security of existing freelance work, I sent out a variety of cold pitches to editors for me to be added to their list of freelance writers. I caught the idea on a random post in a writing group of someone who did the same.

And you know what? It worked.

I'm reluctant to share the publication until my first article goes live, but the opportunity surprised me. 

Leading to my latest philosophy in writing:

Give it a try, you just never know.

Should you apply for that writing grant? Should you submit your application to that writing retreat? Should you apply to teach a writing class? Should you submit your short story to that contest?

Refer to my philosophy in writing.

Of course, there are other things to consider in all of those questions. Financially, it's not always possible to apply to every opportunity you see, since many come with a price tag. The timing of a writing retreat may not be feasible with your lifestyle, demands, etc. You may need more experience under your belt before you are the right person to teach a writing class. Your short story may need more work. 

But since writing doesn't include going on stage in front of millions like you see on America's Got Talent, the only thing you have to lose is maybe cost and time. (And privately, of course, your ego, but at least rejection isn't filmed). Sometimes part of the writing journey is giving things a try.

And often, sometimes through that process of trying, you realize when something isn't right for you. You may not have learned that if you haven't given it a try. I figured that out this year with other freelance work I was attempting.

So, go ahead, whatever it is you are contemplating for your writing journey, give it a try. You just never know.

Nicole Pyles is a writer living in Portland, Oregon. Her short stories have appeared in Sky Island Journal, Arlington Literary Journal, The Ocotillo Review, and The Gold Man Review. Follow her blog at World of My Imagination or her substack, Three Things on a Saturday Night.


  1. Nicole,
    This is so important! We talk ourselves out of so many opportunities that would cost us nothing and could benefit us. I'm so glad that you decided to try!

  2. It's so true, Nicole! You really never know. I'm often caught up in the grind that I have to remember to take time to give new opportunities a shot. I'm glad you did! :)

  3. I love this philosophy!


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