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Monday, February 24, 2020

Throw Kindness Around Like Confetti !

Hey, it's me again...the goofy girl who loves to write and read, the one who takes pictures of the sun and food as well as cows and pigs. Me, the girl who is not and never will be considered normal. Today I bring you a story about parent teacher conferences and this super cool painting on the wall. If you make it to the end, there's also a worthwhile tip for cleaning scuff marks off your floor without bending over, so stick with me!

I spend my Wednesday mornings at the elementary school with the most absolutely wonderful group of children (some of them are mine, but most of them aren't). Our younger children look forward to my visits and our time together. The teachers seem to appreciate the extra adult in the room. I've done this for each of our children, but by the time they get to middle school it's not cool to have your  mom hanging out with your friends. My time at the middle school is limited to parent teacher conferences.

During last week's conferences, I found this amazing painting on the wall (see above) and I had to take a selfie in front of it. I wasn't sure if my husband was amused, but I was super excited! The confetti you see in the background is the thumb prints of the students who helped put this message here for all to enjoy. This is a great reminder how we should all be kind. As an avid reader, I've been told that the kindest thing we can do as readers is to share the books we love. I do this all the time and I'm not sure if my social media followers love it or hate it, but I figure whether or not you like the confetti, you're bound to get some on you from time to time and you just have to deal with it. If people can share political posts on social media then we as readers should feel comfortable sharing books and kind words, right?

If you are an avid reader, let me ask you this:

Do you take time to write book reviews on Amazon, GoodReads, a personal blog/vlog, or other platforms? Why or why not?

Do you go one step further and share a link to your review(s) on your social media accounts? Why or why not?

What's stopping you from throwing your thoughts around like confetti? Don't you want to spread that kindness?

Now that I've barged into your space with my questions and goofy confetti throwing ideas, as promised here is something else I learned at parent teacher conferences at the middle school:

If you attach a tennis ball to the end of a stick or dowel, you can use it to clean scuff marks off the floor. No more bending over with an eraser or cloth! Mind blown!

And the moral of today's story is spending time at the middle school has a lot to offer! Thanks to you lovely reader for making it to the end and thanks to my children for teaching me things each and every day - may you always remember to throw kindness around like confetti!

Crystal is the office manager, council secretary, financial secretary, and musician at her church, birth mother, Auntie, babywearing mama, business owner, active journaler, writer and blogger, Blog Tour Manager with WOW! Women on Writing, Press Corp teammate for the DairyGirl Network, Unicorn Mom Ambassador, as well as a dairy farmer. She lives in Wisconsin with her husband and their five youngest children, two dogs, four little piggies, a handful of cats and kittens, horses Darlin' and Joker, and over 250 Holsteins.

You can find Crystal milking cows, riding horses, and riding unicorns (not at the same time), taking the ordinary and giving it a little extra (making it extraordinary), blogging and reviewing books here, and at her personal blog - Crystal is dedicated to turning life's lemons into lemonade and she has never (not once) been accused of being normal!


  1. Hmm. I think a tennis ball on a stick might be used for bonking. At least in this house. Drop the magic eraser. Step on it and do the twist. Yes you have to pick it up but think yoga and pat yourself on the back for exercising.

    I go through spells where I review a lot on social media and then not so much. I've pretty much stopped with Amazon since you never know when the PTB will simply delete them or however they are sending reviews into the ether. But thank you for the nudge. I need to get a review up on Goodreads...

  2. hi
    how can I write in this site?please help me

  3. That is such a cute idea with the fingerprints! I write reviews for Amazon, GoodReads, and occasionally this blog. No social media, but that's going to change this year.

    I'm obsessive about my hardwood floors. They're dark, so I don't see scuff marks, but I use a Swiffer every few days to clean them for yoga--all 2k square ft of wood floors!--and I'm only doing yoga to stretch out my back from Swiffering. It's a vicious circle. ;)

  4. Hi Unknown,
    Please visit WOW's Contact Page for writer's guidelines (scroll down to "Submissions"), and pitch the editors an article idea. They are currently looking for articles on the theme of the craft of writing. See deadlines, and sign up for WOW's email newsletter for more info on calls for submissions coming out this week.
    Thanks for your interest in writing for WOW!

  5. I've been bad about leaving reviews on Amazon/Goodreads the past few years and I'm guilty of neglecting book reviews on my blog! Thank you for the reminder to try and be better about that. I did support an acquaintance recently and backed her Kickstarter account so she and her illustrator could get their children's picture book funded. That felt good.


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