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Saturday, January 09, 2021

One Word for 2021


When I wrote the title of this post, I thought when everyone reads it they will say to themselves, "One word for 2021 is BETTER!" Well, yes, let's hope. Fingers crossed. But this is my annual New Year's post about how I have given up a bunch of S.M.A.R.T. goals and resolutions; and since 2016, I have been choosing one word for the theme of my year: Organization, Peace, Calm, Grow, Create, and now...


Yes, my word for 2021 is FINISH. Since last year's word was create, it makes logical sense that this year's word is finish--"How about finishing some of that stuff you created in 2020, Margo?" (That's what my brain said to me on January 1, 2021 this year.) I have so many things to finish, and I'm not even about to list them all here, and I probably won't finish every single one of them. But what I really want to show you is that you can take the one word theme and work it into several areas of your life--not just the obvious one. But let's start with the obvious one:

Finish Manuscripts

Yes, I need to finish manuscripts or at the very least, look at my drafts and see if they are worthy of finishing. 

Finish Online Course

I am enrolled in an online course (self-paced) since last summer, and I am not even 50% through it. I want to finish it. 

Finish Bad Habits

Now you see, I'm thinking outside of the box here. I know it may be hard to believe that I have a few bad habits, but I do. These come in the form of eating too much candy during the day, drinking too much coffee in the morning, wasting time on Facebook, not balancing my life, and so on.

Finish Planning a Trip

My daughter and I want to go on a trip. Now I probably won't start planning it until life is somewhat back to normal with the vaccine, but we will be going to upper state New York to visit my best friend and hopefully Harry Potter world.

Finish Trying to Control Things I Can't Control

Pandemic, anyone? 

As you can see, I have a lot of things I want to finish. And if I start something this year, I want to finish it. I have some big plans for my publishing company and my own writing, plus my family and fun! 

The last two years, I've also gotten my daughter involved in Word of the Year--she's 10. So last year, her word was organized, and this year it is EXPAND. In her mind, she wants to EXPAND her YouTube channel and get more followers, but I can also see all sorts of ways she can expand. Of course she is also at that age where she doesn't want Mom to tell her how she can use her word of the year to make her life better. 

So, do you have a word of the year? If not, how do you manage your New Year's goals? Share with us in the comments.

Margo L. Dill is a mom, writer, publisher, editor, writing teacher and coach, living in St. Louis, MO with her 10-year-old daughter and almost 2-year-old dog. Join her writing classes in the WOW! classroom by going here. 


  1. I think I did a word of the year one year, but didn't really stick with it. And how do I manage my goals? Am I supposed to do that? ;)

    Obviously it works for you (and probably for Katy too) because of all you've accomplished. I will have to think on it...

  2. Sioux:
    It took one of my critique group members a few years to convince all of us that One Word was better than a bunch of goals. Well, I think you too accomplish a lot! :) We are all so hard on ourselves. Maybe your word of the year should be freedom! You will have the freedom to market your book for Henry how you want to and do good things with it!

  3. Jeanine DeHoney11:00 AM

    Margo, I don't have a word for the year but I hope you won't mind if I borrow yours. Finish is definitely my goal for 2021.

  4. I think mine will be FORWARD. I need to move forward not stand still with my goals and projects. I need some forward-thinking in my life, and I need to be more forward in putting myself first.

  5. Kim:
    That is an amazing one. And anytime you are feeling like: what should I be doing right now? Just tell yourself to do one thing that makes you move one step forward--because more forward steps will soon follow.

  6. Genuine.

    My Middle Grade novel is different than anything else I can find? Good.

    This is my year to be ME. I bought my Dr. Martens, I have leggings and my sari skirts and books to write.

    --SueBE (I can sense everyone rolling their eyes/she's been holding back!)

  7. I think I mentioned in my last post here that mine is "Service." It's a lot different than "One Words" of previous years but that word and calling has been on my heart. I'd like to serve/volunteer both in a writing or editing capacity as well as with the community with food pantries and organizations that support women and children. Good luck and I know you can do it, Margo!

  8. I'll adopt your 2020 create motto..A create a ton with it!!!


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