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Friday, December 28, 2018

Friday Speak Out!: New Year's Resolution: Reading with a Busy Life

by Karen Wiesner

If you're a lifelong reader the way I am, you remember lazy days as a child, too young to have worldly cares let alone responsibilities, opening a book and getting lost in the story. Flash-forward to Adult Life, and those moments of bliss curling up with a book are few and far between.

With a full-time career as an author of fiction as well as writing reference titles, I recall trying to juggle numerous book contracts, promotion, signings and speaking engagements and a monthly writing column with a family and a house, a social life with my husband when I could manage, and daily caretaking of my young son. Reading was something I did with him every single day. On his third birthday, he sneaked away from his own party to read the stack of books he'd received as gifts. When I found him curled up looking at them, he wanted nothing more than to have me read them to him.

Beyond all the health benefits (brain fitness, relaxation, and--who knew?--life longevity: 30 minutes a day=2 extra years*), reading expands the mind, heart, horizons, fun factor and imagination all at once. That precious moment with my son taught me reading is too important to dismiss even with a packed life. Here's how:

Whatever's going on in your life, take a book along when you're traveling, cleaning, eating, waiting, shopping or in the loo (audio and ebooks count!).

Finally, read for love. If you're bored or struggling to get into a book, find something else that captures your attention. The world is filled with wonderful variety and there's no reason to force yourself to read anything but what you love.

These two simple strategies can ensure that you get your dose of enriching minutes reading every single day.

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In addition to being a popular writing reference instructor and writer, professional blurbologist and freelance editor, Karen Wiesner is the award-winning author of 130 titles in nearly every genre. Her newest writing reference is Writing Blurbs That Sizzle--And Sell!. Karen runs a blurb service for authors at, where you can find information about signing up for her workshops. When she isn't writing, she can be found reading, playing videogames or piano, and visiting her son--also a writer and copyeditor--where he attends college. In 2018, Karen read about 400 books (of all sizes).

Would you like to participate in Friday "Speak Out!"? Email your short posts (under 500 words) about women and writing to: marcia[at]wow-womenonwriting[dot]com for consideration. We look forward to hearing from you!


  1. Karen--I love reading. There are times when I'd rather read than go to a get-together. (Of course, it depends on the group involved in the get-together. ;)

    Thanks for your post, and I bought your book on blurb writing. I hope to have reason to use it soon...

  2. 30 minutes a day reading = 2 extra years - that's awesome! And totally manageable. I agree, reading for love is the best.

    I'm going to make it one of my NY resolutions to read more in 2019. Thanks for the post, Karen, and happy New Year! :)


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